
Showing posts from June, 2023

Daily message

Goodevening! From the "" the courage to be creative"" book... -Make sure you believe in your project or service -Make marketing a fun and creative process! -Be bold -Respect the sensitivity of the people you are marketing to. -Hire marketing help if needed -Have patience with the marketing process -Make your brand or identity clear How to market and Publicize Your Creative Products and Services -Social media -Video-based social media -Articles -Blogs -Radio Hosting Guest appearances -Podcasts -Television -Events Workshops Speeches Classes Charity fund-raisers Product demonstrations The courage to accept payment for your creative work Work at a job and do your creativity part-time; Reduce expenses so that you dont need much money to survive Accept financial help from your family or spouse; Win the lottery or Allow yourself to receive compensation for your creative work. It's a balance. Have a good day! beaded art by ms. annie vani...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the angel almanac... Water: Nourishing and growing your heart's desire Spugliguel, Guardian Angel of Spring, says: My festival is one of great beauty, promise and vigour. As a fern uncoils towards the warming sun, I tenderly unfurl my wings of leaf green, yellow, aqua and blue, giving direction to nature. All is possible, for this is the time when according to the strength of the roots, the greatest advance will be made. What is needed for the surge is water, the essential element for mankind and nature, without which there is neither germination nor growth of even one of nature's seeds. From a 1990 fevicraft magazine... Stenciling is one of the oldest techniques of painting known to man-kind. Most of the paintings which adorned the caves during the medieval era were done using this tehcnique. Have a blessed day!

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book on """Angel therapy""... Communication As a tool of communication, speech is a poor substitute for the heart and eyes. We are learning upon many of you to awaken these uncovered tools in glad awareness of all that they offer to you. First, if you awaken your heart energy and uncover this as the tool that it is, you will find yourself connecting much quicker to those around you. There is an unconscious energy between all people, no matter what brings them together. Perhaps you have been aware of this"" shadow conversation"" that follows your outward conversation. Listen in on the shadow conversation with your inward ear, and you will hear another side of your relationship with others. The honest truth is spoken here at this level, as one child to another who holds nothing in secret from the other. image courtesy: Annie Vanitha

Daily message

Goodevening! From a book by Doreen,"" The courage to be creative""" Napping You can also sleep or nap while working on your creative project. In fact, many famous inventions and creations were produced this way. Beethoven received inspiration during his naps, as did the surrealist artist Salvador Dali. I love the story of musical legend Paul Mc Cartney having a dream about his departed mother, whose name was Mary.She had passed away when he was 14 years old. During a time when the Beattles were experiencing strife among the band members, Paul had been drinking and partying excessively. He also worried that he was alone and single, while the other Beatles all had committed relationships. One night while Paul was sleeping, his mother appeared to him and said the words,"" Let it be."" Paul knew instantly that this was a sign to let go of the stress, and be at peace with the unfolding of events. He then put this message into song lyrics, in...

Daily Message

Goodevening! From the book on ""Wings Of Fire"" An autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari "" Mean while, Anna University, Madras, conferred the honorory degree of Doctor of Science on me. It had been nearly twenty years since I had acquired my degree in aeronautical engineering. I was happy that Anna University had recognized my efforts in the field of rocketry, but what pleased me most was the recognition of the value of our work in academic circles. To my delight, the honorary doctorate degree was awarded at a convocation presided over by Prof. Raja Ramanna. I joined DRDL on 1 June, 1982. Very soon, I realized that this laboratory was still haunted by the winding up of the Devil missile project. Many excellent professionals had not yet recovered from the disappointment. People outside the scientific world may find it difficult to comprehend how a scientist feels when the umblical cord to his work is suddenly snapped, for reasons totally alien ...

Daily message

Goodevening! from the book,""Wings of Fire", An autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam with Arun Tiwari There are many different types and levels of experience that turn the internal power reaction critical. Sometimes, when we are ready, the gentlest of contacts with Him fills us with insight and wisdom. This could come from an encounter with another person, from a word, a question, a gesture or even a look. Many a time, it could come even through a book, a conversation, some phrase, even a line from a poem or the mere sight of a picture. Without the slightest warning, something new breaks into your life and a secret decision is taken, a decision that you may be completely unconscious of, to start with. I lloked around the elegant lounge. Somebody had left a book on a nearby sofa. As if to fill the small hours of that cold night with warm thoughts, I picked up the book and started browsing. I must have turned only a few pages of the book, about which I do not remember a thing ...

