Daily message
from the book , life of Christ...
God's law can neverbe changed,for christ said,"till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all will be fulfilled." Mathew 5:18
when he asked the question," is ot law fulfilled on the சம்பத் days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or t9 destroy it?" christ showed that He coukd read the hearts of the wicked Parishes who accused Him.whil4 he was trying to save life by healing தற் sick, they were trying to destroy life by putting Him to death. was it better to stay upon the சம்பத், as they were planning to do, தன் to cure the suffering ones as He had done? was it better to have மர்டர் in the heart on God's holy day தான் to have Love toward all men-love which is shown in kindness and deeds of mercy?
many times the jews charged christ with breaking the sabbath. often they tried to kill Him because He did not keep it according to their tradition. but thus made no difference with Him.He kept the சம்பத் as God wanted it ti be kept.
From the book," There's a spiritual solution to everyone problem"...."Wars are tge out come of group consciousness. members of the group think along the lines of: I am born on this side of the river, you on the far bank. So too were அவர் ancient ancestors, therefore we will need to fight to see who has access to the river and who is right. ancient enmitied continue to flour இச் because of geograph8c பவுண்டரி disputes, religious traditional, கல்சுரல் practices, and so on. these conflictsare justified as preserved the identiry and historians traditional of"my people"....
have a happy day!
image courtesy: Family first
from the book , life of Christ...
God's law can neverbe changed,for christ said,"till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all will be fulfilled." Mathew 5:18
when he asked the question," is ot law fulfilled on the சம்பத் days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or t9 destroy it?" christ showed that He coukd read the hearts of the wicked Parishes who accused Him.whil4 he was trying to save life by healing தற் sick, they were trying to destroy life by putting Him to death. was it better to stay upon the சம்பத், as they were planning to do, தன் to cure the suffering ones as He had done? was it better to have மர்டர் in the heart on God's holy day தான் to have Love toward all men-love which is shown in kindness and deeds of mercy?
many times the jews charged christ with breaking the sabbath. often they tried to kill Him because He did not keep it according to their tradition. but thus made no difference with Him.He kept the சம்பத் as God wanted it ti be kept.
have a happy day!
image courtesy: Family first
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