goodevenjng! from the book on ayurveda and aromatgetapy changing forced these three dynamic forced are constabtly changing and balancing each other in all luving things. they make lufe a plant, vata is concentrated in the flowers and leaves ( which reach farthest out into space and air ), Kapha is concentrated in the roots ( where water is stored in the embrace of earth ), and Pitta is fpund in the plants' essentialboils, resins and sap ( especially in spuces which stimulate digestion ). Different plants have different concentratiobs of V-P-K ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha). we can use different foods, plants, and specific plant parts ti alter our body's proportion of V-P-K. Eating root vegetables, milk products, or sedatimg haerbs like valerian, increases our kapha. Drinking herbal flowers like jasmine, or eating dry grains, increases our Vata forced. Eating hot, spucy foods like cayenbe, or concentrated prote8n like bee pollen, increases our Pitta tendencies. have a goodn...