
Showing posts from November, 2023

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! from a book on counselling by alphonse, Charles

Daily message

hello to all my readers! from a book on card making basic techniques here are some simpletechniqued that willebsure you produce professional-looking cards in bect ti no time. pre-scored abd folded card blanks, which are manufactured by machinery, are really the very best quality, but can work out expensive if you are making a lot of xards.many card crafters prefer to buy tgeir own card and cut it ti size. follow tgese simple instructions for cutting, scorimg and foldimg professional-looking cards; positioninh and applying emvellishments with doubke-sided tape; and making card inserts for adding a special message.

Daily message

hello ti all my readers! Dear Annie, Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, but you can make a difference right now. Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity when people donate to causes that are close to their hearts. For this special day, we’re asking that 1,000 people become new monthly donors to proclaim the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ, to the nations. Joy Pinto, co-host of EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy, is a longtime monthly donor. She says she gives monthly because “EWTN catechized me, and I want to help others.” Join Joy – and many others – in telling the world, “Jesus loves you!” by becoming a monthly donor today. To sign up now, please visit our secure site: When you sign up to give monthly, we will send you a special gift as a sign of our gratitude: Mother Angelica’s Reflections on Humility. Through this eBook, you will enjoy profound insights into the vital virtue of humility from EWTN’s beloved Foundress. We are excited to cel...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! pointing fingers fr9m Our daily bread read: Psalm 14 tgere is none who does good, no, not one. Psalm 14:3 an empliyee in the bill-collevtion department of a large store gave me an insight into human nature. he told me that he repeatedly gets the following respinse from customers who are delinquent in paying their bills: " I know you must have otgers who owe you a lot more than I do. Get off my back, will you!" the empliyee then told me," they miss the point entirely. sure, there are a lot of others who owe more. but somehow i have to tell them in a nice way, ' Look, what somebody else owes isn't the issue. Our records say that your account is overdue!" the tendency of sinful man has always been to shift attention from himself by pointing the finger at others. Religious people excuse their inconsistencies by referring to the " pagans " by talking about the hypicrisies of the religious. Bit God is not fooled by finger...

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! when i lived in US, for a few montgs, i used to go for sri ram chandra mission meetings. sometimes i used to spend the day with Mrs. Shilpi Atul, who alimg with her husband used to conduct meetings in their home.i used to watch over their s3cond baby biy, who was new birn at that time, so that she could wrire her memoirs of the guruji from hindi to englush. sometimes looking at my fatigue and tiredness, we used to go to the nearby parks for fresh air refreshment. AT TIMES SHE USED T9 SHARE HER BREAKFAST WITH ME MADE OUT OF SABBUDHANI AND POHA AND POTATO AND SALT. Learning to do meditations is a step towards holiness. As Pope Francis said, all are calked to live a holy life. today in our sunday mass, I HEARD THE PRIEST SAYING THAT THERE ARE TWO THINGS ESSENTIAL IN LIFEM.ONE IS T9 WELCOME ALL AND THE OTHER IS TO SHOW HOSPUTALITY TO OTHERS. BU9NA DOMENICA!

Daily message

hello to all my readers! these days i read a lot about aromatherapy. once when i was in US, when i visited a dentist, an asian woman, as it is my habit to wear perfume, she advised me the posit8ves amd negatives of wearing a perfume. As a practical aspect, even though for people living in countries with strong winter, as they wear the knitted wears which are not washed often, it is customary to wear perfume, the lady dentist told me that wearing a perfume does atteact people from the other gender. Always it is wiser to choose a perfume for example like lavender or rose, as it kind of heals the person who wears it as well the persons around them. And tge message for the youth is always be good and strong enough to carry the perfume you wear. for those who understand the theology of wearing tge biblicak meaning of wearing a perfume, life is good. for those who are poir sleeoers, I recommend using the atoma diffusers for night prayers so tgat they coukd sleep well.Life is what we make o...

