Daily message

Goodmorning! When our minds are in agitation, we need to pray to God in silence. In this world of malice and chaos, Jesus did pray in Gethsemane just before He surrendered His life on the cross. God sent an Angel to console Him hearing His prayer in silence. Many centuries later, Gandhiji followed the Christ model of Ahimsa and nonviolence so as to gain independence for the people of his country. Sometimes, I wonder even St.Francis of Assisi must have prayed in silence in his garden. I feel God hears all prayers said in silence and faith. The message today is let us not confuse God with men. Let us not confuse any book with the Bible or the holy scriptures of any kind.And let us remember that God made man and woman together so that they could celebrate the love of God for generations to come!
Have a blessed day! Buona giornata!


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