
Showing posts from June, 2022

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today God and the angels want to send blessings to strangers, I guess. When I was a young kid, I had skin allergies. My maternal grandfather was into charismatic prayers, and once my parents went for prayers and prayed for me. I was asked to say this psalm 27, which is one psalm I knew all my life.I was discussing my message with my mother yesterday, and I was asking her about my parent's home garden. She said the banana tree is fruitful, just coming up with yield, and the rose plants are thriving well and the yellow hibiscus is doing good. She was worried about the red hibiscus, which is only coming up with leaves and no blooms. As a child, my mother used to get me Moongdal flour instead of soaps for skin allergies, and used to grind the greenleaves of hibiscus as shampoo and conditioner for me. The message for the younger generation today, it is difficult and may not be interesting to have conversations with parents, believe me, they have their age old wisdom and the...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Recently my metaphysical friends seem to be worried about nature and the generations to come too. They have suggested to use moss agate crystals to be buried in sand for healing of the plants in nature. That reminded me of what our ancestors used to do. They buried the ginger in the sand before the refrigerator era to preserve it as fresh and then use it for cooking now and then.My friends wanted to cleanse and pray for developing a green thumb too. A passage I came across today "Anytime you garden, you are contributing to the world through your peace of mind. Every time you have a peaceful thought, it goes out into the world and affects others, just as, conversely, angry thoughts affect others in the way that second hand smoke does. When you are gardening your thoughts play beautiful music that resonate throughout the spheres " Today God and the angels seem to be providing us with gardening tips. I just watered my plants and couldn't find the incense sta...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today God and the angels want me to share with you the following insights. From the book, I am reading on Hinduism , " .....In Chidambaram, Shiva dominates his wife but in Madurai, the Goddess dominates Shiva. All these instances reveal the vitality and variety in matters of marriage. And so, it comes to pass that in the twenty first century, Hinduism is well found to allow notions of both separation and divorce" Is that so? That's a question every religion has to ask themselves.God invites all of us to ponder over this question. As an angel therapy practitioner, once I taught this exercise in the meditation session I held at home. How to find out your Guardian Angel's name. When in danger, God always let us know how to get out of harm's way. However, for day to day safety issues, we must give God and the angels permission to intervene.Another message to the public,to all my readers is not to intrude on the privacy of others. Everyone has the right ...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Recently one of my friends got me a natural beauty face mask so that I could relax when needed at home. She also asked me not to think anything and just to relax with no thoughts. A line I want to share with you from the book I am reading, " Breathing by itself is enough ". In India, for little infants when they are infected with cold in their lungs, betel leaves are used. The practice is to show the betel leaves in the fire and to catch its warmth in fingers and keep it on the little infants. One of my aunt from UK, introduced me to vicks capsules, so that the oil could be spread little in the pillows of infants, so they could breathe easily when they have cold. God and the angels want us all to breathe well! Have a relaxing Sunday! Buona giornata!

Daily message

Goodevening! Today is the day for Immaculate heart of Mary! Mother Mary, Queen of angels always sends her love for her children. Few days back, I saw Doreen Virtue's Instagram post saying adoption is the way to go. One thing beautiful about US, which I have seen, having lived there for a few years is the unconditional love the parents give their adopted children besides their own children sometimes. Being a God mother of an adoptive daughter myself, I have seen the blessings she has brought her family and even me and my daughter. Just one concern though for the Americans when they demand for their right for women! As their president Biden asks in cases of rape and incest, what would be the solution? Do these women have to carry the cross all their lives. Let us pray more to Mother Mary for more blessings! Buona Sera!Image Courtesy: Senior living

Daily message

Goodmorning! When our minds are in agitation, we need to pray to God in silence. In this world of malice and chaos, Jesus did pray in Gethsemane just before He surrendered His life on the cross. God sent an Angel to console Him hearing His prayer in silence. Many centuries later, Gandhiji followed the Christ model of Ahimsa and nonviolence so as to gain independence for the people of his country. Sometimes, I wonder even St.Francis of Assisi must have prayed in silence in his garden. I feel God hears all prayers said in silence and faith. The message today is let us not confuse God with men. Let us not confuse any book with the Bible or the holy scriptures of any kind.And let us remember that God made man and woman together so that they could celebrate the love of God for generations to come! Have a blessed day! Buona giornata!

