
Showing posts from September, 2023

Daily message

goodevening! View this email in your browser Preview: Join us in October for this special event Watch a new short film giving a deeper insight into the Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark event, 23-27 October ‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ - Watch the video! In anticipation of the forthcoming ‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ event, our own Michael Ferguson has produced a wonderful video. Watch the film in this newsletter and why not help us publicise the event by sending the link to a friend or relative who might be interested: Tickets are available at There is a modest cost to attend the talks – but if there is anyone out there who would like to come but cannot afford it – a generous benefactor has offered to subsidise anyone who needs help. All you need to do is speak to me (Fr. Pat) or write to me at the Cathedral House address and I will arrange for you to receive tickets. ...

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! Here in our parish church, the bible week is going on, and my mother and my nephew and niece are giving active participation. In fact, it is late in the night, and my mother after settling my father , is going through her bible questionairre.Looks like my nephew and niece have group study with friends for tomorrow's bible competitions. From the book,"" What to say when you talk to your self"". Powerful New Techniques to Program Your Potential Success! My own particular automotive stress-builders were stoplights and slow-moving traffic. One day,while driving to my office, I found myself anxiously anticipating the change in every traffic light I encountered between my home and my office. Halfway there I came to the astounding realization that I was doing my attitude, and probably my health, a great injustice. More than that, I realized that my behavior was not that which should be expected of a mature adult. I was dealing with traffic ...

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! From the book on ayurveda Gold Gold is strengthening to the nervous system and the heart, improves memory and intelligence, and increases stamina.It is also good for weak lungs. Gold can be helpful for students'pre-exam tension, for arthritis, and for heart arrhythmia. The energy of gold may be hrnessed by preparing gold medicated water. Use pure gold ( 24 Karat is best ), such as a gold band. Place the gold into two cups of water, and boil until 1 cup evaporates. Take 1 teaspoon of this gold water 2 0r 3 times a day to energise the heart, strengthen mental faculties, and awaken pure awareness.( This process won't hurt your gold.) You can also make golden rice. While cooking rice, place a piece of gold in the rice pot, and cook as usual. When the rice is finished, remove the gold before serving. Note: Gold has healing properties and should be used sparingly by individuals with a pitta constitution. Silver Silver has cooling properties and is ben...

Daily mesage

Hello to all my readers! Have a blessed day!

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! And now, ikigai Logotherapy and Morita therapy are both grounded in a personal', unique experience that you can access without therapists or spiritual retreats: the mission of finding your ikigai, your existential fuel. Once you find it, it is only a matter of having the courage and making the effort to stay on the right path. ......Going with the flow Imagine you are skiing down one of your favorite slopes. Powdery snow flies up on both sides of you like white sand. Conditions are perfect. You are entirely focused on skiing as well as you can. You know exactly how to move at each moment. There is no future, no past. There is only the present. You feel the snow, your skis, your body, and your consciousness united at a single entity. You are completely immersed in the experience, not thinking about or distracted by anything else. Your ego dissolves, and you become part of what you are doing. This is the kind of experience Bruce Lee described with his f...

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! Driving yourself to distraction Many years ago, I fit into the category of individuals who give themselves minor emotional fits when they are driving in traffic. I know people who verbalize near-obscenities( or worse 0 at traffic lights which change at the wrong time, or at other drivers who do wrong things like pulling in front of them or cutting them off. When they were about to be late they hit, with equal force, the brake, the gas pedal, and the horn. It doesn't seem to have a lot to do with how important it is that they didn't get started on time. Behind the steering wheel, all vengeance is meted out with equal fury. After this emotional driving style becomes a habit, these otherwise fine individuals get so used to driving with stress that they clutch the steering wheel with the same Indianapolis %00 grip when they aren't late for anything or when they are going nowhere in particular. A friend of mine-the owner of a sucessful business in th...

