Daily message

Goodmorning! The message from God and the angels today is about Sugar Detox. I quote, " The angels have shown us that sugar crystallizes in the aura. The sugar crystals deplete you of energy and drain you of motivation and vitality. They prevent you from completing important tasks and lead to procrastination."

"Archangel Raphael, please wash away the sugar crystals in my aura". Visualize Archangel Raphael spraying warm water over your aura. Sugar dissolves in warm water. When you cannot see any more in your aura, thank Archangel Raphael for the cleansing."

"People worry about the consumption of fruits such as bananas, because they're higher in sugar than other foods. But remember that there's also fiber in the banana. Your body processes this kind of sugar differently."

I remember while my daughter was learning the Indian classical dance, Bharatha Natyam, her dance guru, advices her to eat bananas for gaining instant energy before dancing for long hours continuously which is highly strenuous either in classes or in stage performances.

The inspirational reading today is," The, idea again, is balance. We should enjoy the physical body for what it is-a vehicle for consciousness on the material plane- and care for it lovingly without fanaticism. We should also focus more on feelings of love and joy. The news of the day cannot be ignored, but world events should be seen without registering anger or fear".

Have a blessed day! Buona giornata!


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