Daily message

Once when I visited my sister who is a nun...
she gave me this little pamphket...
4wich I would like to share with my readers...
Once I received a message from home that my mother was not well.She haf some problem related ti her legs. It disturbed me, since I was far from home. When I shared my worries witg the sister working with me, she told me that, evenbthough I was far from home I could do greater things through my spiritual exercises. She shared one of these exercises with me, named," Blessings upon blessings".She told me, "Whether you are far or near, you can send blessingsvto your dear and near ones at home."When I heard this, I was very curious to know about this new exercise which I jad never heard before.She told me that, first of all I have to call upon the name of the Holy Trinity. Father, Sonand the Holy Spirit. then I have to imagine the person whom I have to bless, them pray; I bless( father, mother, sister, brother, friend...)in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
7Te invocation of the Saints brinfs blessing to our life,rhen what about the invocation of the most powerful Holy Trinity! We have nothing to worry but just pray....
Today in our parish church, I went for confession and mass...the message for all catholic youth this holy week before easter...pleasw accept the invitation from your parish church to come for the sacrament of confession for it does bring many blessings too! 9bona sera!
image courtesy:charkes alphonse


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