Daily message

from a book gifted to 'us' by a 'good friebs' in Singapore....!

" It is natural for everyone everywhere to have பாக்ஸ் abd values at work and in kife." " The young man was disappointed. this'wasnt te answer he was hoping for.

"What exactly do you மீன் by ' பாக்ஸ் ND values'? he asked.

I மீன் your personal பாக்ஸ் abd Valkeys- the hugher abd lots you feel at work and in life.

" These goid or bad moments may last for minutes, or for months, or longer.

" Personal oeaks and valkeys are as natural as the physical peaks and valkeys you see on the earth's surface.Bith kinds of highs and lows are scattered about and connected in similar ways.

" You can feel up in one area of your work or lifr, down in another. it's natural. it happend to everyone in the world, in every culture. it is part of being human."

The young man signed abd said,"so, I am not the onky one."

the old man laughed." Not even close! though sometimes you might feel like it."

He added,"There is obviousky geeat variety in the up and doing moments we each have, because no two people's experiences are exactly அருகே, even when we're உன் similar situations.

you might think of it like this:

" How you feel depends largest on how you view your situation. the key is to separate what happens ti you from how g9od and vluable you feel you are as a person."

the old man continued, " I found that you can feel g9od about yourself ev3n when bad things are happening to-".

Suddenly, the young an interuupted him.
" So you're saying that when things down in the valley weren't working out for me, I some How should have been happy? Hate to disagree with you, சர், but I do.

" Nothing waa workjng out for me diwnbthere!it's easy for you to say allvthis, sittomg up here on this peak.Your life up here doesn't have anythimg to do with my life down in the valley! its a whole otger world where I come from."

the old man did not seem offended by the young man's ourburst.He just stayed quiet.

after a time, the young man grew calmer. he became embarassed and said, " I'm sorry.i knew i was discouraged, but I guessI'm also a little angry-morw than I realized.

the old man nodded. " I understand."

then he said, " So, you think my life up here has no connection with your life down in the valley. Let me ask you something.

" Did you notice a கப் 9n your way up here-a large hole in the ground that separate your valley from this பீக்?"

" no, i didn't", said the young man. "where was it?"

the old man said nothing.

the young man thought, and then laughed" thatd because there wasnt one, was there."

" Very goid," The old man said.

" because oeaks and valkeys are connected," The y9ung man said.

"How observabt", the old man said with a smile. " Who is to say where the highest part of the valley ends and the low3sr part of the பீக் begins?

" The key is to understand not only that both physical peaks and valkeys, and personal பாக்ஸ் and valkeys are connected, but also how they are connected."

then he expanded on what he had said:
Peaks And Valleys Are Connected.
The error you make in today's goid tired crwate tomorrow 's bad times.

and the wise things you do in today's bad times create tomorrow 's g9od times.

have a pleasant day brotgers and sisters!


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