Daily Message

All of us need to lift our eyes upto heaven and say a lot of prayers. Our prayers bring liberation to us to whatever issues we face in life. The mass service vibrations from the church nearby, does bring peace. If we read our religious scriptures aloud, in our rooms at home, it brings good vibrations to the home. Listening to good music, in India, we have special classical music called suprabatham , a collection of verses and hymns sung literally to awaken God in the mornings. It's a practice in Hinduism and In Christianity also we have similar songs these days. Its a kind of music meditation. Also some of the Buddhist chants bring peace and awakens our souls to higher wisdom. The morning songs from the mosques also, is also good to hear. Especially when we have teenage kids, who love music, its good to guide them once in a while. When you feel sad, instrumental music helps a lot. Some of us need more music and peace and love in our lives, it is best to raise our eyes to God for divine interventions to happen through angels. Please feel free to post your comments here or send it to annievanitha444@gmail.com. ( Make sure the world hears it if these angel vibrations have helped you.) Have a beautiful evening! Buonasera!


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