Daily message

goodevening! psalm 120 Prayer for deliverance from Slanderers A song of Ascents 1. In my distress I cry to the Lord, that he may answer me 2"Delicer me, O Lord from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue." 3what shall be given to you? And what more shall be done to you, you deceitful tongue? 4A warrior's sharp arrows, with glowing coals of the broom tree! 5woe is me, thay I am an alien in Me'shech. that I must live among the tentd os Ke'dar. 6too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace. 7I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war. from the book on ayurveda... To produce a similar effect, you can use a blood-cleansing herbal combination. For example, mix the herbs manjistha and neem in equal amounts manjistga 1 part neem 1 part Take 1/2 teaspoon ofvthis mixture 3 times a day with warm water after meals. It will cleanse the blood and help ti heal pitra type alkeegies. the common wrstern herb burdock is'also an effect...

Daily message

Goodevening! from the book,"" Tough times never Last, But Tough people Do!""by Robert H. Schuller.... Illuminate Illuminate your mind. Get smart and then get smarter. Ask yourself some questions: ""Has any other person faced my problem and overcome it?"" ""What really is my problem anyway?"" ""Is my problem unemployment or early retirement?"" ""Is it a lack of money to meet my needs, or is it boredom?"" ""Could I solve the problem of boredom by volunteering to work in my church or community organizations?"" My own father enjoyed his retirement becuase he was always volunteering to repair things in the houses of people who lived in his town. If you think your problem is finances, think again. Is it really finances, or is it a problem of managing what you have?You probably need to pare down some of the expenses that you have taken for granted. Remember: Nobody ...

Daily message

goodevening! from a book by doreen virtue... Archangel Raphael (Judeo-Christian) also known as Labbiel. Raphael's name means" God heals" or "God has healed," based upon the Hebrew word rapha, which means" doctor" or " healer". Raphael is a powerful healer of physical bodies both for humans and animals.those who call on Archangel Raphael are healed rapidly.its said that he healed the pain that Abraham felt after being curcumcised as an adult. Raphael can be invoked on behalf of someone else.Raphael will go wherever he's requested; however, he can't interfere with that person's free will.If an ailing person refuses spiritual treatment, it can't be forced.However,Archangel Raphael's presence will have acomforting effect, which will aid in natural healing by refucing stress and anxiety. In the book of Tobit, Raphael travels with Tobiad, who is Tobit's son. Durimg thid journey, Raphael keeps tobiad free from harm. ...

Daily Message

Goodevening! Pearls of wisdom From the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui ""Success does not necessarily depend on hard physical work. Reformulate your strategy! Work through the details!"" ""Do not wallow emotionally in rumors, crises and mainpulative schemes. The key is to Spiritually Transcend!"" ""Like quality energy attracts quality energy. Loving-kindness attracts Loving-kindness. Anger and hatred attract anger and hatred."" It is not always easy to forgive when we have been hurt in some way, but the Throne angels can open a channel to allow healing to take place. When we are hurt, forgiveness suggests weakness, and the desire to be strong in the situation suggests retaliation in some way. But real strength of character comes with forgiveness and healing, and even if this seems impossible, the Throne angels can help by bringing their own healing balm to our hearts and showing us the way to proceed to heal the s...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book on ""Gita Wisdom Through Quotes""by Chaitanya Charan... ""Money is one measure of value;it is not the only measure of value" {Chapter 16 I Verse 13} ""To see differences among people as fundamental and final is delusional-we all are made up of the same spiritual stuff" { Chapter 18 I Verse 21} Once the goal is fixed in your sight, don't let the mind's phantoms deflect your flight. {Chapter 18 I Verse 35 } Once I went shopping for christmas decoration in madurai with my little niece, I got this book On ""Start with art "" titled Prints by Isobel Thomas from raintree publishers from uk in a bookshop here. It talks about ""what's a print?, Where can I see prints, what do people use to make prints, block prints, use different texture in prints etc.... Art by Vanitha

Daily message

goodevening! today two schoenstatt priesrs visited our home to guve holy communion to my aged father. tgey were offered lemon juice amd oriest gad returned from bangalore, the otger from US. one priest talked about CHATGPT and AI and its norms. i always ask tge otger priest about his aged agriculturists parents. he always says their land is ,"வானம் பாà®°்த்த பூà®®ி "... they blessed all the rooms in our home with holy water and I prayed for my daughter. today I am inspired and guided to say this rosary... thankyou!

