
Showing posts from April, 2023

Daily message

Goodevening! from the book by Fr Alexandre Awi Mello called " She is my Motger" ... Even though it is not a feast day in the Universal Church, FRANCISmade a pount of sending a message to the Americas for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadelupe, during the Geberal Audience the day before the feast in 2013(11vDecember2013): " When Our Lady appeared t9 Saint Juan Diego, he4 face was that of a mestiza and her garments bore many symbols of the native culture. Like Jesus, Mary is close ti all her sons and daughters; as a concerned motger, she accompanies them on their way through life. She shares all the joys and hopes, the sorrows and troubles of God's People, which is made up of men and women of every race and nation." On that day he also said: "When the image od thevirgin appeared on Juan Diego's "tilma"[blanket], it was the prophecy of the embrace: Mary's embrace of all the peoples of the vast expanses of America-the peoples who already lived th...

Daily message

Goodevening! from a book called," Christianity in India: ITS TRUE FACE" I quote," Father Guido Colussi, was an Italian like Father Cerato. He was born in 1912-the year in which I too was born-has been in India since 1928. He says,' I know more about Indian affairs than I do about affairs in Italy.' Having made a choice long ago, to think that he might have made a wrong choice and labourer under it all these years-it was rather absurd to think that the choice so made had been wrong.... 4he took me to a neighbouring parish where he made enquiries as to how ' the new University's coming on, meaning the elementary school building that was being put up. In the local bazaar I saw him bargaining about the price of some Dal like any native, threatening to cease to be the Marwari's customer if he would not reduce the price.Coming out of the shop he told me the Marwaris make a lot of money but they have not profited in any way; their women are uneducated, th...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the archies calender... Remember not to pour antifreeze or oil on the ground, into storm sewers, or down the drain. Each type of liquid waste has its own options for recycling, so check with local authorities before making any move. IT IS HORRIFYING THAT WE HAVE TO FIGHT OUR OWN GOVERNMENT TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT Buy coffee that's organic and shade grown( no need to clear cut forests ), brew it with filtered tap water ( no paper waste )or use a filter less method, then compost the coffee grounds or use them to fertilize your garden. Farmers administer antibiotics to prevent animals from getting sick in cramped conditions. Fewer antibiotics in the bodies of the animals we eat means fewer antibiotics in our bodies, and a lessened chance of contributing to the rise of drug-resistant bacteria. To avoid spraying for pests or even having to lay a hand on the odd insects that wander into your homes, find the places where they enter and block them up....

Daily message

goodevening! from my grandfather's bible... 3rvised standard version catholic wdition the word of God today... RUTH 4: 13 - 18 So Bo'az took Ruth and she became his wife; and he went in ti her, and the Lord gave ger conception, and she bore a son. Tgen the women said to Na'omi," Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without bext of kin; and may his name be renowned in Israel! He shall bevto you a restorer of lufe and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law who loves you, who is more to ypu than seven sons, has borne him. Then Na'omi took the child and laid him in her bosom, and became his nurse. Andctge women of the neighbourhood gave him a name, saying," A song has been born to Na'omi. they named him Obed; he was the fatger of Jesse, the Father of David. Now these are the descendants of Perez: Peresz was the fatger of Hezr9n, Hezron of Ram, Ram of Ammin'adab, Ammin'adab of Nahshon, nahshon of salmon, salmon of bo...

