Daily Message
What the buddha is asking us to cultivate is reflective thinking. I distinguish this from" reflexive thinking", a phrase from Norman Cousinswhich aptlydescribes what happens in our minds when we are being driven by an urge. The Buddhais a teacher who respects our capacity to reason and reflect.Gradually, as we develop this capacity,we should be able to consider the consequences not only of actions but of mental states like anger. We should be able to see how anger spreads and grows until it gains the power to disruptany relationship anytime itchooses.
Then, once we understand these connections, we should start putting the Budddha's suggestions into practice. When we find ourselves in a situation in which insensitiveness or anger is urging usto ride roughshod over the other people's feelings, we should summon the detachment to go for a fast walk around the block or through the woods or up and down the hall, silently repeating the mantram the whole way. Once our mind has quieted down, we can reflect with some detachment on how painful the longterm consequences of our anger are likely to be for everyone, including ourselves.
It may help also to understand the postive consequences of not yielding to a negative emotion. The ancient Hindusages say that our normal span of life is one hundred and twenty years. This is magnificent concept. According to them, to die at age sixty or seventy is to fall victim to premature death. BY this accounting, which does not contradict some of the current biological theories of aging, we all have potential for health and longevity far beyond what we use. Negative emotions like anger can devastate the body. By not yielding to such emotions, we can dramatically increase our chances for a long healthy, active, happy,worthwhile life.
Recently in an inastagram post, I came upon another way of saying a decade of rosary, saying the memorare of the virgin Mary in each of the nine beads as prayer petitions and the tenth bead of Virgin Mary memorare as for thanksgiving.
Have a beautiful day!
Image Courtesy: New born finger by Matt Bango
What the buddha is asking us to cultivate is reflective thinking. I distinguish this from" reflexive thinking", a phrase from Norman Cousinswhich aptlydescribes what happens in our minds when we are being driven by an urge. The Buddhais a teacher who respects our capacity to reason and reflect.Gradually, as we develop this capacity,we should be able to consider the consequences not only of actions but of mental states like anger. We should be able to see how anger spreads and grows until it gains the power to disruptany relationship anytime itchooses.
Then, once we understand these connections, we should start putting the Budddha's suggestions into practice. When we find ourselves in a situation in which insensitiveness or anger is urging usto ride roughshod over the other people's feelings, we should summon the detachment to go for a fast walk around the block or through the woods or up and down the hall, silently repeating the mantram the whole way. Once our mind has quieted down, we can reflect with some detachment on how painful the longterm consequences of our anger are likely to be for everyone, including ourselves.
It may help also to understand the postive consequences of not yielding to a negative emotion. The ancient Hindusages say that our normal span of life is one hundred and twenty years. This is magnificent concept. According to them, to die at age sixty or seventy is to fall victim to premature death. BY this accounting, which does not contradict some of the current biological theories of aging, we all have potential for health and longevity far beyond what we use. Negative emotions like anger can devastate the body. By not yielding to such emotions, we can dramatically increase our chances for a long healthy, active, happy,worthwhile life.
Recently in an inastagram post, I came upon another way of saying a decade of rosary, saying the memorare of the virgin Mary in each of the nine beads as prayer petitions and the tenth bead of Virgin Mary memorare as for thanksgiving.
Have a beautiful day!
Image Courtesy: New born finger by Matt Bango
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