Daily message

The message from God and the angels is:

From the earth book, I quote:

"Epipelagic zone "

the surface லேயர் of the oceans extends to a Depth of 200m (660 ft). sunlight is strong here, and temperatures in this zone can வரி widely between the tropucs and the poles

abyssopelagic zone

the word" abyss"literalky means " bottomless" and this zone is larger unexplored.one study revealed 898 species in an area about half the size of a டென்னிசில் court, and most of these species were new to science!

hadalpelagic zone

named after Hades, the under world in Greek mythology, this is the deepest of the five verical zones and extends to around 11 km(6.8 mi) beneath the surface.tgere are 46 'hadal' சூப்பர் deep habitat worldwide, mostly concentrate in tge பசிபிக், where plate tectonics have created huge ocean trenches.

From my subscription email from national catholic broadcadting கவுன்சில், Toronto, a little message:

LIGHT A CANDLE bible_beauty.jpg Lighting a Candle for a loved one or a special intention is a long held tradition in the Catholic Church. We invite you to light a virtual candle.

good wishes for a Happy mattu( festival of cows and farmers) பொங்கல் to the world!


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