Daily message

Goodmorning! Buon giorno! The message from Archangel Gabriel today is to use media as a conduit for delivering loving messages. At the same time, our nature angels urge us to be aware of all the carbon emission print we produce while using our internet and social media.The book I am reading talks about the Harappan civilization which we, Indians learn in our history books in schools. " The Harappan civilization was an urban brick civilization that thrived across much of north-west India between 5000 and 4000 years ago on the banks of the river Indus, and the now_dry Saraswathi, and their tributaries. Scholars often describe this as a civilization of , " cities without language". "As I pray today, I feel God and the angels are asking us to discern what's good for Nature and our future generations. The message for children is , to read as many Enid Blyton books as they can because certain books are classics of all times. I remember that my brother got inspired and wanted to become an archeologist because the children in those stories used to treasure hunt and solve mysteries too. Even today, even though he is a software architect in AI, he has lots of history books in his collection. So, children, always treasure hunt for all good things on Mother earth which are many in abundance because God so loved the world.Have a peaceful day!Image Courtesy: Pixabay


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