Daily Message

Goodevening! From the earth book... Rainforests In simple terms, rainforests are places with a lot of rain and many trees. They are terming with life- more than half the world's species are concentrated in rainforests, despite these habitats only taking up 6% of the Earth's surface. They used to stretch to 14%, but human activity has resulted in more than half of the world's rainforests being cut down, and the remaining forests are under severe threat. Amazon rainforest Stretching across nine countries, this is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. Its 400 billion trees help to produce about 20% of the world's oxygen. It boasts an extraordinary variety of life, including 40,000 plant species. 1,300 bird species, 3,000 fish species, 430 mammal species and around 2.5 million insect species, a handful of which you see in the picture: 1. HARPY EAGLE-world's largest and most powerful eagle. 2. THREE-TOED SLOTH-so slow that algae grow on its fur. 3. SMOKY ...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the Archies calender... "'HEAVEN IS UNDER OUR FEET AS WELL AS OVER OUR HEADS'" Develop the habit of turning off the tap while you brush your teeth or shave.Start now, and save up to five gallons of water everyday. Make sure everyone in your household does the same; post a reminder above the sink, if necessary. Plant seeds of different ornamental plants in containers that are waste and gift those plants on birthdays and anniversaries to contribute to the environment. Make sure that the meat you eat is the right kind; free-range. If it is pumped full of hormones, it grows bigger, faster but is unhealthy. When printer cartridges run few, give them a shake to get at the last bits of ink. Finally, always ask yourself if you really need that printed document; store your files electronically instead. Bilological diversity in an environment indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals. A diverse ecosystem is a health...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the earth book... ""Earth Regions"" ""I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wilderness.""- Nelson Mandela The richness of Earth is in its variety-on a tour of the globe an explorer may encounter lush, tropical rainforests, deep and mysterious oceans, dry and dusty deserts and frigid, frozen poles. In addition to the usual environments and habitats, we also take a peek at cold- weather rainforests, deep-sea sulfur vents, islands of all shapes and sizes and Earth's most extreme regions, which defy ordinary classification. from national catholuc broadcasting council, Canada... Father Matthew McCarthy We read the scriptures, and we see what Jesus did, it just reminds me of what Pope Francis is asking for the Church, in terms of how to journey with other people. Together. Jesus begins by approaching those who are walking. So what that means, is that I have to actually have my head up, and I have to...

Daily message

Goodevening! From our daily bread... ""THe Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.""_ Psalm 23:1 Everyone worries occasionally, but I was once a "" professional worrier"". My daily preoccupation was mulling over my worries, one by one. Then one day I had to face an uncomfortable medical test, and I was frantic with fear. Finally I decided that during the test I would focus on the first five words of Psalm 23."" The Lord is my shepherd."" This exercise in mediatation not only calmed me, but I gained several fresh insights. Later, as I slowly meditated through the entire psalm, the Lord gave me more insights. Eventually I was able to share at conferences what the Lord had taught me. If you're a worrier, there's hope for you too! Rick Warren, author of The Purpose - Driven Life, wrote: ""When you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that's called worry. When you think about God's word ov...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book,The miracle of motivation... More ways to beat failure When day-to-day problems become discouraging, remind yourself of the many successful people who overcame personal handicaps.Gene Littler overcame cancer to make a great comeback in golf.Norman Vincent Peale was extremely Shy as a young man, but he became one of tge world's most respected religious leaders. Helen Kelker was born blind and deaf , but became a great writer. O.J.Simpson was ca lled" Straw Legs" When he was a boy because his skinny legs were crippled by rickets. yet he became the greatest running back in the history of the professional football. there are people you have beard of. but tgere are mamy otgers whose stories of Conquering failure are just as inspiring and exciting. we are apt to overlook the person next door who became a doctor, but not until he had spent four 3xtra years in school because he had to work t9 pay his bills. or the young widow with four children to r...

Daily message

goodevening! "And there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven, strengthening Him( Luke 22:43 ) An angel ministered to our Lord when in Gethsemane. he wrestled with His great and bitter sorrow. what a benediction to the mighty sufferer was in the soft gliding to His side of that gentle presence, in the touch of that soothing, supporting hand laid upon Him, in the comfort of that gentle voice thrilling with sympathy as it spoke its strengthening message of love! was it a mere coincidence that just at that time and in that place the radiant messenger came? No, it is always so. Angels chose such occasions to pay their visits to men. With silence only as their benediction, God's Angel's come; Where in the shadow of a great afflucti9n The soul sits dumb. image courtesy: indoor garden plants by Mary.

