
Showing posts from October, 2021

Daily message

Its evening and I feel there are angel blessings today for all of us who are willing to receive.Somedays we all feel the love of our family more than other days. These days I am lighting a candle and praying for my daughter. As parents, we feel guided to do certain things for our children and wherever they are they will receive those blessings. My nephew once drew a picture of St.Joseph as working in His carpenter workshop with all the proper tools needed for carpentry. The very fact he wanted to show the picture he drew to me made me feel special. Sometimes the children inspire us to go beyond and further. How many of us realise the blessings these children bring to us in various forms. Its always good to encourage the children to talk to their guardian angels. Even to take little decisions on their own, we can ask them to discuss with their guardian angels.Have a good evening! Buona sera!

Daily message

Today evening its raining a lot. The sound of rain is really soothing and relaxing. When we become calm and pray, we will feel the oneness with God, and our thoughts become peaceful.God will lead us in right and just ways. Today the message is to enjoy the nature around us. It could be plants, trees, animals or birds or the sky, sun and moon. Also Archangel Ariel as always want us to be advocates for preserving nature. When we pray, we can light a lamp or candle and pray for our intentions, all we need to do is to focus on the light flame, and inhale and fill the light into us. In India, we have a lamp called kuthuvilakku and its lit on all auspicious occasions , both in sacred places of worship and at homes too.Such oil lamps, kumkum, turmeric, sandal powder, rosewater, betel leaves, coconuts, bananas, kalkandu, flower garlands, are some of auspicious elements that are used on special occasions as blessings.Every country has its own ethnicity and such good practices should be celebra...

Daily Message

The question that comes to my mind today is from Archangel Gabriel. All of us, as parents how are we going to help our children. What kind of formation are we going to give our children in this modern era of globalisation. What are our priorities.How are we going to teach them spirituality and Science. How are we going to make them trust in their abilities. Jesus also asks us a question." When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, " Do you want to be made well?". John 5:6. Today let us all do a simple meditation and bless our children and the children of the world. Close your eyes and offer every child we know at the feet of the Lord. Let us stay in that thought for few minutes and open your eyes thanking God. Have a wonderful day.Buona giornata!

Daily Message

Today its one of the early morning sunrise. For me, if I hear the music of the churchbell, and see the lights at the back of the church, I feel blessed. If we are persistent in our prayers,God will grant us peace. All we need is patience sometimes. As I prayed this morning, to God and the angels, I meditated upon how God always keeps his promises of love. Prayer for health and healing Dear God, I know that You created me in the perfect image and likeness of Yourself. I ask that You, Holy Spirit, and the archangel Raphael help me know and experience this health in my physical body. I am willing to release all thoughts and behaviors that create the illusion of illness and pain. I know that you are omnipresent, so therefore, You exist in every cell in my body.Please help me feel Your love in my physical body so that I can know that You cradle me in Your arms right now.Amen. Prayer by Doreen Virtue. Have a beautiful day! Buona giornata

Daily Message

For the last two days, there are some painful challenges I am facing and feel the hurt in my heart. Tonight I request all my readers to pray for me. God hears the prayers of the multitude when there are challenges. I went to Mother Mary of Vadipatti church today to pray with my parents. On the way itself, I could find answers to some of my questions. And felt really blessed when I was there. God always leads the faithful. There might be a time gap where we face struggles and issues, but I have faith God blesses us all the more for that. Please join hands wih me today to pray for me and my intentions. God and the angels tell me that I need more prayers to clear the blockages in my heart and receive the blessings God sends my way. Thank you.Have a peaceful night! Buonasera!


How to quieten the noisy minds we do have at times.How often do we need to forgive others? Yes, the Bible does say a number. God is the infinite Source of all.At times, we need to become one with Him.A calm and silent mind is the biggest asset one could have. A peaceful heart is the blessing one could always pray for. For those of us who are in families, how many of us are blessed with that. More candles need to be lit and more prayers need to be sent heaven's way.Today I pray and invoke my guardian angels and I put all my intentions in the Godbox they carry, sometimes they carry flower garlands in their hands too,each flower is a petition to God. All of us long for love and happiness. All of us ache for peace. The church bell rang for the Angelus just as I was writing this post. A simple music of the church bell can do wonders. I feel its God's way of reassuring that all will be well. Blessed assurance is something we all need in our lives. It is good to pray to Archangel Ragu...