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! From the book,"" What to say when you talk to your self"" "" Not Hypnosis-Not Subliminal"" Self-Talk is not hypnosis. In fact, Self-Talk is almost the opposite of hypnosis. Hypnosis requires the subject ( you ) to enter what is called a trance state, one of several levels of consciousness which opens doors to the subconscious mind. The verbal suggestions to enter the trance state can be given to you by someone else, or to a lesser degree, by using specially worded tapes you can enter the trance state on your own. When you are practising or listening to Self-Talk, you're not in a trance state-you're clear and conscious.Written by Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D.

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! ""What to say when you talk to your self""".... ""If you are in management:"' All of us are "" managers"" of one kind or another. There are two parts to good management. Effective management always begins with sucessful self-management. You can be a graduate student of management and never attain the essential skills of managing others if yoi do not first master the management of yourself.True leaders have their own selves firmly in control: they are in command of their actions, their feelings, their attitudes, and their perspectives. The second essential ingredient of being a good manager is knowing how to develop the qualities and skills of others. Both of these management requirements are directly affected by Self-Talk. If there are two equally qualified managers, similar in every respect, and one of them uses positive Self-Talk with himself or herself, and the other does not, and the same ...

Daily message

Goodevening! Masters of Longevity ""Words of wisdom from the longest-living people in the world"" Jeanne Calment(122) ""Evreything's fine."" Born in Arles. France, in February 1875, Jeanne Calment lived until August 4, 1997, making her, at 122, the oldest person of verified age in history.She jokingly said that she"" competed with Methuselah"", and there is no question that she broke numerous records as she went on celebrating birthdays. She died of natural causes at the end of a happy life during which she denied herself almost nothing. She rode a bicycle until she turned 100. She lived on her own until 110, when she agreed to move into a nursing home after accidentally starting a small fire in her apartment. She stopped smoking at 120, when her cataracts started making it hard for her to bring a cigarette to her lips. One of her secrets may have been her sense of humor. As she said on her 120th birthday,"...

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! Resilient people know how to stay focused on their objectives,on what matters, without giving in to discouragement. Their flexibility is the source of their strength: They know how to adapt to change and to reversals of fortune. They concentrate on the things they can control and don't worry about those they can't. In the words of the famous Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr: God, give us grace to accept with serenity The things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other. From the book on Ikigai Have a rosy evening! This is one of the favourite serials of my daughter when she was a toddler!To happy memories!

Daily message

Hello t9 my readers! from a book by DoreenVirtue the courage to use affirmations! i'm also a big believer in the power of positive words, positive thinkimg, and positive affirmations.( Affirmations can be negative if you're frequently stating a worry aloud.) invite the " butterflies" of ideas by staying positive.for example, regularly affirm," thankntou for the wonderful ideas", or " I am 3xcited about tge ideas that are coming to me now." Don't afform negativeky, sayong things like" This is so hard," or " frettimg," What if Ibdon't come up with an idea?". thankyou!

Daily message

goodevening! herbal cigarette. to gradually wean yourself from smoking, ayurveda suggests that you prepare the following herbal mixture. it will help both with reducing your stress level and with detoxifyimg your body.mix togetger equal amounts of: brahmi jatamamsi rose petal powder remove 1/3 of the tobacco from a few of your cigarettes( at the end you light ) and replace it with this mixture. when you feel like smoking, lught and smoke the herbal mixture. when you reach the tobacco, stop. soon you willsee that the desire to smoke begins to diminish. effective herbal tea. at times of stress, instead of smoking a cigarette, prepare and drink a tea made of equal proportions of jatamamsi, chamo.ike, snd brahmi. jatamamsi 1 part chamomile 1 part brahmi 1 part steep 1 teaspoon pf this mixture in a cup of hot water, and drink. take it slowly, sip by sip, t9 help relieve the desire to smoke. chew instead of smoking. whenever the desire for a cigarette arises, chew one or two sm...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ayurveda by deepak chopra see also " Addictions" Addiction to smoking has two main causes: nicotine toxicity and stress. Once a person becomes a smoker, he or she has to achieve just the " right " amount of nicotine toxicity to maintain proper functioning of the brain as well as normal digestion and elumunation.Also, at times of pressure or emotional disturbance, smokers habitually reach for a cigarette. So two parallel strategies are needed: detoxifyimg the nicotine toxicity and dealing with the stress. ....... overwhelm yourself. Here's another helpful procedure. Place a few drops of brahmi ghee directly on the cigarette, then light up the smoke produced will be ao strong, it will eliminate your desire to smoke. have a goodnight. foto credit:

