Daily message
Goodmorning! Today I feel guided to talk about intuitive shopping we all can do for our sacred spaces at home. I had a hard time purchasing my sacred pooja corner shelf. I browsed online several times and then I kept praying and went in search of that to a particular shop. I wanted to buy a flower vase too and there were three or four different shapes. My spiritual counselor's words echoed in my ears. What would have been the shape of the jar at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. We all can relate to gospel messages when we do shopping and find the best of the lot. Once I was working as a volunteer at a church library in California,USA,and I was given some audio cassettes and books of Bishop Fulton Sheen. I didn't know what to do with it and so I presented it to the elder in my family in the past. Sometimes, God sends us as messengers to shop for others too. Buona Sera!
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