Daily Message

The message from the book ,"Life of Christ"....

AFTER His baptism, Christ was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil.In goimg into the wilderness, Christ was led by the Spirit of God. He did not invite temptation. He wanted to be alone, that He might contemplate His misssion and work. By prayer and fasting He was to brace Himself for the blood stained path He must travel. But Satan knew where the Saviour had gone; so he went there to tempt Him.

As Christ left the Jordan, His face was lighted with the glory of God. But He entered the wilderness, this glory disappeared. The sins of the world were upon Him, And His face showed such sorrow and anguish as man had never felt. he was suffering for sinners.

From the earth book,....


A flood is an overflow of water on land that is usually dry. They are becoming much more common due to human activity such as covering ground in concrete, preventing water from draining naturally through the soil.Deforestation also leads to more frequent flooding.

A hurricane can stretch almost 1,000km(620mi) across and can have spiralling windspeeds of more than 300ph( 190mph). These huge oceanic storms gain heat and energy from the warm ocean waters and result in widespread destruction if they pass over the land....the eye of the storm.


Volcanoes are tremendously powerful. THe biggest blasts can be heard over tens or even hundreds of miles, and ejected material can travel over thousands of miles, Scientists in Iceland are trying to harness this raw power for electricity generation.

From our Daily bread....

READ James 1:21-27
Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only._James 1:22

A church member told his pastor that he was going to the Holy Land. He said that it was his intention to visit Mount Sinai.""In fact,"" he told the minister,"I plan to climb to the top of that mountain, and read the Ten Commandments aloud when I get there."

Thinking this would please the pastor, he was surprised to hear,"You know, I can think of something even better than that."" The man responded""You can, Pastor? And what might that be?""

He replied rather bluntly,"Instead of traveling thousands of miles to read the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, why not stay right here at home and keep them?""

God wants us to read His Word, of course. But more important, He wants us to obey it. So, as we open teh Bible each day, we should pray not onlyu for illumination to understand it but also for a willingless to obey it. Hearing and doing must go hand in hand( James 1:22) When Saul heard Jesus speaking to him on the road to Damascus, he asked,"Lord, what do You want me to do?""(Acts 9:6). That's a good question for us to ask whenever we read the Bible or hear it read.

Image Courtesy:Family first: Black family outdoors


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