Daily message

goodevening! from tge book on ayurveda and aromatgerapy Calamus calamys strengthens tge adrenals. it is useful in oeriods of weakness, beneficial for gingivitid, can be a stimulant ti lymphatic drainage; provides relief in 3xtreme back pain. fortunately, this can be overcome by using sweeter oils lije lavender. it increases endurance and stamina. this is an oil we recommend ti use onky externally. calamus does contain compinents tgat are known carcinogens. while thousands of ywars if herbal use in indiahave demonstrared its clinucal effectivemess and safety, we recommend no internal use of this essential oil. have a goid day!

Daily message

hellovt9 all my readers! from tge book" angel detox" calcium intake tgeres no need for any concerns about calcium.when you detox from dairy products, friends and famiky members may pester you with questions about your calcium intake. only people who eat animal products need to suuplement with calcium, because animal products leach this mineral from your body. you can get adequate calcium from other food sources such as kake greens. if you're guided to do so, you can supplememt with calcium t9 ensure that your body is getting the nutritioj it needs. sesame seeds have high levels of calcium. add them to salads and stir-fries. how dobyou eat enough sesame seeds to getxa good amoubt of calcium? tahini. if you havebt used tahini before, it's a peanut butter, only made with sesame seeds, not peanuts. tahini spread on gluten-free toast drizzled with agave nectar is a tasty, nutritious treat. use tahini in salad dressings ti incorpirate more calcium inbyour duet.or use it...

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! the legacy of the blessing impulses the Lord is...loving toward all he has made. _ PS.145:13NIV mister, are you God?" asked a little boy in rags as he held a sack full of freshly baked chocolate donuts in his hands. the young boy was one of many orphans roaming the streets of London duromg Workd War Ii. and the man who bent down and gently put the bag in his hands was General Dwight Eisenhower. the general had decided to walk the few blocks to hus geadquarters that day insteaf of taking a staff he walked past a bakery, the delicious smell of fresh bread and pastries floated through the air. that was when he noticed two boys with their noses press3d up agaibst the bajery windows, lookjng longingky at the donuts. ike's staff looked on skeotixalky as he asked his orderly to buy the donuts, which he gave to the boys. it was a small act of kibdness, but an act so full of tenderness and l9ve that the children thought it must be God Himself who h...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! detoxifying cilantro pezto 2 cups cilantro 1/2 cup almonds 1 tsp. salt 1/4 cup cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil place cilantro, almonds, and salt in a food processir. combine until the leaves and almonds are foneky chopped. next, turn the processir on and slowly pour inbyour oil.Done! you can add some caueene pepper if you like spice. store in an airtightb jar in tge refrigerator, and consume within 2 weeks. aim to use 2 tablespoobs a day. spread it on sandwiches and toast, or add to freshly coojed pasta. or, serve as a dressing for vegetables and pitatoes. its important to eat the cilantro in its raw state. if you cook it( like boiling in soups or stir fries), you denature the important compounds needed for detoxing. have a goodnight! photo credit:

Daily message

Hello to all my readers! Releasing bullies with love Enduring the stress and fear of being bullied is devastating to your self-esteem. THe angels will help you regain your inner strength and confidence in this area. Bullies can appear in different forms: they can abuse and attack and then there are more subtle bullies who manipulate you.They convince you to do things that,in your heart of hearts, you know you do n;t want to do. If your children are being bullied, you may feel helpless. You're unable to watch over them every second during their school day to protect them. You want this to stop but maybe unsure what to do. So ask Archangel Michael to be with your children on your behalf. Visualize this strong, protective angel walking side by side with your kids. See them smiling, happy, and most important safe. from the book on angel detox..... Have a goodevening!

Daily message

hello to all my readers! View this email in your browser Cathedral Advent Appeal Dear Friends – please read about the state of the Cathedral roof. I am really sorry to have to share this with you – but I am afraid that we have reached the point at which we can no longer ignore this issue. As you will read – we will have an Advent Appeal next month (consisting primarily of second collections) to try to raise the money necessary for Phase One of the roof restoration. But if you have any other ideas about fundraising, please come forward and share them urgently! Cathedral Schola Candlelit Advent Concert at Ravelston 8th December In the warmth and intimacy of St Andrew's Church in Ravelston, reminiscent of the crib in Bethlehem, the Cathedral's Schola Cantorum will perform a special candlelit concert on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. On Friday 8 December at 8pm the group will sing a one-hour programme of Advent and Christmas music. Tickets are £6 standard or £12 fa...

