Daily message

But If Not... From Our daily bread
READ: Daniel 3:1_18
I really a Sunday achool lesson from nearly 40 years ago in which we were taught ti Love God in spite of our circumstances. Loving God is easy when He கிராண்ட்ஸ்லாம் our requests and provided what we desire. Loving him in difficult circumstances testimony our faith.

in டேனியல் 3, we read of the life and death decision.சமரசத்திற்கு, மெஸ்சி, and ability negotiate had to make. if they chose to worship the golden image, they would live; if they refuse, death was certain. they answered King nebuchadnezzar:" Our God whom we serve is able t9 deliver us from the burning fiery furnace...But, if not,...we do not serve your Gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up"( vv.17-18)

were சமரசத்திற்கு, மெஸ்சி, and abed_nego lacking in faith when they said" bit if not?"No. The6 knew God waa fully capable of deliver in them from the fiery furnace.

Therese a lesson in this for all of us.Is God all-powerful? yes. is He able t9 deliver us from all பூர் problems? yes. does God always deliver us fr9m our difficulties? No.

we may not fully comprehension God's purpose in our difficulties and suffering, but we must not cease to Lov3 Him. we must trust Him in spite of trials that threatens to overwhelm us.

Thats the word of God today.


On my recent trip by outstation bus, I bought these two musical instruments, at an கால place, music therapy is good for miracles amd headaches.

I would like to share with my young readers," Music3cology for youth today.we are friends of Jesus"....!


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