Daily Message

As a divorced mother, having a girl child, I am proud to send this message to the world!

God not only preserves and refreshes us spiritually but also physically. The birth of the girl child is,therfore, the best example of God's faith in Man;that He likes Man to continue on this planet, endorsing the fact that He likes man to continue on this planet, endorsing the fact that He is still pleased with Man (however displeased some of our religious men might be with this statement). Because He wasnt slow to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and sending flood in Noah's time. Abraham's prayer and His conversation with God brought out God's attitude toward people when He is not pleased.

How pleasant is His creation and how good a balance between the sexes of His creation. There have been wars and other instances where men were killed and women outnumbered men, e.g.Vietnam War and world war I and II. In a census that I remember to have read about Russia, the ratio was nine women to each man,(I hope I am accurate). The point being emphasised here is the fact that God has a purpose in creating, killing and preserving. There are armies like the Us army who have recruited women into their armies. Even then, by nature, men volunteer to be killed in an army because women like to conceive and their death may deprive the tender children of the motherly affection and touch. Their death may echo the deep groan of innocent children born or yet unborn and the horrifying tales that would ever remain stored up in their minds as to how the enemies took their mother's life. Each mention of which may bring more tears and feelings of remorse than the feelings of heroism, as may be in the case of their fathers. Girl Child has a Special Role To Play.

Today my prayers are for the children of the divorced marriages. I request the prayers of my readers for the cause of my reconciliation with my daughter who has beend estranged from me by the family of the exhusband. Peace to all!

The message from the daily gospels...Late advent.

Decemeber 17
Psalm 72:3-4,7-8,17
Matthew 1:1-17
(Matthew's genealogy) Genealogies are among the most difficult Scriptures to use as grist for prayer. Matthew's carefully constructed genealogy traces Jesus' origins back through the line of David;the prophet Nathan had foreseen the Messiah would come from this royalfamily. THough the accuracy of this geneaology is contested by some Scripture scholars, it nevertheless emphasizes the human side of the Messiah.

Make a diagram sketching your own family tree. Go back two or three generations if you can.

Glancing over your family tree, try to recall at least one way in which each individual you've listed has loved you through the years. Give thanks to God for these graces.

Have a blessed day!


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