Daily message
Goodmorning! The message from God and the angels today is , " Karma is a long held belief system that says that everything we do is a " cause" of " effects" that we later experience. The belief in karma is one way of looking at the Universal law of cause and effect, but it is not the only way. Cause and effect is an untransmutable law, but this law does not hold that we should be " punished" or " blocked" because of our past experiences. On the contrary, the Law of Cause and Effect is a law of love, and it seeks to release us from our past".
Today morning I had chukkumalli coffee with betel leaves, pakku and mint leaves. From the book I am reading it talks about rejuvenation and rebuilding. I quote, " The purpose of panchakarma is not just to get well but to purify the body and strengthen it so that future diseases will not occur, and you can enjoy a life in good health...If you want to dye your shirt, don't color it while it is dirty. wash it first, then dye it. the washing is the panchakarma detoxification program, and the dyeing is the rejuvenation and revitalization."
Have a blessed day! buona giornata!
Image source: Internet
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