Daily message

Goodevening! One of the advice from my spiritual counselor Charles Alphonse ofm cap, is to be creative in doing household chores too.I needed to clean and mop my home, so besides adding the disinfectant solution, added a bit of camphor too. Life is beautiful when we challenge ourselves. Today I thought about cleansing of unwanted emotions too. This is the angel prayer that I know of.
" Prayer to release negativity"
Archangel Michael, please release me from all negativity and heal me right now. Release me from negativity of others. Release my energy from anyone I fear.( Imagine that everyone is unplugging from you and you are unplugging from others.) Archangel Raphael, God's healer, please restore my energy with green emerald healing light and please send healing to all others involved.Thank you, Archangel Michael and Raphael, for your loving assistance."
Image Courtesy:Matt Bango


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