Daily message

goodevening! Congratulations to Deacon Paul Henderson and Deacon Peter Shankland Congratulations to Deacon Paul Henderson and Deacon Peter Shankland, both faithful members of this parish, who were ordained as deacons for the Archdiocese on Wednesday 14th June in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls in Rome. Our pilgrimage group of 52 parishioners and our Schola Cantorum choir attended the ordination Mass. Please keep both deacons in your prayers as they study for the priesthood. ...... The course with Prof. James Edwards will be held the week of 23-27th October from 7pm-9pm each evening and tickets are on sale now on Eventbrite. Visit to book your place today! The mini course will be a wonderful opportunity to get to know the Scriptures better, but also to get to know Jesus better. Ticket options include weeklong tickets (£50 with tea/coffee or £75 with a glass of wine at the interval), a single night ticket (£10 with tea/coffee) and a ...

Daily message

Goodevening! from a book on ""Assertiveness for Earth Angels""... Worry Worry arises when you try to control the future by figuring out what bad things might happen so that you can prevent them.The trouble with worry as a control device is that the opposite of what you desire always occurs. What you worry about tends to happen. It's an extremely low vibrational energy that causes tension in your face, body, and mind. Worry pushes away other people, who are consciously or unconsciously repelled by the low energy of this emotion. So, worrying can leave you feeling lonely and afraid at a time when you need support. In addition, by obsessively worrying about something, you'll tend to manifest that very thing in a self-fulfilling prophecy. So instead of helping you control the future, worry actually brings about everything that you don't want.It's probably one of the worst defense mechanisms that you can adopt. from the book on The MIRACLES OF Archan...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book on faith, 40 insights into hinduism... We must be careful of arguments presented by Right wing and Left wing thinkers, both of whom are outliers in all cultures, but tend to dominate discourse and take away nuance.The Right wing, especially the Hindu supremacists among them, tend to believe that yoga emerged in its perfect pristine form within Hinduism somewhere in the distant past, even before the Indus valley civilization. THe Left wing has contempt for all things ancient, religious or traditional. These two wings feed off each other as they spend all their time arguing against each other's ideas, rather than appreciating that history is neither simple nor linear. To deny that yoga has no special relationship with India, with Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, is like saying America has nothing to do with Native Americans ( except being built on their corpses). At the same time, to accuse the West of stealing yoga is unfair; ideas do transform following...

Daily message

Goodevening! Gita wisdom through quotes by Chaitanya Charan... We can't avoid perceiving sense objects, but we can avoid pursuing them... {Chapter 2 I Verse 70} Transcend duality by absorption in a reality higher than duality {Chapter 5 I Verse 20} From the book on "I"D Change My Life If I Had More Time''by Doreen Virtue,PH.D. The happiest people I have met don't waste one minute of time at work. So, instead of arriving home worried and discouraged about unfinished work, they feel energized by their day's accomplishments. Super women and men? No, simply superorganized and focused women and men. That's what ""working smart"" means, after all. Like stretching a dollar to stay within a budget, people who work smart, productively use each minute ( without becoming workaholics). My spiritual director Fr.Robert Warren,S.A.from Graymoor also insists on following a ""PIOS Schedule""... Have a pleasant day!

Daily message

Goodevening! from the book on Gita wisdom... "'Talk less about yourself; talk more to yourself {Chapter 6 I Verse 5}"' ""We become dissatisfied not because of what we don't have, but because we don't see what we have { Chapter 14 I Verse 12 } from the book om , THe Lost diary of Kastur, My ba Page 36 21-4-33, FRIDAY Prayers at 4oclock. Read the Gita,did the morning rituals.Read.Spun 400 strands, read the newspaper. Lunch at 1.30.Spun.Rested. Hindi reading and writing at 2ó clock; also wrote Gujarati.Dinner at 5.30.Talked with sisters in jail.Prayers at 7.30 in the evening, followed by devotional songs.Sleep at 9ó clock. .... Page 37 Letter from Bapuji has arrived. 23-4-33, SUNDAY Prayers at 4ó clock.Read the Gita and performed morning rituals. I write in the diary in the mornings.At 5 in the evening, the post for Bapuji was despatched from here. Spun 300 strands. Did evening prayers and read from BHarat Na Stree Ratna. 24-4-33, MONDAY P...

