
How to quieten the noisy minds we do have at times.How often do we need to forgive others? Yes, the Bible does say a number. God is the infinite Source of all.At times, we need to become one with Him.A calm and silent mind is the biggest asset one could have. A peaceful heart is the blessing one could always pray for. For those of us who are in families, how many of us are blessed with that. More candles need to be lit and more prayers need to be sent heaven's way.Today I pray and invoke my guardian angels and I put all my intentions in the Godbox they carry, sometimes they carry flower garlands in their hands too,each flower is a petition to God. All of us long for love and happiness. All of us ache for peace. The church bell rang for the Angelus just as I was writing this post. A simple music of the church bell can do wonders. I feel its God's way of reassuring that all will be well. Blessed assurance is something we all need in our lives.
It is good to pray to Archangel Raguel if we have any worries or concerns and are in the stage of life where we need to forgive family or friends. It is always good to write down the name of person or persons we need to forgive in a piece of paper. And pray and bless them and release them to the light. And burn the paper with the list of persons to forgive to ashes or use a paper shredder. This exercise could be repeated many number of times. We can also write the incidents we are unable to forgive. There are days,We healers also have to work on ourselves so as to align our spirit to God. For all those people who do spiritual work, its a greater challenge when we get pulled into any form of toxic negativity. A rose candle aromatherapy is good to uplift and fill the heart and mind and body. Light a rose candle, say your prayers and surrender your mind, body and spirit to God. Have a blessed day! Photo Courtesy: https://stocksnap.io/


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