Daily message

hope you are all having a'beautiful Sunday morning!
from an email i receive from st. mary's catholic cathedral from scotland on saturdays, some of the church activities for the week. I quote to inspire....
Friday Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent, Eucharistic Adoration will be held in the Cathedral from 10:30am-12:30pm, followed by the 12:45pm daily Mass and afterwards we will pray the Stations of the Cross. The sacrament of Confession is also available after the 12:45 pm Mass.

SCIAF Lenten Wee Box Appeal for Hungry in Zambia SCIAF’s Wee Box appeal this Lent is for communities in Zambia where families are suffering from devastating hunger. Your donations help provide families training and tools to grow food. Only a few Wee Boxes are left at the back of church. Take yours today, or donate at https://www.sciaf.org.uk/.

Young Adults Group Meets on Tuesday at 7pm We continue our Young Adults talks on ‘Christ’s Prayerbook’ about the Psalms this week with Deacon Colm Martin who will speak about Psalm 38. All young adults aged 18-35 are welcome to join us in 63 York Place. We start at 7pm with teas and coffees, the talk will begin at 7.30pm and will be followed by Night Prayer and Confessions in the Cathedral, before a time to discuss in the pub.

Youth Group on Sunday night!
The Youth Group meets this evening from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms at St Andrew’s, Ravelston. All young people from P3 are welcome! Tonight we will be talking about Lenten practices of fasting and almsgiving. We will have games, and activities to learn more about the faith, and we will have the tuck shop – so don’t forget spending money! The registration fee is just £1 on the first night for new registrations. Please pick up a registration form that can be found in the Cathedral or St Andrew’s or contact Fr Robert for more information.

Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Guided Tour at Doocot Studios The Over Sixties Club Coffee Afternoon will be on Tuesday 7 March at Coffee Saints, 2.30pm - 4pm. Guided tour for ‘Knitwear Chanel to Westwood’ exhibition at Dovecot Studios on Thursday 9th March. Tour starts at 1pm. Spaces are limited. Please pre-book a place on 07716963215. Please note this tour will cost £9.50 per person, payable on arrival. If you have booked a place and can no longer make it, please let Trish know by Tuesday 7th. To learn more, visit https://dovecotstudios.com/.


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