Daily message

goodmorning! From the book by Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves,N.D. Sugar Detox the angels have shown us that sugar cystallized in the aura. ot forms tiny white granules on the lining of the ebergeyic field. these sugar crystals deplete you of ebergy and drain you of motivation and vitality. they prevent you from completing important tasks and lead to procrastination. the angels have also said that they're responsible for headaches, as they pull energy out through your head, and sensitive lightworkers cam feel this. these headaches can only be healed through the removal of sugar from your diet. taking pain pills won't help inbthis case, as they trigfer headaches thay worsen woth sunlught. the more sugar you consume, the bigger these crstals become. Conversely, as you detox from sugar, the sugar crystals shrink and vanish. Archangel Raphael can help speed the process along. work with him by sayomh: " Archangel Raphael, please wash away the sugar crystals in my aura....

Daily message

Goodevening! I've heard it said that the only difference between a flower that is alive and one that is dead is that the live flower is growing. This is the true test of spiritual growth and whether you are raising your vibrations to be in harmony with spirit.Are you growing? Are you better than you used to be? Here is how Lao Chu put it several thousand years ago.It applies today and it will apply several thousand years from now. At birth all people are soft and yielding. At death they are hard and stiff. All green plants are tender and yielding. At death they are brittle and dry. When hard and rigid We consort with death. When soft and flexible, We affirm greater life. You Must Slow Down To Speed Up Your Spiritual Energy. Ironically the fast-paced frantic activity is a very slow form of energy. When your mind and your body are in a constant state of worry and anxiety, analyzing and figuring, always on the go, meeting deadlines and scurrying to keep the next appointment...

Daily message

goodevening! Ordination of Peter and Paul As you know Fr. Robert and I are away in Rome this week with 52 parishioners to attend the ordination of our two seminarians. Please keep them in your prayers on Wednesday and please keep us in your prayers as well that we have a safe trip. There is no 10am Mass this week while we are away. Voting Rights for Church Representatives Edinburgh City Council is to vote on a motion (addendum) which proposes the removal of voting rights of Church Representatives on its Education, Children and Families Committee. If this motion is carried it will pose a serious threat to the capacity of the Church to influence decisions regarding Catholic education and Catholic schools. Postcards are available at the back of the church so you can send to your councillor(s) to make your feelings known. Template letters are also available (an editable Word version of the letter is available at Find out who your councillor is at:

Daily message

goodafternoon! from the book," Angel detox"... lemon... this oil is a natural disinfectant. place a few drops on non-pirous surfaces, and wipe. the lemon oil will cleanse the area of anybacteria or other germs. or, you can combine this with tea tree oil in a cleaning spray. lemon oil dissolves heavier energies and releases negative patterns from your life. it is connected with Archangel metatron and raguel. years back, my friends at the healing center where I was taught energy cleansing, taught me to make home cleansing spray with rubbing alcohol and water. alcohol is flammable. have a blessed day!

Daily message

Goodeven ing! I first learned about the benefits of working with Archangel michael when I read Doreen's book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children. I fell in love with the vacuuming technique described in the book, I read through it a couple of times until I memorized it almost to the letter!I vacuumed my children's rooms and then proceeded to do the whole house. I also bought a beautiful ceramic plaque with Michael's picture on it that I placed in front of my kids'rooms. I've become very good at visualizing, and when I use this technique, I immediately see a huge glowing blue light within my mind's eye. I swear sometimes that I also feel as if I'm being wrapped in strong positive energy. I invited Michael to stay with my family permanently, as Doreen had suggested, and I sense his presense when I think of him. I noticed immediately that my son Zack sleeps better and has more settled energy whenever I vaccuum his room and add my own prayers of help and ...

Daily message

Today is Trinity Sunday; our faith tells us there is but one God. In the one God, there are three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are very distinct -the Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Father and The Holy Spirit is neither the Father nor the Son. Each of these persons is truly God and still there is but one God. We cannot understand it, we would not believe it if God had not told us. What is more important? To know about God or to know God? I recently saw an extraordinary movie, a movie you will likely never see. It had a very limited distribution, and has very little talking. There is no background music, no plot and is three hours long. It is called, “The Great Silence.” It is about life in a Carthusian Monastery. The changes of the seasons and the rhythms of the monk’s liturgical hours set the mood. The solitude of the monks, their prayer and study make it a riveting, compelling film. It is a slow motion call to awareness of what really counts...

