
Showing posts from February, 2023

Daily message

Goodmorning! Forty days of Lent Day 5 From the email from national catholic broadcasting counsel, Toronto, Canada...I quote: The Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary In October of 2002, after much prayer and consultation St. John Paul II gave us five new mysteries and they were named the Luminous Mysteries or Mysteries of Light. St. Pope John Paul II shared that these mysteries help us to “move from the infancy and the hidden life of our Lord in Nazareth to the public life of Jesus. The Pope reminds us that Jesus is the “light of the world” and that this truth emerges in a special way during the years of Christ’s public life, when he proclaims the Gospel of the Kingdom. From the earth book.... 11extreme earth far from thehotspots of human habitation, some record-settimg locations can be found. these are the Earth's extremities - the highest, lowest, hottest, coldest- and you will soon see that one cold-spot is in fact a Hotspot for world records. 13Everest At 8,848m(29,029...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! In India, it is thectime for students in the 10th grade and 12th grade to appear for their public board exams. whether it is the environment at school or the family at home can cause a lot of pressure and stress for these students every year. From the book on " Integral Optimism and happiness".... Youth should start with making a posit8ve picture about the future. it should be the first step towards growth in integral optimism. along with the intellectual pursuit let their hearts be filled with affective ways of love and heart approaches. (For example, doing fitness exercises, like cycling outdoors in nature in the morning, having a study circle or group study with good friends with the similar challenges, having a heart to heart c9nversations with the parents, getting the help of elder siblings or cousins and readimg good books on motivation.) That will help the youth get inner strength and emotional maturity to face any challenge. 1. Practice Integral...

Daily message

Goodmorning! TODAY as the first Friday during our lenten season as for all fridays of 40 days of lent,the morning meditation is this: Recently I was wondering about our spirituality and tradition. When I first met my spiritual director, I told him I find it difficult to meditate on the way of the cross. I also told him I find it difficult to pray when the priests speak in a louder voice. Maybe this lenten season we all can have as many conversations with God in the silence of our hearts when the priests speak in the pulpit. To a happy lenten season!!! According to a post from Doreen today, when you want God to speak to you, read the bible. When youwant God to speak to you in an audible voice, read your bible aloud..... i am sure the same goes for scriptures from other religions the bhagavad Gita and Quran and the jewsish scriptures,the Torah as well! 8hve a blessed day brothers and sisters!

Daily message

Goodmorning! 2fom the book , The miracle of motivation.... A time to work Since so much of our time is spent working, either directly or indirectly, and since time is so valuable to us in achieving our goals, weshould consider what robs us of productive time amd what contributes to improving time's productivity. Time wasters. people who are expert in the management of time usually sugfest that interested persons record in a notebook exactly what they did each fifteen minutes of the day for several days or fir a couple of weeks. then they analyse their nites , and most are surprised to find thar they have been victimized by time wasters such as the followimg: being late for appointments. I am constantky amazed at how frequentky people are late for appointments.Usually it is the same people. others have to sit around and wait until they arrive, and it is not unusual for a cumulative hour or more of productive time t9 be lost by all invokved in the appointments. And these peopl...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! the message from God and the a gels is.... 3iage Courtesy; The church of our lady of Poondy " Dear Archangel Gabriel, thankyou for giving me clear messages about[ issue at hand ] and for guiding and supporting me to be a clear messenger t9 help others, as you do." Gabriel is also known as: Saint Gabriel, Jibril, or Jiburili Gabriel's name means: " The strength of God". Gabriel is one of two archangels specifically named in the Bible( the other being Michael).In the Old Testament's Book of Daniel, Gabriel appears to Daniel to help him understand his visions of the future. In the New Testament's Gospels, Gabriel appears in the Book of Luke in famous scenes called the Annunciation, because the archangel announces the forthcoming births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. Gabriel also appears in thr apocryphal Book of Enoch, as a messenger between humanity amd God. In Islamic faith, the archangel Gabriel revealed the Qu'ran scrip...

Daily message

goodafternoon! Rewards OF faithfulness 3Fom Our daily bread... READ MATHEW25:14-23 The Parable of the Bags of Gold 14 “Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his wealth to them. 15 To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag,[a] each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16 The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more. 17 So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. 18 But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. 19 “After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. 20 The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’ 21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a f...

Daily Message

Goodafternoon! As a divorced mother, having a girl child, I am proud to send this message to the world! God not only preserves and refreshes us spiritually but also physically. The birth of the girl child is,therfore, the best example of God's faith in Man;that He likes Man to continue on this planet, endorsing the fact that He likes man to continue on this planet, endorsing the fact that He is still pleased with Man (however displeased some of our religious men might be with this statement). Because He wasnt slow to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and sending flood in Noah's time. Abraham's prayer and His conversation with God brought out God's attitude toward people when He is not pleased. How pleasant is His creation and how good a balance between the sexes of His creation. There have been wars and other instances where men were killed and women outnumbered men, e.g.Vietnam War and world war I and II. In a census that I remember to have read about Russia, the ratio was...

Daily Message

Bonjour! From the book , "" Conquering the Mind"" by Eknath Easwaran.... Of course, money has a place in life, even in the spiritual life. But to ascribe to money these impossible magic qualities, to make it the measure of things or the very goal of life, is to disinherit ourselves from the divine trust fund we all have stored up inside. Our real wealth is our inner resources, which are infinite because the core of our personality is dvine. And the purpose of life is not to accumulate physical tokens of wealth but to mine these deeper resources for the good of all. That is the supreme goal of our existence and the only source of lasting value. Meister Eckhart, one of the greatest mystics the world has produced, put this in memorable words: Nature's purpose is neither food, nor drink, nor clothing, nor comfort, nor anything else from which God is left out. Whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, secretly nature seeks and hunts and tried to ferr...