Daily message

goodevening to all my readers! kiribati the average elevation of tgis pacific island nation is less than 2m( 6.5 ft), so rising sea levels are a real danger. the islands are the tips of underwater volcanoes. Singapore the city-state of Singapore has not only grown upwards via skyscrapers, but it has grown outwards, too , by pilimg sand offshore to build new land.22% of its land area is man-made! new guinea new guinea is home t9 more than 850 languages, making it the most lunguistically diverse place on the planet. many tribes still practise ancient traditions. from the earth book. photo credit:

Daily message

heloo to all my readers! cry baby blues! while Light and I were travelling on a noisy, crowded flught from Tamps to Seattle, we found ourselves sitting directky in front of a very uncomfortable, unhappy, and vocal baby who cried inconsolably for the first hour of the flught.I always travel with my essential oil kit in a carry-on bag to avoud breakage from poir handling or atmospheric changes in the unpressurised baggage compartment, and I offered mt most expensive rose oil t9 the fristrated motger as anbantodote toher situation.less than hapoy with my offer of assistance, and regarding my small bottle of rose oil with syspucion and contempt, she declined, even with my furtger assurances that it was quite natural and that i was a doctor. I dont generalky believe in forcibly treating people, but after a minute of disbelieg, turning into anger and resebtmenr, and for the saje of myself, the other passengers, and the child's well being, I liberalky dosed the headrest of my seat with ...

Daily message

goodevening to all my readers! from a book on angel therapy by Doreen Dreamwork as the angels clearly spelled out in their chapter entitked," Sleep," we interact a lot with the angelic kingdom during our dreams.You'll increase your numvet of angel messages and the speed of your clearing work simply by inviting the angeks inti your dreams. For example, if you are undecided about your career direction, mentalky say a prayer similar to thus as you lay your head on ypur pillow: " Angels, pkease enter my dreams tonight and give me clear messages, whixh I will remember, to help me to know which direction to take with my career." they always meet this request, and you will likely have a lucid dream that you easily remember, in the hour right before you awaken. Or, the angels may help you in your sleep in such a way that you don't recall your dreams contents. Yey, you awaken and know that something shifted within you durong the night. you feel happuer, more pos...

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! would like to share with my readers an article I wrote few years back! Rainbow Children Children are a bundle of joy and sunshine and rainbows to be cherished and nurtured. When we shower them with love, they grow in love. When we shower them with happiness, they grow in happiness. Every colour in a rainbow means something. Violet children have the clarity of the mind. Indigo children are a special breed. Blue children are children of the skies and the oceans. Green children are those of the Mother Nature and healers. Yellow children are like the sunflowers of the field with a sunny disposition. Orange children are those of light and peace and red children are those of love and passion. All these children are like the stars of the sky during the night and flowers of the field during the day. They need to be taught to communicate with the vast expanse of the galaxy. They need to be taught to communicate with the green nature around them. They need to be tau...