Daily Message

Goodevening! From a book on Angel Detox... Spirulina: The Green Superfood Spirulina is an easily digestible superfood. It's a microalgae that absorbs nutrition from the sun and its weary surroundings. When viewed undera microscope, spirulina looks like tiny green spirals. This connects is with the healing emerald light of Archangel Raphael. As you consume spirulina, Raphael is given access to your body and works to dissolve any blockages, as well as increasing your vitality.He opens up your heart with this green energy, as evrything that comes from love is healing. Once you get over the initial taste and smell, you'll come to love your green drinks. From the ikigai higlighted words ... Öur brains can take in millions of bits of information but can only actually process a few dozen per second. When we say we're multitasking, what we're really doing is switching back and forth between tasks very quickly. Unfortunately, we're not computers adept at paral...

Daily message

goodevening! recently I had to send the preview of the movie "Charlie and the chocolate factory" to my nephew. remembered when my daughter was studying in the goid shepherd convebt, she was taken on a fieldctrip to a nearby cookie manufacturing factory with her classmates. i also remembered a tea production unit I visited once near valpaarai. what we learn when we are young or old, matters in our lives. education is impirtant because someday it knocks on the doors of our minds. i did a few software development courses on website development, in deanza commu ity college, cupertino, usa, years back. 8te friend who i worked for recently used to tell me," necessity is the mother of invention" i spent half my salary on aroma meditative candles and products, that I am thinking of inventing some more... from the ikigai book... 11misao okawa(117) "12"eat and sleep, and you'll libe a long time. you have to learn to relax.".... when specialisrs ...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on " Healing negative thoughts and feelings with meditation and yoga"... today one of my friend said that anotget friend might be going through a heaktg issue and i hope this passage helps her as mych as it helps me! " While focusing on the chakra, let a scene from nature apoear in your mind.Note that this is not a visualisation exercise. the mind doesn't need your help but rather it needs for you to get out of the your only job is ti keep your attention focused on the " opening" in the chakra, gently breathe in and out, and be mindful of any scene that appears in your mind without searching, choosing, or editing. note the scene and open your eyes. the solar plexus chakra is fire energy so any amount of wYer or darkness here will signify the presence of some negative aspects, such as worry or fear and/or too much thinking. additionally, with all the chakras, a wide open space is always important. people often say,"...

Daily message

read mathew4:1-11 God...will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but...will also make the way of escape.-1Corinthians 10:13 wanda johnson, a single motger with five children, was onher way to the pawn shop, where she was hoping to get a loan of 60 dollars for her TV set. then something bizarre happened. as an armored truck filled woth sacks of money drove past her, its rear door flew open, and a bag dropped out. wanda stopped and pucked up the sack.when she counted the cash, she found that it totaled 160,000 dollars. 4A battle raged in her soul. that money would pay all her bills and provide for the needs of her children.but it wasn't hers ti keep. after a fierce 4-hour struggle with her moral convictions, Wanda called the police and turned in the money.Her sense of doing the right thing won a victory over the temptation to keep what wasn't hers. how strong is your ethical fiber?will it break down if you are faced with an enticing chance to do something w...

Daily message

goodevening! once when my daughter was a small kid, visited Sydney, Australia. while returning back to si gapire, at the airport, bought a set of opal earrings for my daughter. the uncle late Mr.Jegadev , who accompanied me asked me to get a matching necklace with an a opal pendant for my daughter. Benefits of Wearing Opal Stone It helps to treat medical disorders like stomach and eye. It helps to find love, good luck, happiness, positivity. It enhances creativity, passion and strength. It provides stability in troubled marriage. It improves the functioning of kidneys. It showers good fortune. when I lived in US, I used to visit many garage sakes. most of my craft books and cook books are from there. My daughter who is an architect today got her first big book on children's arts and crafts from the Australian airport. all of us have memory bags , best to pack the good ones in it. have a blessed day! 16image courtesy: Al3x rosy 17titked: wedding earrings

Daily message

goidevening! from the Ayurveda book... before you go to bed, some spiritual reading is important, even if only for a few minutes. And don't forget to drink a cup of hot milk, with a little ginger, cardamom, and turmeric. Drinking milk at bedtime helps to induce sound sleep. according to Ayurveda, that milk also nourishes Shukra dhatu, the body's highly refined reproductive tissue. rubbing a little oil on the soles of your feet and on the scalp is also soothing and promotes restful sleep. finally before going to bed, do a few minutes of meditation. sit quietly and watch your the pauses between breaths, you'll meet with nothingness, and nothingness is energy and intelligence. allow that intelligence to deal with your this way , you'll begin and end your day with meditation, and meditation will stay with you even during sleep. image courtesy: annie vanitha 8ttked: st.alphonsa of the poir clares