Daily message

goidevening! from the magazine immaculate heart of Mary flashes.... brown scapular A gift from Heaven On July 16, 1251, Our Lady appeared to the English Carmelite friar, Saint Simon Stock, and gave him the miraculous Brown Scapular. At that time, SAINT simon stock fpund himself in a very distressful situation as the superior geberal of the Carmelites.The Carmelite Order was exoeriencing great difficulties in the form of petsecution and despusal which threatened itsclosure. Full of faith and confidence, saint Simon unceasing implore the Blessed Virgin Mary to come to his assistance. He also asked tovreceive a visible s8gn so that he would know his prayers were heard. moved by the fervent prayers of this great devotee, the Blessed Virgin came down from heaven and apoeared before him with the holy Scapulat saying:" Teceive, my beloved son, this scapular of the Order;it is the badge of confraternity and the pledge of a privilege which I have obtained for you and for the brethre...

Daily message

goodevening! from my subscription email from national catholic broadcasting council... Father Dan Donovan The evangelist emphasizes that Nicodemus has come to Jesus by night. In doing so, he reveals his interest in Jesus and in his teaching, as well as his hesitation to be too open about it. He shows his respect for Jesus by calling him "rabbi" and "teacher," and describing him as someone who has come from God. The attitude Nicodemus reveals in regard to Jesus is not unlike that of many people today. They're attracted by the moral teaching of the Gospels, perhaps even more by the mercy and compassion with which Jesus approaches the poor and the sick, the vulnerable and those pushed to the margins of society. image courtesy: From our garden 10have a goodevening.

Daily message

goodevening! from a book by Doreen virtue, I quote: Judgment when we see you hurt yourself with judgments, we wish to remove the sharp splinters from your hand that cause you agony and pain, dear one. we wish that you could see the eternal picture of yourself holding judgments, like a child with sharpened sticks who pokes and prods and wonders where the wounds are from. your incessant pucking upon yourself through the eyes of otgers g8ves us wonderment at your holy power, which, misused in the name of protection, endlessly onky hurts yourself. put down your sharpened sticks, dear one! we urge you to hurt yourself no longer, for your needless suffering stirs us with care. have a blessed sunday!

Daily message

goodmorning! bu9na giornata! 2As a college student, during my free time while reading lots of fixtion books,my motger insisted me to read the diary of St.faustina toi. during these divine mercy novena and chaplet days, just a passage to inspire. I quote from a blog... By Marc Massery Turn to any page of St. Faustina’s Diary, and you find spiritual gems. Like this one: As I took the pen in hand, I addressed a short prayer to the Holy Spirit and said, "Jesus, bless this pen so that everything You order me to write may be for the glory of God." Then I heard a voice: Yes, I bless [it], because this writing bears the seal of obedience to your superior and confessor, and by that very fact I am already given glory, and many souls will be drawing profit from it. My daughter, I demand that you devote all your free moments to writing about My goodness and mercy. It is your office and your assignment throughout your life to continue to make known to souls the great mercy I have for...

Daily Message

Goodmorming! From the earth book.... The situation is not all doom and gloom, though!Humans have existed for about 100,000 years, and there's every possibility we could continue to exist for millions of years if we take care of our planet. By reusing, recycling and reducing our waste: harnessing clean, green energy, and sourcing food from local, sustainable supplies, we will maximise our chances of survival. We also need to cooperate globally and use our abilities for constructive rather than destructive purposes. The future is in our hands! From the book,"" Silence speaks" Sri RamChandra.... Guidance to a sadhaka I have to take a lot of work from you, and aslo do a lot of work on you. Thus, taking and giving both are involved. In English, there is a saying,'Exchange is no robbery!'In your spare time you must be remembering God. You may note as you go on that some changes are taking place. At present, I have just made a beginning of this;in future I...

Daily Message

Goodevening! From the book "'" Silence speaks"" by Sri RamChandra... One of the essential things necessary for the achievement of negation is the growth of intense craving amounting to restless impatience, combined with sincere love and devotion. When the feeling of love is there in the heart, restlessness must come in by itself. The difference in degree may not be of much account in this respect since it may grow more and more in course of time. But what can be said of those who even get annoyed and irritated whenever a harsh reprimanding word used for them? That may be a clear indication of the fact that they do not like to free themselves from their egositic feelings. It is just possible that they might be under the impression that to put them on the right path, and to give them higher approaches, forms a part of my duty to wards them. It may be so to some extent, but then at the same time they must also bear in mind that they are to make themselves deserv...

