Daily message

The morning message today is from a book on Bhagavad Gita by Geoffrey Parrinder.

1 Across the Field of Righteousness, on Kuru- field, my men prepared to fight the Pandavas- what happened then?

Two armies meet and the blind king asks for news. Kuru-field symbolises the Field of Right or Duty( dharma). It is the battle of life.

Another inspirational reading today is from the book on kasturba Gandhi, the wife of mahatma Gandhi, translated in English from Gujarati by her great-grandson, Tushar Gandhi.

Page 79

30-6-33, Friday

Prayers at 4 o' clock, then morning rituals.At 5.30 I give milk and papaya to Bapuji. Then I do what I have to do. Drink coffee, write diary. At 8.15 I go to the doctor's. I return at 10.30. I change my clothes and go for lunch, then I make evaporated milk and take rest. At 3' o clock Bapuji eats so I sit by him for a while. After drinking coffee I spin. At 6o' clock in the evening when Bapuji eats, Barrister Ane and Rajaji are with him.

Today I am guided to write about basket ball 🏀. It is a good team sport played with two teams who play vigorously to score field goals. It is a good phys7cal fitness exercise with the offense and defense strategy. Whether it is a basketball hoop or a Hula hoop, it is always good to encourage our youth, boys and girls and adults alike to play good sports of their choice.

I have always loved to read my nephew's caption, " Everyone has the 🔥 fire, but the bb champion know how to ignite the spark". It is always good to watch my nephew and his friends walking or bicycling to the basketball court when I used to take my morning walks.

The message from God and the angels today is, "Psalm 53:6
New International Version
6 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!
When God restores his people,
let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!
Have a good day! Buona giornata!
Image Courtesy: Family moments


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