Daily message

goodevening! Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark As you all know, at the end of next month (23-27th October) Professor James Edwards will be visiting the parish to help us to get to know Jesus better, specifically through the Gospel of Mark. This will be a unique opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading biblical scholars in a mini-course which will run from 7pm-9pm each evening Monday to Friday. The event begins 23rd October. Tickets and details are available at In order to prepare for this important event, each one of you has been given a prayer card today and I am asking you to join us (the Cathedral clergy) in praying each day for the success of this event – that many people will take this valuable opportunity to sit with the Lord and get to know Him better. Please think about joining in in this event (you don’t have to come to the whole thing – although it will undoubtedly be better if you do!) and please think about s...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on "Peaks and Valleys" byspencer Johnson M.D. " He went off to think and rested for a while beside a quoet pond.Looking down, he caught a glimpse of his reflection.he did not like what he saw. He knew he was becoming more resebtful and was not at peace with himself.Then he remembered something else the old man had said: If you do not learn in a Valley, you can become bitter. If you truly learn something valuable, you can become better. but if that was true, what was it that he needed to learn? after many weeks, the young man got tired of trying to figure it all out. a few of his friends suggested that he join them out on the plateau, where they liked to go and " dull out", as they called it. he had never been to the plateau, but from what he had heard, it wasn't that hard to get certainly wasn't as far away as the peak. and being dulled out on the plateau had to be better than feeling low in the valley." h...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book titled... சுகமா இருக்கீங்க...இருப்பீங்க... from the author...

Daily message

bonsoir! aujourd'hui, c'est l'anniversaire de la mort de ma grand-mère maternelle. Ma mère et moi avons regardé un tube vudeo yiu sur saint François d'assise et l'histoire racontée par un prêtre capucin à propos de la première crèche. ma mère voulait en savoir plus sur sa vie de prière méditative. Quand j'habitais à Santaclara, j'allais dans un magasin le soir sur Elcamino Road. Certains des articles préférés que j'ai achetés là-bas sont un vase à fleurs en argile et un petit berceau miniature. vivant aujourd'hui à Madurai, je suis allé acheter un pot en argile qui pourrait servir de bassin de lotus dans le jardin de mes parents. bonnes journées de jardinage à tous!

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on Peaks and valkeys by spencer johnson M.D. the young man said," the peaks and valkeys approach seemed to be working for me. i had some real success ay work. but tgen thinfs went wrong and i have nonidea why." the old man offered," there was another reason I showed you the heart tracing it was to encourage you to use the Peaks and Valleys aporoach with your heart." " what do you mean?" " it is not onky the valuable insights you gain on the Peak that are is also how you feel about the insights, and what you do with them thst majes all the difference. "for example, how do you behave when you are down in the valley?" how do i behavr? the young man asked. yes. and when you returnef to your valley, how did you feel?" i felt was one good time.!" the old man said nothing. "what?" the young man said, but the old man just waited the young man realized what he had just sa...