Daily message

goodevenjng! from the book on ayurveda and aromatgetapy changing forced these three dynamic forced are constabtly changing and balancing each other in all luving things. they make lufe a plant, vata is concentrated in the flowers and leaves ( which reach farthest out into space and air ), Kapha is concentrated in the roots ( where water is stored in the embrace of earth ), and Pitta is fpund in the plants' essentialboils, resins and sap ( especially in spuces which stimulate digestion ). Different plants have different concentratiobs of V-P-K ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha). we can use different foods, plants, and specific plant parts ti alter our body's proportion of V-P-K. Eating root vegetables, milk products, or sedatimg haerbs like valerian, increases our kapha. Drinking herbal flowers like jasmine, or eating dry grains, increases our Vata forced. Eating hot, spucy foods like cayenbe, or concentrated prote8n like bee pollen, increases our Pitta tendencies. have a goodn...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! Although Rosemary is considered non toxic and non irritant when diluted it shoukd be avouded by epileptics, 3xpectant mothers, and those who have high bloid pressure. the flowering tops of the Rosemary plant go through a steam distillation process to form the essential oil. it should be a clear or pale yellow luquid with a strong herb-munt scent. Rosemary is one of the first plants thst were used for both food abd medicine. in the middle ages it was used ti protect against the plague and to drive out evil spirits. when used in aromatherapy Rosemary oil can help t9 boost mental stamina and increase brain activity. it can also treat depression, mental strain, and forgetfulnesd. when one inhakes Rosemary they will immediately feel uplifted making it excellent for relief of fatigue. it can also clear your respuratoey tract and relieve sore throats, colds and coughs. Around your home Rosemary can be used as an aurfreshener and bath oil. from a book on aromather...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! The Newsletter for the Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time from St.Mary's Catholic Cathedral,Edinburgj,Scotland View this email in your browser Winter Conference for Young Adults, 2nd-4th January 2024 This new year Fr. Robert will be taking a group of young adults to the Faith Winter Conference from Tuesday 2nd January to Thursday, 4th January. The conference will be held at the Emmaus Youth Village, Consett, and the theme is “The God Who Speaks: ‘This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Fr. Patrick will also be going, as will Sr. Miriam Fidelis, RSM. The conference is open to anyone between the ages of 16 and 25 and attracts scores of young Catholics from all over Britain with a unique blend of catechetical, spiritual and social activities in a relaxed holiday atmosphere. The cost of the conference for students is £110. If you are interested – please speak to Fr. Robert or Fr. Patrick. Recordings of Scripture Event – Now Online If you were no...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! additional methods to clear your chakras in addition to the methods spelled out in previous chapters, there are dozens of ways to clear your chakras. in fact, the more you clear them, the more creative you will become with methods that you will doscern from your own inner guidance.truly, there is no one " right" way to clear chakras. there are only methods that are right for you at any given moment. so, experiment with creating variations on the methods outlined in this book.or, ask your guide, " please show me how to increase my feelings of energy and joy," and then follow whatever positive insight you receive. Isay" positive" because guidance from your guides is always voiced in positive terms. if you ever receive negative guidance, do not follow it,because it is from the lower ego-self and not divinely originated. phot9 credit: Our parish church. St.Joseph's church, where i received my first holy communion. been renovate...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! from the book on ayurveda and aromatherapy seasonal housecleaning it seems inxredible that ancient peopkes developed awareness of the body's systems and created techniques for cleansing each one. records indicate that pancha karma was in practice as early as 300 AD. mamy variatiobs of pancha karma have developed but all forms seek to purify and open the blocked chanbels of the body as a basis for health and rejuvenatipn.traditionally, pancha karma was performed at the turn of the seasons to prepare tge body for changes in diey and environment. in other words , the body is the temple of the soul. Keep it clean. pancha karma is'adaoted for each body type and for specific conditions. thevfive actions to purify the body are Oelation ( snehana ) Purgation ( virechana ), Sweats ( svedhana ), Enema( badti ) and nasal therapy ( nasya). Some systems include Enesis ( vomitting ), Bloodlettimg, Shirodhars, and Tarpana ( relationship healing). have a goodeveni...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! from the book on ayurveda and aromatherapy Dental care we think that our teeth decay is only from poor diet or hygience. recentky, I discovered they decay faster while we are under stress. brushing with essential oils can be very beneficial to preserve and maintain healthy gums. use one drop on your toothbrush each time you brush. Vata neem oil myrrh cypress Pitra peppermint angelica geranium lavender Kapha fennel sage rosemary bergamot have a goodevening! We hear some strange words from Jesus in today’s Gospel. “Whoever exalts themself shall be humbled. But whoever humbles themself shall be exalted.” This is not the only place in scripture where we hear of the insistence of humility. It seems as if Jesus thought of humility as an indispensable quality of character. In His scale of values, it appears that humility ranked somewhere near the top. He was convinced no one could truly succeed without it. We might generally agree that humility i...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! from " Our daiky bread" a wasted life Ephesians 4: 17 You should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind. It's frustrating to talk to some peopke about God, Jesus, and salvation. They shrug you off saying, You have your belief and I have mine," Or," I won't tell you how to live if you won't tell me how to live." How do we respond to that? By tellibg them and showing them that our belief in Christ makes sense. It gives life meaning now and for eternity. in the book Papillob, thecmaim character dreams that he is on trial. the judge says he is being charged with the most terrible crime that a person can possibky commit.when Papillon asks what it is, he is tokd, " The tragedu of a wasted life". " Guilty!" says Papillon, weeping " Guilty." thrre are people all around us whose lives have no meaning or hope they're caught in the web of sin, living...

