Daily message


the message from God and the angels is as follows:

Life on earth orogibated in the Oceans, and an incredibly diversity web of life still exisys in the மரைன் environment today. 99 % of the earth's living area is under water, but only 10% of the oceans have been properly exploded,meaning there are countries species, particularly in the darkness depths, which have never met man's gaze.

we divide the oceans into fove verical zones, from the uppermost 200m(660ft) to the deepest ocean trenches.

intertidal zone:
this region is the transition zone between land and water. when the tide is in, the area is covered in water, and when the tide is out, land is 3xpressed. starfish, as well ascrabs and other small crustaceans, make their home in the environment.

mesopelagic zone
sunlight reaches down ti about 1,000 ம் (3, 300ft), sobthissecond லேயர் of the oceans is often called twilight zone

bathypelagic zone
known as the midnight zone because no sunlight reaches these depths, the third zone of the ocean extends from 1000 t9 4000 meters( 3300 t9 13,000 fee5) Despite beimg a cold and dark place, life is சூப்பர் abundance.

during this hectoc holidays season, all of us would have gone through some sort of festive anxiety stress disorders.

i am grateful for these two gifts from our hindu nieces.


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