Daily message

goodafternoon! sometimes I go walking with my cosister in the mornings. I look for Nature andcsometimes detox my mind's anxieties in the cosmic energy of the nature. one wall painting always caught my mind. it says " om namaste shivaya" and the words printed there about the Hindu philosophy that whenever we feel our concerns and worries we need to " Marathi orumuga paduthi" chamt the mantra.! 3sme definition for that age old mantra.... The popular mantra Om Namah Shivaya is steeped in a deep history and is wrought with literal and inferred meaning. Directly translated, it means “my salutations to Shiva, the auspicious one.” But the meaning of that and who Shiva is where we find all sorts of depth and power. The separate words that make up this beautiful mantra are as follows: Om: The Sound of creation. The first vibration that emerged out of the void and silence that existed before creation. It is also the root of the word amen. Namah: my salutations, or...

Daily message

goodevening! being brought up incathol8c educational institutions mostly, I had the opportunity to be taught by various nuns. My maternal grandmother stud7ed in st. Joseph's school , Madurai and in the later years when my father got transferred to madurai, we sisters had the opportunity to study in the same school. my paternal grandfather sent me woth catherine Joyce whois my senior who accompanied me to school the whole of first week. 4my mother studied in the Ignatius school, Tirunelveli and to this day, my motger proudly states that she was brought up by Belgium sisters of those days. my daughter studied in the Dominican kindergarten in USA and later in the goodshepherd school, chennai. t9day readimg about the afghan women amd their want of education for lufe, I feel blessed and pray for them as well. 6oe thing that inspured me when i was in high school was the linguistic skill records thar used ti play in the lunch break 7we students listened to the audio and pucked up ou...

Daily Message

Goodmorning! From the pamphlet, Sr.Baptista, a nun at the convent of the poor Clares, gifted me, I continue... After that, sister gave me a book to read, named "" Healing through blessing"" by Regis Castro Maisa. The central theme of this book is connected with two passages from the Bible, Romans 12:14,"" Bless those who persecute you; Bless and do not curse them"" and the book of Numbers 6:24-26, "" The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift his countenance upon you, and give you peace. So they shall put my name on the Israelites and I will bless them."" Not only human beings, but plants, animals and the whole nature can receive blessings from Almighty when we bless them and take care of them. Once I got a golden chance to practise it with plants. From our rose garden, we pruned some rose branches. But one of our sisters told that it was not the time to pru...

Daily message

Goodevening@the world! from the pamphlet, my sister ( Sr. Baptista, a nun @ the sisters of the poor Clares ) gave me, I continue... Holy Trinityvwho dwells in our hearts will do the particular task that the petson sends 8n need.Then sje told me to make this habit to bless others whenever I travel or wherever I go. They may be strangers but one thing is that they will be surely blessed bybthe Holy Trinity. God the Father will be with them and the Holy Spirit will lead them. When you smile at a person that petson has a natural tendency to smile back at you. In the same way when you bless one person, surely blessings will come back to your life also. that time onwards I used to do this exercise when I travel. On the way I used to bless people saying," I bless this person in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit." have a blessed day! 5iage courtesy: Sr. Rosy and family

Daily message

Goodevening! Once when I visited my sister who is a nun... she gave me this little pamphket... 4wich I would like to share with my readers... 5BLESSINGS UPON BLESSINGS Once I received a message from home that my mother was not well.She haf some problem related ti her legs. It disturbed me, since I was far from home. When I shared my worries witg the sister working with me, she told me that, evenbthough I was far from home I could do greater things through my spiritual exercises. She shared one of these exercises with me, named," Blessings upon blessings".She told me, "Whether you are far or near, you can send blessingsvto your dear and near ones at home."When I heard this, I was very curious to know about this new exercise which I jad never heard before.She told me that, first of all I have to call upon the name of the Holy Trinity. Father, Sonand the Holy Spirit. then I have to imagine the person whom I have to bless, them pray; I bless( father, mother, sister...

Daily message

goodevening! today the message is from the book," spiritual awakening in Gandhi and otger Indian saints" by R.D.Ranade... have a blessed day!