Daily message

hello t8 all my readers! Hello, Annie, Throughout Holy Scripture, we hear many times that God is there for us in our trials, in our joys, in our temptations. When we are worried, He is there for us to calm our fears. How many times do we read “fear not,” “have no anxiety,” or “do not be troubled” in the Word of God? Our Lord wants us to give every problem to Him, so that He can care for us. We've put together a special resource for you called Comfort from Scripture and the Saints that will calm your heart, give you hope, and remind you that God is with us always. This eBook shares several Scripture verses, as well as quotes from the saints, that highlight the love that Jesus has for each one of us. And each page features photography taken from the EWTN Vatican Bureau. You can get the free eBook here: May you find comfort in these pages, as you remember the words of Sacred Scriptu...

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! from the book on ayurveda and aromatherapy there are many varieties of basil. most common in aromatherapy is the european variety. we also enjoy the indian variety known as tulsi or basil krishna, so named for thecstoru that krishna alwaus wore garlands of this basil around his nevk. he used the Holy basil to produce detachment, faith and devotion. itvis known as the sacred plants of India, as it opens the heart and brings harmony to the mind. basil has strong effects on the emotions, and can be veru strengthening when we are suffering fear or sadness. it has many properties that have been veru beneficial im adthma and headaches. basil can be particularly effective when used in a warm compress over he liver abd gall bladder.

Daily message

hello to all my readers! from a book by Doreen virtue DANA ( ireland ) also known as Danu, Danann. Dana's name is rooted inbtge old irush word Dan, which means " knowledge ". she is a powerful celtic creator Goddess, believed to be a GreatcMotger asowct of tge Divine Creator.Historians say tgat she has the most ancient roots of any Celtic deity, esteemed by tge pre gaekuc Tuatha De Danaans, a griup of alchemusts in Ireland. when tge gaelucs ocertook ireland, legend says tgat tge tuatga de danaans became the leprechauns whi today inhabit Ireland. ......... helps with: abundanxe alchemy and divine magic animals, healing children, fertility, and mothering elemental kingdom, meeting and working witg the ( particularly leprechauns ) worthiness, self-esteem, and deservingness issues have a goodevening!

Daily message

hello t8 all my readers! one of the teleserials we loved to watch as a faniky esoecialky during summers. have a goodevening!

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! recently i asked my brotger who visited my aged parents about AI and it was his suggestion tgat i look at Hi Annie Vanitha, As large language models (LLMs) rapidly improve in their ability to generate text similar to human-written content, educators have growing concerns about students using LLMs to plagiarize essays or other academic work. In this competition hosted by Vanderbilt University and the Learning Agency Lab, you’ll develop a machine learning model that detects whether an essay was written by a student or an LLM. Total Prizes: $110,000 Entry Deadline: January 15, 2024 Learn More Your machine learning skills could support educators and students around the world by advancing the state of the art in AI generated text detection. Good luck, Ryan Holbrook Kaggle Data Scientist Kaggle, Inc 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 This email was sent to because you indicated that you...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! Today we see Jesus surrounded by Pharisees. The situation is similar to a group of reporters hounding a political candidate; everyone shouting questions. Then a lawyer comes forward. “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” It’s a tricky question. The law had 613 commandments. 248 do’s and 365 do-nots. Jesus quotes from the Book of Deuteronomy. “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, your soul and your strength.” Nothing surprising. The Jews knew this. But what startles them is the second commandment: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” It alarms them because the neighbor is the despised Samaritan. The idolatrous Gentile. The enemy. Jesus weds the second commandment to the first. “Live these two and you will live them all. Live these two and you are doing God’s will.” But Jesus doesn’t leave it there. Later, He elaborates on it even further. Remember the Last Supper? Surrounded by His disciples, he tells them a new c...