Daily message

From the book by the jesuit priest, Ä way to God"....!

I quote,"During a buddhist retreat I madw, we wer asked to sit for a whole hour at a stretch without moving. I happened to be sitting cross-legged and the pain in my knees and back became so intense it was excruciating. I do not remember to have even suffered so much physical pain in all my life. We were supposed, during that hour, to be aware of our body sensations moving from one part of the body to another. My awareness was wholly absorbed by the acute pain in my knees. I was sweating profusely. And I thought I should faint with pain-until I decided not to fight it, not to run away from it, not to desire to alleviate it, but to become aware of it, to identify with it. I broke the pain sensation up into component parts and I discovered to my surprise, that it was composed of many sensations, not just one: there was an intense burning sensation, a pulling and tugging, a sharp shooting sensation that merged every now and then....and a point which kept moving from one place to the another. This point I dentified as the pain.....AS I kept up this awareness exercise I found I was bearing the pain quite well and even had some awareness left over for other sensations in other parts of my body. For the first time in my life I was experiencing pain without suffering......

As we view the following meditative audio visual, we can listen through the ear phones, the waters' soothing sound reverberating from the left to right hemispheres and the reverse process in our brains, creating a mental head-ear balance and harmony and thus throughout our physical body. Each one gets healed in a different way.

Few nature hacks from an archies calender of old:

1. If you are a carnivore, aim to cut your meat intake into half this year. Meat takes more resources to produce than other forms of protein, so its an inefficient source of fuel2.

2. Reuse each recycled paper sheet for to-do lists, shopping lists or other reminders.

3.Use public transport rather than using your own car, or follow a car-share programme daily to minimise the use offuel.

May you be filled with calmness and peace today!


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