Daily message

Goodmorning! My prayer this morning, " Dear God and the angels , please help us all to stay in nature, your cosmic signature". I am guided to talk about aromatherapy today. " "Essential oils can be inhaled or diluted with a carrier oil, be applied directly to the skin.Each way will give you a slightly different experience." Inhalation works faster than application. Just a few facts.Citronella candles or incences are good to get rid of mosquitoes even when you are sitting in nature, in your garden. It is good to use lemon plant leaves instead of lemon grass too in Thai cuisine. It is always good to be at a relaxing state of mind whether you are at work or at home. Regarding the psychology and spirituality of the modern era, the science and technology of the modern era, I remember once reading a book in tamil with a title called "Marinavil yesu" if translated literally meaning " Jesus at the Marina beach." Maybe the strategy God and the angels want us to follow today is the understanding of the world through His eyes. Have a blessed day! Buona giornata!


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