Daily message
Goodevening! from the book by Fr Alexandre Awi Mello called " She is my Motger" ... Even though it is not a feast day in the Universal Church, FRANCISmade a pount of sending a message to the Americas for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadelupe, during the Geberal Audience the day before the feast in 2013(11vDecember2013): " When Our Lady appeared t9 Saint Juan Diego, he4 face was that of a mestiza and her garments bore many symbols of the native culture. Like Jesus, Mary is close ti all her sons and daughters; as a concerned motger, she accompanies them on their way through life. She shares all the joys and hopes, the sorrows and troubles of God's People, which is made up of men and women of every race and nation." On that day he also said: "When the image od thevirgin appeared on Juan Diego's "tilma"[blanket], it was the prophecy of the embrace: Mary's embrace of all the peoples of the vast expanses of America-the peoples who already lived th...