Daily message

Goodevening! from a book on ""Assertiveness for Earth Angels""...
Worry arises when you try to control the future by figuring out what bad things might happen so that you can prevent them.The trouble with worry as a control device is that the opposite of what you desire always occurs. What you worry about tends to happen. It's an extremely low vibrational energy that causes tension in your face, body, and mind.
Worry pushes away other people, who are consciously or unconsciously repelled by the low energy of this emotion. So, worrying can leave you feeling lonely and afraid at a time when you need support. In addition, by obsessively worrying about something, you'll tend to manifest that very thing in a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So instead of helping you control the future, worry actually brings about everything that you don't want.It's probably one of the worst defense mechanisms that you can adopt.
from the book on The MIRACLES OF Archangel Micheal...
""I'm a professional deejay, and one day I was getting ready to bring a microphone system to a wedding. It was very important for me to be prompt with my equipment so that the ceremony could begin on time; however, my car wouldn't start, so I called upon Archangel Michael for help.
I said,"" Michael, please get my car started right away so that I can get paid for this job and help these people who are getting married."" I immediately heard: ""Ring the NRMA,"" referring to the mobile car-repair service in Sydney, Australia, where I live. I only had 40 minutes to get to the wedding, which was on the other side of town, so I didnt trust this guidance at first. I thought that it would take forever for anyone to reach my house and fix my car. But once again, I heard:""Ring the NRMA."" This time I trusted the message and made the call. Within five minutes, the service drove up, and the mechanic had my car running within another five minutes. He was also so nice, as if he truly were an Earth angel sent by God! I was soon on my way to the wedding, and I got there on time. It truly was""Divine timing"'!
Have a blessed day!


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