Daily Message

Pearls of wisdom
From the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
""Success does not necessarily depend on hard physical work. Reformulate your strategy! Work through the details!""
""Do not wallow emotionally in rumors, crises and mainpulative schemes. The key is to Spiritually Transcend!""
""Like quality energy attracts quality energy. Loving-kindness attracts Loving-kindness. Anger and hatred attract anger and hatred.""
It is not always easy to forgive when we have been hurt in some way, but the Throne angels can open a channel to allow healing to take place. When we are hurt, forgiveness suggests weakness, and the desire to be strong in the situation suggests retaliation in some way. But real strength of character comes with forgiveness and healing, and even if this seems impossible, the Throne angels can help by bringing their own healing balm to our hearts and showing us the way to proceed to heal the situation.
Non-forgiveness leaves us in the other person's power; for non-forgiveness means we are holding on to the situation and not letting go of the hurt that it brings. Why spend our time in someone else's power? We need to take back our power and heal the situation. There is no weakness in forgiveness. These angels understand how hard forgiveness can be especially when we have been deeply hurt, but their healing power will bring a new resolve to our souls and healing to our hearts.
From the book,"" Heal yourself with angels""...
Have a good day!

Image Courtesy: stocksnap.io


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