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today I feel inspired to write about the morning meditations or prayers which we do with lighting a lamp or a candle. Some people find it difficult to light up fragrant candles or incences due to lung disorders like asthma or any other respiratory troubles. According to Louise Hay, there is a profound psychological reason for any physical ailment.Such people can use it in moderation. The other choice is to go for unscented but colored candles. Like we invoke Archangel Uriel , the name meaning," The light of God" when we pray with red candles. It also helps us to root ourselves in a place where God wants us to be and gives us prosperity and peace. Buona giornata!

Daily Message

Goodmorning to all the people of the world! Today the inspiration is to pray to God and Archangel Ariel to bless our earth with purified and cleansed rain water. Our ancestors in India, used to catch the rain water in brass kudams and paanais. These days we need to catch the rain water with a kind of cotton cloth filter tied to the top of these vessels and even then some toxicity could be seen. Today I like to share a prayer from our church group, Ephesians 3:17-19 New International Version 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts(A) through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted(B) and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people,(C) to grasp how wide and long and high and deep(D) is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge(E)—that you may be filled(F) to the measure of all the fullness of God.(G)Image Courtesy:Matt Bango

Daily message

Goodmorning!Dear readers, the world needs peace and clarity and not chaos. Today I feel inspired to send this message. Please send your prayer petitions to God and the angels. In innumerable miraculous ways, God and the angels want to heal the world. Believe me, the angels feel sad if anyone's purpose on earth is deviated from their original purpose God made them on earth. In this world of misunderstandings and greed, the wars happen. The other day one of my friends, had sent a picture and she said she got it from internet. I will share the picture here, so that we all could pray for peace in Ukraine.Buona giornata!

Daily message

"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

Daily message

Goodmorning! Dear readers, I woke up this morning with prayer intentions in my mind. Some days with Thanksgiving prayers and somedays with petitions to God. I am inspired today to pray for women's emotional and physical health issues. The prayer goes as follows, " Dear God and the angels, please help me to release everything from my past, and dear God and the angels , please help me to release everything that bothers me in the present". As we pray with faith, our prayer vibrations will reach the Lord. Faith is something beautiful that we all need to have in our lives. It's always good to keep a water bowl with rock salt in your homes, with the prayer intention to remove all the negativity that affects you from others. There are many dreams and inspirations I have to help the humanity and I request all my readers to please pray for me and my intentions. We all need to put God in the first place. And today and many days, I have felt inspired by the profile picture of my...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today I feel inspired to write an angel healing message for our today's youth. Years ago, I was looking for a job in my field, and in spite of my education and the network around me, I wanted to have a mentor who could counsel me in my career. That reminds me of a story. One of my uncles was a kind of an atheist in his youthful days. In spite of his father, telling him to go to church on Sundays, he did rebel because he had a different perspective on religion. When he got married and his daughter was a premature baby, as he narrated this story to me years later, he said, he was very happy to see his father travel to his city in spite of his old age and gave him the moral support he required. He was very tensed and worried whether his baby would survive and once he saw his father at the hospital , he felt "Appa is there, he would take care of everything ".Probably he felt the love of his father or the love of " Our Father". So the message to the pare...

Daily message

Goodmorning! There are days when we all go through issues with our electronic gadgets.Years back, when I was working in an electronics manufacturing company in Silicon valley, I have seen the amount of electronic waste that gets accumulated on a daily basis due to upgradation of technology. And also witnessed the craze of friends to upgrade themselves with the latest versions available even with the Home theatre or car music system. How do we recycle or reduce or reuse all these issues. The prayer to Archangel Michael to defend us in the days of battle is essential now. Sometimes we all tend to forget the basics of our strong foundation of our education. In the course of miracles required for the world, we all need to be rooted in Nature. "Thank you, Mother earth for being the power of light and love. Thank you Mother earth for being rejuvenated. Thank you Mother earth for connecting and rooting ourselves to you." Always the gospel reading about Jesus teaching the humanity, t...

