Daily Message

Dobry wieczór! Today as I was praying to God and Archangel Gabriel, the message I got is to clear away unwanted entities from our writings also. Archangel Gabriel, is the patron angel of all writers and authors. At times, when you pray, to God , we get deeply inspired to write books. Please pray to Archangel Gabriel to see it through and your book becomes a source of inspiration to many.One of the many things, my spiritual director asked me to to do initially is to write books for children. It's still a pending task in my list. Maybe when I am blessed with a special illustrator, God will lead me there. Also God wants us to know all writers and authors should have the courage to be creative. Sometimes we get misunderstood also and others might try to pull us into some negative energies from the past. Those times, pray to Archangel Michael to protect you and your loved ones strongly. Even though we might teach about and aware of Mood design, we all have days when we feel out of mood. Those are the times, we must ask for God's help and fill us with divine love. To uplift our spirit, there are many beautiful ways present in Nature. Having a cup of tea or coffee, and walking in Nature talking to God in silence might help. Always replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Here where I live, we get good murungai leaves powder, a teaspoon of it mixed in hotwater, maybe with little palm jaggery is a good drink to have. Have a beautiful evening! Buonasera!


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