Daily Message

From the pamphlet, Sr.Baptista, a nun at the convent of the poor Clares, gifted me, I continue...
After that, sister gave me a book to read, named "" Healing through blessing"" by Regis Castro Maisa. The central theme of this book is connected with two passages from the Bible, Romans 12:14,"" Bless those who persecute you; Bless and do not curse them"" and the book of Numbers 6:24-26, "" The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift his countenance upon you, and give you peace. So they shall put my name on the Israelites and I will bless them.""
Not only human beings, but plants, animals and the whole nature can receive blessings from Almighty when we bless them and take care of them. Once I got a golden chance to practise it with plants. From our rose garden, we pruned some rose branches. But one of our sisters told that it was not the time to prune; it won't grow. Since we had already cut the branches, we kept some days for the shoots to come. Unfortunately there was terrible rain that day. So all thought that there was no more chance for the branches to grow since water entered the branches. Then I remembered the blessing exercise and started to bless the branches as I poured water in the morning and evening. After some daysI saw the difference. New shoots started to come out. I was very happy to see those branches with fresh shoots and later many flowers filled those plants and made our rose garden beautiful, to proclaim God's glory and His handwork in the nature. I realized the power of the Holy Trinity.
Blessing can make even difficult and the saddest situations into happy, joyful and easy moments, if we trust and hope in this hidden mystery and power of blessing. Both in the Old and the New testaments we can see the blessings of God and people changing their life due to this blessing.
Courtesy-Shalom Tidings.


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