Daily message

Good afternoon! Sometimes, like today, God wants us to revise our message several times. I think, it's His mighty ways of refining us like gold or silver. Today Praying to God and the angels for a harmonious world settled in elements of peace and love especially in war waging countries like Ukraine and Russia. Let us all offer a moment of silent prayer raising our eyes to heaven for peace on earth.Have a good day!Image courtesy: Ian Livesey

Daily message

Goodmorning! In my today morning prayers, I am inspired to pray to the Holy family. I sent a prayer to all families. And the Bible message today is, " Psalms 91: 11-12. " 11 For he will command his angels(A) concerning you to guard you in all your ways;(B) 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.(C). " The message from the book is that, " Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary work closely together to minister to sensitive children. They guide conceptions, adoptions, pregnancies, births, and the raising of children".Let us invoke Mother Mary, the Queen of angels, to pray for the little children of the world both born and unborn. Buona giornata!Image Courtesy: Family Moments

Daily message

Goodmorning! Buon giorno! The message from Archangel Gabriel today is to use media as a conduit for delivering loving messages. At the same time, our nature angels urge us to be aware of all the carbon emission print we produce while using our internet and social media.The book I am reading talks about the Harappan civilization which we, Indians learn in our history books in schools. " The Harappan civilization was an urban brick civilization that thrived across much of north-west India between 5000 and 4000 years ago on the banks of the river Indus, and the now_dry Saraswathi, and their tributaries. Scholars often describe this as a civilization of , " cities without language". "As I pray today, I feel God and the angels are asking us to discern what's good for Nature and our future generations. The message for children is , to read as many Enid Blyton books as they can because certain books are classics of all times. I remember that my brother got inspired and...

Daily message

Goodafternoon!Today according to the book, the prayer is to Archangel Chamuel whose name means," He who sees God". The prayer goes like this, "Thank you, Archangel Chamuel, for instilling in me with pure Divine peace, that I may rest in the knowledge that you and God are watching over all of us."His holy mission includes the manifestation of universal peace through helping individuals attain inner peace, even during turbulent times." As an alternative therapy healer, my guru used to strictly tell us all to do the self healing everyday before we heal others.Even for me, it's a difficult task. The question today is , as I read in one of my subscription emails, how are we going to heal this world, that exists in modernity ,like Jesus did, in His times which was a completely different era. It's not a question for apostles alone but for all of us.

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today I feel guided to talk about intuitive shopping we all can do for our sacred spaces at home. I had a hard time purchasing my sacred pooja corner shelf. I browsed online several times and then I kept praying and went in search of that to a particular shop. I wanted to buy a flower vase too and there were three or four different shapes. My spiritual counselor's words echoed in my ears. What would have been the shape of the jar at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. We all can relate to gospel messages when we do shopping and find the best of the lot. Once I was working as a volunteer at a church library in California,USA,and I was given some audio cassettes and books of Bishop Fulton Sheen. I didn't know what to do with it and so I presented it to the elder in my family in the past. Sometimes, God sends us as messengers to shop for others too. Buona Sera!

Daily message

Goodevening! I was praying today with the incense lit up and I started wondering about other religions of the world. The humanity suffers because at some places we don't have the tolerances for other religious brothers and sisters. Learning other religions is like stepping out of our comfort zones. Today I read about Jainism. These words inspired me."Jainism teaches that the path to enlightenment is through nonviolence and reducing harm to living things (including plants and animals) as much as possible". The Archangel Gabriel message today is we are on the right path. My maternal grandfather used to hold meetings on intercultural spirituality at his home. In India, weddings take place at a grander scale that at times the people here find it hard to find a place like a wedding hall because they are all so expensive. Many a weddings have taken place at my grandparents' home. Today being hospitable even to our close kith and kin is a hard task.I bring my hands together ...