Daily Message

Sometimes the day starts good and becomes little heavier as it progresses. For me, solitude has helped a lot in my life. Even when I am surrounded by others, I call upon God all the time. God has given a lot of sensitivity to few chosen people. We kind of have developed senses.Such sensitive people suffer a lot even for smaller things. There are children who are highly sensitive in this world. Archangel Gabriel asks us to help such little children. The angel wisdom is always we need to take care of ourselves too. Even when we need to spread the angel goodness, we need to prioritise our needs too. There is a tamil proverb that says, " Agathin alaghu mugathil theriyum." The face is the index of the mind. In tamil, it says the face is the index of the heart. The heart mind connection is something beautiful. So always good to be goodwilled and goodhearted, and if we are compassionate to God, God will be compassionate to us, no matter what. At the end of the day, God looks only at...

Daily Message

Dobry wieczór! Today as I was praying to God and Archangel Gabriel, the message I got is to clear away unwanted entities from our writings also. Archangel Gabriel, is the patron angel of all writers and authors. At times, when you pray, to God , we get deeply inspired to write books. Please pray to Archangel Gabriel to see it through and your book becomes a source of inspiration to many.One of the many things, my spiritual director asked me to to do initially is to write books for children. It's still a pending task in my list. Maybe when I am blessed with a special illustrator, God will lead me there. Also God wants us to know all writers and authors should have the courage to be creative. Sometimes we get misunderstood also and others might try to pull us into some negative energies from the past. Those times, pray to Archangel Michael to protect you and your loved ones strongly. Even though we might teach about and aware of Mood design, we all have days when we feel out of mood....

Daily Message

It's a little late in the evening here. Today being a Wednesday, and St.Joseph's day, feel inspired to pray for families all around the world. I remembered as a mother and voracious reader myself, I purchased few good children's books for my daughter even before she was born. Also I remember when she was a toddler, that I bought a family tree chart and put it up in her room. Sometimes, we mothers are funny and weird, as my daughter calls me. Also today I feel the angel message is that we listen to stories from our grandparents too and write up the family tree chart. It gives a sense of belonging. And ancestral wisdom is something we should treasure. We never know who from our family tree God will bring us into our lives to guide us in our lives. They say when our knees hit the ground and we raise our prayers to Heaven, God is sure to hear us. I feel even when we sit on the floor and meditate for a few minutes before the presence of God, God will hear our prayers. Let us al...

Daily Message

Hello! How do we categorise if a day is good or not? I think it is all in our minds. If we decide to spend it constructively, then those days are good. Always we need to remember the God given talents and potential we have. In Christianity, there is something called tithing. If we bless and give the particular percentage of our finances to others, we will reap the benefits, that is, we will be blessed, innumerable times. Today also Archangel Gabriel speaks to us , in this modern era, Archangel Gabriel should be declared as our communication expertise Angel. With our mobiles, and other technical gadgets, we do need our Cybersecurity Angels. Today the Angel medicine, is to go for herbal teabags in hot water and develop healthy habits according to the needs. In South India, for preparing tea, we use equal amounts of hotwater and milk, we add two teaspoons of teapowder per cup to the hotwater, once brewed, add milk and little sugar and we also add tiny bit of peeled ginger to it, and also ...

Daily Message

Its evening and its little cold over here. Today also God blessed the land with good wind and rain. God works through Nature in mysterious ways. Every blade of grass is filled with nature angels, if we believe. Hence, it's good as always to preserve our Universe and its Nature. The other day I was inspired to pray to Archangel Haniel, whose name means, " The grace of God". We can pray to Archangel Haniel for intuitive support. Today I pray to God and the angels,for my daughter, looking at the sky above for her wellbeing. For those who believe, God does wonders. I also feel inspired to quote from the book I am reading, that His Holiness Dalai Lama even recommends against talking while eating, because in order to get the full benefit of either activity, you must focus on it completely. It's a good message for today's younger generations.Have a blessed day!Buonasera!

Daily Message

Today the message is to stay tuned to God and the angels all the time. When we get up in the mornings, we need to charge ourselves by plugging in our crown chakra, an energy center in the head to God so that divine energy flows into our body and gets us rooted to earth. We can pray to God to cleanse us as well, whichever bodypart we feel the blockages, sometimes we all feel it in the head region, so its always essential to clear away the unwanted entities. Its always good to ask Archangel Michael to remove the blockages with His vaccuum cleaner and once cleansed, good to pray to Archangel Raphael to fill us with His divine emerald healing energy. When we connect ourselves in such ways, we will be able to listen to the voice of God. And ask the angels to surround us with lots of love always so that it keeps us going. Also at home, if there is lots of clutter, it will block the natural energy flow inside the homes. So always go for a minimal living with regards to essential furniture and...

