Daily Message

The message from God and the angels is,I quote:

"Ask for help always, sweetchild, and rest assured that we are near. If in a quandary as to how forgiveness unlocks a prison cell,lose not sleep or time in seeking understanding. Seek instead to take speedy advantage of our offer to assist you. Call upon us angels with your breath, your mind, your heart.Unify your desires into one sincere effort, and ask us to whisk off your cloak of anger and trembling fears of danger.

Your requests are readily answered, and your open heart stands ready for cleansing. There is no rush for this to happen, yet there is no time beyond thia moment now. So clear the space within your mind and call us now, dear one. Let us rejoice together as we laugh away your fears. Let us free your heart and mind. And as you follow the gentle laughter of your lightened heart, you find that moments of escape no longer hold your attention. For you are fully awakened and immersed within the love that we share with you, and with Our Creator Who is God.

From an archies calender of old:
Keep biodegradable and non-biodegradable bins separate, whether in an organisation, institution,hospitals, hotels and even homes.

To all Indians all over the world

Happy Republic day!

Thanks to our good friend Chaitanya Gupta from USA for sharing this video....


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