Daily message

goodmorning! bu9na giornata!
2As a college student, during my free time while reading lots of fixtion books,my motger insisted me to read the diary of St.faustina toi. during these divine mercy novena and chaplet days, just a passage to inspire. I quote from a blog...
By Marc Massery Turn to any page of St. Faustina’s Diary, and you find spiritual gems. Like this one:
As I took the pen in hand, I addressed a short prayer to the Holy Spirit and said, "Jesus, bless this pen so that everything You order me to write may be for the glory of God." Then I heard a voice: Yes, I bless [it], because this writing bears the seal of obedience to your superior and confessor, and by that very fact I am already given glory, and many souls will be drawing profit from it. My daughter, I demand that you devote all your free moments to writing about My goodness and mercy. It is your office and your assignment throughout your life to continue to make known to souls the great mercy I have for them and to exhort them to trust in My bottomless mercy (Diary, one:
When we first created
the website for integral optimism, this is the prayer i wrote for the team:dated 14 august, 2020
i would like to share it with my readers:

A prayer for the Integral Optimism website
Dear Creator God, as we go about creating and designing this Integral Optimism website, be our Guide and take our hands into your loving hands and guide each and every step of the integral way we walk through. Give us the spiritual wisdom, knowledge and spiritual stamina to build the website so that whoever comes across this website will feel the peace and light and love that our initiative spreads to the world around. Please bless the website so that more people visit it every day, and be blessed by your wisdom and optimism present there. Please continue to bless all the integral optimistic activities that we do together. Bless all those who are involved in this noble effort and gather around us all the good willed people to make our world a better light, love and happiness filled home. Also as our Protector God, please help us to overcome all the challenges and may we face them with Your higher strength and inner light and wisdom. Please continue to bless all of us and our families with abundant blessings of joy. Make each one of us your instrument of peace, light, love and good faith so that we touch the lives of others all around the world. Thank you our ever loving God.

have a blessed day!
image courtesy: annie vanitha


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