Daily message

goodevening! drinking a cup of warm milk at bedtime is good in the autumn induces sound, natural sleep. heat the milk until it begins to boil and rise up, then let it cool enough to drink comfortably. you might add a pinch each of ginger and cardamom and a small punch of nutmeg. these herbs are warming and soothing and will help both qith digesting the milk and woth relaxation. at the junction, between summer and fall, a panchakarma treatnebt will help remive excess vata from tge system....if you can't go ti an ayurvedic clin8c, try the home purification treatmwbt oultkibed in chapter 4. a crucial component of this teeatmebt shoukd be tge basti or medicated enema, as follows: 1 boil 2 tablespoons of dashamoola powder in 1 pint of wTer for 5 minures. 2.strain out tge herbs, and ti tge luquid add 1/2 cup warm sesame oil. 3. when tge mixture has cooled to a comfortable temoeratuee, use it for tge enema. try to retain it for 30 minutes. 4. after half an hour or after a...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ayurveda guidelines fir fall don't drink black tea or coffee after dinner. try some herbal tea, such as cumin-coriander-fenbel tea(equal proportions), or gonger-cinnamon-clove tea. fasting is not good durimg the autumn season. it geberates tpo much lightness and emptiness, which provoke vata. be sure to keep warm. dress warmly enough both indoors and out. on a windy, gusty day, cover your head and ears. very active, vigorous exercise should be avoided, especialky by individuals with a vata constitution. a short afternoon nap is acceptable for vatas. try to be in bed before 10 pm. ] have a goodevening! photo credit:

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ayurveda gentle alternate nostril prana yama is goid following yoga postures. then meditate for at least ten to fifteen minutes. every morning before your bath or shower, rub 6 to 9 ounces of warm sesane oul all over your body, from head to toe. sesame oul is warming and heavy and will help to balance vata. then take a nice warm shower. leave a luttle oul onbyour skin. goid fall colours for pacifying vata are red, yellow and orange.white is also helpful. after your yoga, meditation, and bath, have some breakfast. try oaymeal, cream of rice, cream of wheat, tapioca, or any grain that will help t9 settle vata.... for lunch and supoer, tortiallas, chapatis, basmati rice, mung dal kitchati, and steamed vegetables are all good fall foods t9 balance vata. salads are not recommended. mushy soft soups and stews are good, and be sure to use some ghee. have a goodevening! photocredit: free photos

Daily message

goodevening! from a book on ayurvedaby deepak chopra guidelines for fall autum us dry, light, cold, windy, rough, and emoty( trees drop their leaves). All these qualities provokr vata dosha. so naturally the guidelines for autum revolve around pacifying vata. if you can, wakw up early, around 5 A.M, when thr air is calm and the birds are not yet out of bed. there is an extraordinary silence and peace at this time of day. good y9ga asanas fir the autumn season include the lotus pise, forward bend,backward bend,vajrasana( sitting on the heals), spinal twist, camel, cobra, cow and cat. shoulder stand and head stand are all right in moderatipn. also do the sun salutation a min8mum of twelve a maximum, you can do as many sun salutations as your age, but you have to build up to this through regular daily practice. Finish your yoga session with savasana, the relaxationpose. to be continued tomorrow. have a good day! photo credit:

Daily message

goodevening! from a book gifted to me by a good friend SoundarG , my classmate fromAnna University, a resident of Singapore, called " PeAks and Valkeys" bySpencer Johnson, M.D.... 1the young man said, " My time on the plateau may have been un healthyat first, but inthe end it was good for me. " I thought I had just given up when I went there.But afterward, I went back to my valley more rested and with agreater interest incomimg back to this peak. "Still",he wondered," how can it be healthy to have ups and downs? how can that be peaceful?Don't all the highs and lows maje you feel anxious and stressed out?" the old man answered," onky if yougo up and diwn with them.Once you truly learn to manage your good and bad times, you gain a sense of healrht balance." " But how?" the young man asked. to beginwith, you become more peaceful 9nce you realize that you are not yoyr Peaks, your 'goid 'times, and you are...

