Daily Message

Have a wonderful day!

READ PROVERBS 11: 24 -31
"Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;for God lovesa cheerful giver."-2 Corinthians 9:7
After admiring a painting in a woman's home, I was surprised by her generosity when she took it down and gave it to me.
I've seen many similar acts of kindness. For years, my mother-in-law hung on to her archaic-looking refrigerator so she could give more money to the Lord's work.
A christian family I know had saved money to buy a new car. But when they heard of a desperate need on a mission field, they kept their old car and gave to missions instead.

I've also heard of a Christian businessman in Ohio who puts everything in his pocket every morning to give away- a pen, a trinket, even a ten dollar bill. As the day unfolds, he looks for someone who would be blessed by receiveing a gift."By constantly looking for an opportunity to give,"he says,"I have a wonderful day."
The old saying"takers eat well, but givers sleep well." is only partially true. According to Proverbs 11:25, givers also eat well:"The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.
We must not give grudgingly or merely out of a sense of duty but from the heart. It's the generous, cheerful giver whom God loves(2 Corinthians 9:7) ""Our prayers and kind wishes for speedy recovery"" to the turkish and Syrian communities from the disaster of earthquakes that happened yesterday....
Have a blessed day brothers and sisters!
Today the morning meditation is "Matha Mandrattu Maalai"" literally translated as ""Garland of petitions to Mother Mary""....


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