Daily Message

There are days God and the angels ask us to keep the faith. " Keep the faith" is an affirmation I could always relate to. In Bible, Jesus does miracles to all people who had great faith in the Lord. As a healer, I always believe, we can only reach out to the people who have the faith in the Lord and also in the people who are the instruments of God. As my spiritual director says, when we surrender all our issues to God, gradually we will start to see the blessings. I believe that strongly. Whatever religion we belong to, we all go through struggles and challenges in life, always surrender and pray to God and the angels. There is a bible verse that says," Your faith has healed you".There is a church in Vadipatti near my place and that bible verse painted there always strengthened me. Affirmations from religious scriptures are very powerful. Today I pray for all in the world, especially my loved ones, wherever they are, to be blessed in beautiful ways. Sending prayer ...

Daily Message

All of us need to lift our eyes upto heaven and say a lot of prayers. Our prayers bring liberation to us to whatever issues we face in life. The mass service vibrations from the church nearby, does bring peace. If we read our religious scriptures aloud, in our rooms at home, it brings good vibrations to the home. Listening to good music, in India, we have special classical music called suprabatham , a collection of verses and hymns sung literally to awaken God in the mornings. It's a practice in Hinduism and In Christianity also we have similar songs these days. Its a kind of music meditation. Also some of the Buddhist chants bring peace and awakens our souls to higher wisdom. The morning songs from the mosques also, is also good to hear. Especially when we have teenage kids, who love music, its good to guide them once in a while. When you feel sad, instrumental music helps a lot. Some of us need more music and peace and love in our lives, it is best to raise our eyes to God for di...

Daily Message

I am a person who is passionate about Nature , and when all else fails, I turn to Nature. Today it's the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Nature and Ecology. He must have been a great soul if he could relate to Nature in his own innumerable ways. In my wishlist of favorite places to travel, visiting Assisi is there. Even from the photos of good sacred places, we can derive peace. We can develop our essential senses if we learn to live with Nature or rather in Nature. Whenever I travel in cars, I find it hard to look outside through the car window glasses. I always prefer to see the Nature directly through my eyes. How many of us use our eyes to see the light in Nature? Today it is Archangel Chamuel, meaning ," He who sees God". It is good to pray to Archangel Chamuel for finding lost items, to assist in achieving your life purpose, for goodrelationship etc. Prayers said in faith does wonders. Everyday we live on earth is a miracle. So always cleanse you...

Daily Message

Goodevening! We all know Archangel Gabriel as a messenger of goodnews from God, the name Gabriel also means"The strength of God". He is the messenger between humanity and God. Archangel Gabriel goes and visits Mother Mary, and the Archangel announces the birth of Jesus Christ. I am sure Mother Mary would have had more questions to ask the Archangel Gabriel, in my imagination I feel she would have entertained the Archangel with good food and water also. Mother Mary had great parents, I am sure who brought her up in wonderful ways and that made her a good parent. Integral parenting is truly a joy. Whenever we need good news about our children, we can pray to Archangel Gabriel. The book I am reading says that, Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary work closely together to minister to sensitive children. Today let us pray for the pandemic to end all over the world and vaccination reaching all humanity so that all children are blessed to attend schools and colleges and all of us can r...


It's been a good day. It is upto us to decide the ways the days should go. Today again I feel inspired to pray to Archangels about my destination. I always prefer a place of nature. Next to God, Nature has healed me a lot. There are ways to calm yourself through Nature. It is better we all live a simple living synchronised with nature wherever God leads us. Feeling the oneness with nature has its healing properties. For answers unknown to us, nature always has the answer. Today the angel message is to develop a closer connection to God and spirituality. I pray for all the people who has to go through transitions in life. Always having the feeling of oneness with God will bring us out of any challenges we face in life. Whether it is emotional challenge, or a mental challenge, it is always best to let go and surrender it to God. Letting go of anxieties to God is an art by itself. God always has many beautiful messengers on earth in the form of angels who will help us get there. At ti...

Daily Message

Sometimes when I go out, the collective consciousness of the people whose messages I pick up makes me feel anxious. Sometimes we all have issues, that makes us anxious even when we go to the doctor's office. Apart from our loved ones, it is always good to communicate less with others and only the essential to people at work. As an afterthought, I do have a citrine bracelet which I picked up at a buddhist monastery which I visited long time ago. Always be intuitive when you pick up a souvenir from a place you visit, that bracelet worn many times by me had given me good vibrations of that divine place. I have always liked the sanctity of sacred places and the peace the divine silence there brings. Today the angel message is to work for the environment around us, and pray to Archangel Ariel who is also the protector of Nature as well as light. It is always good to put things into practice or in other words walk the talk. Those of us who can, can take up a Nature project in our neighbo...