Daily message

goodevening! View as a web page or listen online. FRANCISCAN FRIARS of the ATONEMENT™ THIS WEEK’S REFLECTION FROM FR. BOB WARREN, SA Divider Twenty Second Sunday of Ordinary Time – September 6, 2023 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 36 NO TIME TO READ? Listen to Fr. Bob's audio reflection. - Listen Now Hello. This is Father Bob Warren. Speaking to you from Graymoor in Garrison, New York. The home of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement. Our Gospel for today, the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, comes from Matthew, Chapter 16, verses 21 to 27. We hear a dark message from Jesus today. He is not the sweet Jesus we’ve come to know. He is brutally honest and straightforward: “I am going to Jerusalem to suffer and die. And if you would come after Me, you must take up your cross. And if you want to save your life, you must first lose it.” That is a tall order. Jesus led a remarkable life. He spent three decades of His life, about 30 of His 33 years, where you and I would never dream of looking for Him. A s...

Daily message

goodevening! from a book gifted to me by my late uncle Vincent healing the past with the help of angels life is based on the impersonal law of cause and effect. every mental emotional-phys8cal action that we take is like a stome thrown in a pind. the ripples move out into infinity, producing correspinding effects.accordingly, each now experience in life that is below the divine standard is nothing more than a scene from a play tgat we scripted at some piint in the past appearing in the present moment. And that scene, which represents some form of emotional scarring-an obstruction to heakth, wealth, and happiness- maybe repeated on our life-path unless we go back into the past and rewrite it. have a blessed day

Daily message

goodevening! from the ikigai book whatever you do, don't retire! having a clearly defined ikigai brings sat8sfaction, happiness, and meaning to our lives. The purpose of this book is ti help you find yours, and to share insights from japanese philosophy on the lasting health of body, mind, and spirit. one surprising thing you notice, luving in japan, is how active peopke remain after they retire. in fact, many japanese people never really retire-they keep doing wjat they love for as long as their healrh allows. tgere is, in fact, no word in japanese that means retire in tge sense of " leaving the workforce for good" as in English. according to dan buettner, a national geographic reporter who knows the country well, having a purpose in lufe is so important in japanese culture that our idea of retirement simply doesn't exiat there. have a goidevening.

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ikigai yoga popular in japan as well as in the west, yoga canbe done by almost anyone. some of its poses have even been adaptedby pregnant women and practitioners with physical disabilities. yoga comes from india, where it was developed millenia ago to unite our mental amd physical elements. the word yoga itself comes from the sanskrit term for " yoke", which refers to the crosspiecw that binds draft animals to one another and to the cart they are strives to unite body and mind in the same way, guiding us toward a healthy lifestyle in harmony with the world around us. the main objectives of yoga are: to bring us closer to our ( human ) nature mental and physicak purification to bring us closer to the divine goodnight art by italian lawyer and painter Giuseppe Siniscalchi

Daily message

goodafternoon! from the "Archangels 101" book as thisis a "101" ( introductory )book on the archangel realm, I chose to focus on 15 of my favorites. Specialitirs of the archangels 1. Michael 2. Raphael 3. Gabriel 4. Uriel 5. Chamuel 6. Ariel 7. Metatron 8. Sandalphon 9. Azrael 10.Jophiel 11. Haniel 12. raziel 13. Raguel 14. Jeremiel 15. Zadkiel Gabriel- deliveri g important and clear messages; helping those who are messengers( teachers, writers, actors, and artists); assistimg with all aspects of parenting, including conception, adoption, and birth. the h alo colors of the archangel Gabriel is copper. crystals and gemstones associated with the archangels Gabriel is copper. astrological signs associated with the archangels is Gabriel- Cancer,the nurturing and hardworkimg parent. 2have a blessed day!

Daily message

goodmorning! today i was watching a franciscan oli video from amalashram where a capouchin priest was talking about an tamil essay competiti9n. under two good headings! when i was studimg in a protestant school in nagerk9vil, in my sixth standard , i appeared fpr an tamil essay compeition. though i don't remember the headings , I rememver the book I got as a prize. a novel in tamil by an old well known tamil author Lakshmi. my ypungest uncle Albert ignatius used tovtease me for the amateur poems I used to write in my high school days. he used to call me," O மலரே ". in franciscan olu competition, they have announced cash prices. Thanks to Irudhayaraj uncle for sharing this video link