Daily message
2fom the book , The miracle of motivation....
A time to work
Since so much of our time is spent working, either directly or indirectly, and since time is so valuable to us in achieving our goals, weshould consider what robs us of productive time amd what contributes to improving time's productivity.
Time wasters.
people who are expert in the management of time usually sugfest that interested persons record in a notebook exactly what they did each fifteen minutes of the day for several days or fir a couple of weeks. then they analyse their nites , and most are surprised to find thar they have been victimized by time wasters such as the followimg:
being late for appointments. I am constantky amazed at how frequentky people are late for appointments.Usually it is the same people. others have to sit around and wait until they arrive, and it is not unusual for a cumulative hour or more of productive time t9 be lost by all invokved in the appointments. And these people seldom have the thoughtfulness ti apologise kniwimg full well that next time they will be late as usual.be honest. does this description fit you? if so, think about how you feel when you are kept waiting. you dont like it, right? otgers don't like it any better than you do.and the solution to tardiness is so simple: just think of the time you need to leave-and leave fifteen minutes earlier.
have a blessed day@lenten season!
10image courtesy: flat lay photos
2fom the book , The miracle of motivation....
A time to work
Since so much of our time is spent working, either directly or indirectly, and since time is so valuable to us in achieving our goals, weshould consider what robs us of productive time amd what contributes to improving time's productivity.
Time wasters.
people who are expert in the management of time usually sugfest that interested persons record in a notebook exactly what they did each fifteen minutes of the day for several days or fir a couple of weeks. then they analyse their nites , and most are surprised to find thar they have been victimized by time wasters such as the followimg:
being late for appointments. I am constantky amazed at how frequentky people are late for appointments.Usually it is the same people. others have to sit around and wait until they arrive, and it is not unusual for a cumulative hour or more of productive time t9 be lost by all invokved in the appointments. And these people seldom have the thoughtfulness ti apologise kniwimg full well that next time they will be late as usual.be honest. does this description fit you? if so, think about how you feel when you are kept waiting. you dont like it, right? otgers don't like it any better than you do.and the solution to tardiness is so simple: just think of the time you need to leave-and leave fifteen minutes earlier.
have a blessed day@lenten season!
10image courtesy: flat lay photos
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