Daily message

From thr earth book...
musk 9x
this giant plant-eater has two layers of fur to help it survive the long Arctic winters.
polar bear
Although feared by many Arctice animals, less than 2% of a polar bear's h7nt8mg attempts are thought to be successful!
Arctic fox
the well-camouflagef Arctic fox sometimes follows a polar bear and scavenges on leftovers if its own h7nting trips are unsuccessful.
these gentle giants use their long tusks to break through the ice, and to climb out of the sea and onto an iceshelf.
Orange-beaked puffins are superb fliers and hunters-they can flap their wings 400 times per minute, fly 88kph(55 mph), and dive 60m(200ft) underwater to catch their meal.
From the book," psych8c perception"...
your subconscious mind expresses what is impressed upon it. many so-called strange occurences, projections and voiced are nothing but subjective manifestations.The ghosts we fear are those that walk the gloomy galkeries of our munds.
Image Courtesy: Redwoids from muir woods, SF Park
16thanks to our good friend 'Chaitanya gupta' for sharing!


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