Daily Message

Goodevening! Today is world oceans day, I think. The oceans with its horizons always has a beautiful effect on everyone . The morning sunrises and the evening sunsets at the oceans are something nice to behold. Alas, our oceans and its creatures are at greater risks to plastic pollution these days. There are many nature angels around, it is upto us to employ them or in other words invoke them to protect the nature for our future generations. To implement our tasks in nature, we can call upon Archangel Gabriel meaning, " The strength of God". According to the book I read today, " In Islamic faith, the Archangel Gabriel revealed the Quran scripture to the prophet Muhammad".Also it said, " Archangel Gabriel is so closely aligned with the Divine feminine situations of pregnancy , birth and communications. Buona Sera!

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Today as I was walking to the bank, I thought about my maternal grandparents who were my godparents too. My grandfather, was a self taught engineer of those days. Looking at his books on electricity had inspired me even as a student. He was a self taught civil engineer too who had built a church. Once when I was in school, he accompanied me to Visvesvaraya science museum in Bangalore and he'was very happy and proud when I explained to him about a hydroelectric thermal project model kept there. From my grandparents collection, the books that inspired me were " The big fisherman" and " The robe" written by Lloyd C Douglas. As our Pope Francis says, "Sometimes we need to visit the elderly in our lives "and"sometimes we can visit the elderly who are not with us in our memories too" . "May God and the angels continue to bless the world! Buona giornata!

Daily message

Goodevening! One of the advice from my spiritual counselor Charles Alphonse ofm cap, is to be creative in doing household chores too.I needed to clean and mop my home, so besides adding the disinfectant solution, added a bit of camphor too. Life is beautiful when we challenge ourselves. Today I thought about cleansing of unwanted emotions too. This is the angel prayer that I know of. " Prayer to release negativity" Archangel Michael, please release me from all negativity and heal me right now. Release me from negativity of others. Release my energy from anyone I fear.( Imagine that everyone is unplugging from you and you are unplugging from others.) Archangel Raphael, God's healer, please restore my energy with green emerald healing light and please send healing to all others involved.Thank you, Archangel Michael and Raphael, for your loving assistance." Image Courtesy:Matt Bango

Daily message

Goodmorning! I went for morning mass this morning. There is something beautiful about Sunday morning vibes in Christian families. We wake up with the thought to go to church, as families and usually we wear our best dress for the church. I remember telling my daughter to dress up many times while she was going through her teenage simplicity. ( weirdo sense in the coolest ways!). Today I am a weirdo too! 🙂 The message from God and the angels today is to invoke Archangel Jophiel and see the beauty in our lives. The message for children is to read as many fairy tales as they can. The beauty and the beast, snow white and the seven dwarfs, the Cindrella story , the story of Rapunzel ....these days the Disney movies. I love the lines with which all fairy tales end," They lived happily ever after". Always good to have a dose of integral Optimism rooted in Nature. Try getting the vibes from the plants and trees in nature, the sun and the moon from the sky, we will all live a life ha...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Again another message for children, let us , parents inculcate the habit of journaling in our children. And not in social media which has its risk factors, but in diaries or paper notebooks.I have had that habit always, because when we write down something, it goes in our minds and hearts too. Today presenting before my readers for their discernment, another quote which is in one of my journals. Isaiah 63:7 to 9 " 7 I will recount the steadfast love of the Lord, the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has granted us, (K)and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his compassion, according to the abundance of his steadfast love. 8 For he said, “Surely they are my people, children who will not deal falsely.” And he became their Savior. 9 (L)In all their affliction he was afflicted,[c] and the angel of his presence saved them;" Have a blessed day. Buona giornata! Image Courtesy...

Daily Message

Goodmorning! Today I am guided to talk about the very first trip I had with my spiritual counselor and his family. We went to meet Sr.Rosy of Carmel convent of Thanjavur district.Her very touch of simplicity and hospitality brought me to tears before her in my knees. I used to have her holy oil in the bedroom earlier and used to touch it between my fingers on somedays. Seeing her in person was a profound experience.It was Christmas time and in the chapel, the crib was full of angels and nuns kept coming and adding more angels to it while I was Praying. The second time I went with our families there, I picked up a rosary that is special to me till today. May God bless all the angelic souls who pray for us from inside the convent to heal the planet with light and love. Have a merciful day! Buona giornata!Image Courtesy: Kelly Ishmael