Daily Message

Goodmorning! An inspiring story from the 1986 Don Bosco's Madonna by Rev. Peter Gatti, SDB. GOLDEN LOCKS It talks about a story of a village where the soil was difficult to cultivate, threatened by occasional floods by the turbulent river, even so , every hearth , by evening would vie with one another in the pious recitation of their prayers. The holy rosary would be the grand finale of their recitation to God. There lived a young couple,the husband had taken to tilling the hard soil. He had taken the land on lease and sadly the landlord was interested in only collecting the dues. His wife, besides doing their house-work and attending to the poultry, was eager to give him a helping hand. They loved each other intensely. Thay had no craving for the riches. They were quite satisfied with their honourable poverty.Bu a cross was weighing heavily on their young minds: they had no children. Not that they did not want them; their daily, fervent prayer testified to their eagerness. The...

Daily Message

Goodmorning! From our Daily Bread.... LIFE-CHANGING GRACE READ: ROMANS 6:1-10 Ïf anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new._2 Corinthians 5:17 William James, Harvard University's famous professor of philosophy and psychology, once stated that after age 30 we become set like plaster and never change.We can and do change. John D. Rockefeller had become the world's only billionaire. But he was a miserable man who couldnt sleep, who was unloved, and who needed bodyguards. Then at age 53 he was stricken with a rare disease. He lost all his hair, and his body became shrunken. He was given a year or so to live. Rockefeller started thinkimg about eternal issues, and suddenly he began to change.He gave away his money to help churches and the poor. He established the rockefeller foundation, which has under-written critical health research. His health improved, and contrary to the doctor's prediction, he lived to...

Daily Message

Goodafternoon! Few facts on preserving the nature from the archies calender....! The rain forests where cacoa grows are some of the most diverse and fragile ecosystems on earth. Do your part to keep them safe and repair the damage already done by buying your organic, fair trade chocolate from companies that are responsible stewards of the land, and fair to the workers who do the harvesting. When you use the ATM, decline a receipt. Keep track of your bank balance online instead. Every bit of papaer saved makes a difference. "LOOK DEEP INTO THE NATURE, AND THEN YOU'LL UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING BETTER". From the book, "Psychic Perception".... THE Bible says: I, the Lord(subconscious mind) will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream(Numbers 12:6). There are numerous references in the Bible to dreams, visions, revelations and warnings given to men durimg sleep. Your sunconscious mind is active 24 hours a day and never sleeps. TH...

Daily message

goodevening! From thr earth book... musk 9x this giant plant-eater has two layers of fur to help it survive the long Arctic winters. polar bear Although feared by many Arctice animals, less than 2% of a polar bear's h7nt8mg attempts are thought to be successful! Arctic fox the well-camouflagef Arctic fox sometimes follows a polar bear and scavenges on leftovers if its own h7nting trips are unsuccessful. walrus these gentle giants use their long tusks to break through the ice, and to climb out of the sea and onto an iceshelf. Puffin Orange-beaked puffins are superb fliers and hunters-they can flap their wings 400 times per minute, fly 88kph(55 mph), and dive 60m(200ft) underwater to catch their meal. From the book," psych8c perception"... your subconscious mind expresses what is impressed upon it. many so-called strange occurences, projections and voiced are nothing but subjective manifestations.The ghosts we fear are those that walk the gloomy galkeries of ou...

Daily message

goodevening! From " God's word 2023".... Sirach 15: 15-20 4Palm 119:1-2, 4-5, 17-18, 33-34 blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord! 1Corinthians2:6-10 7matgew5:17-37 8Rflecti9n whia! today's readings are quire an earful.and yet, as Sirach tells us, the choice is clear: life or death.Often the world/ devil takes us'away from the bibary option that we have and 9fders us shades of grey, making us lujewarm in the process. today jesus clearly and forcwfully calla a spade a spade-and tells us the consequences of sitting on the fence and breaking the commandments. the world has charted its own set of rules regarding lust,swearing, adultery abd anger-it must be right if it feels right, if everyone is doing it! but Jesus takes us deeper into the law, helps us to understand our purpose, our sexuality and our actions in the context of creation and eternity. Let us'allow His words-discordant with the world today-to prepare us" What noveye has seen a...

Daily Message

Goodevening! Few facts from the nature calender.... 1. Though our lives are different, we do share the same planet. Consider to lift someone out of poverty and helping the planet at the same time by making a microloan to an entrepreneur who has committed to sustainable farming. 2. Go around the house and take inventory of every kind of paper you use, including papaer towels, toilet paper, tissues, paper napkins, note paper, wrapping paper, sacks, paper drinking cup and more. Resolve to use up what you have got and recycle. 3. Make sure you power down-and unplug power strips where applicable, everytime you leave the office at night or for the weekend. And whenever you're leaving your desk for a while, turn off your monitor, which uses much more energy than your hard drive. From the Franciscan media emails which I have subscribed, areveiw on a book called Prayer in the Catholic Tradition A Handbook of Practical Approaches Kindle Edition by Wicks Robert (Author), Robert J. Wicks...

Daily Message

Have a wonderful day! READ PROVERBS 11: 24 -31 "Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;for God lovesa cheerful giver."-2 Corinthians 9:7 After admiring a painting in a woman's home, I was surprised by her generosity when she took it down and gave it to me. I've seen many similar acts of kindness. For years, my mother-in-law hung on to her archaic-looking refrigerator so she could give more money to the Lord's work. A christian family I know had saved money to buy a new car. But when they heard of a desperate need on a mission field, they kept their old car and gave to missions instead. I've also heard of a Christian businessman in Ohio who puts everything in his pocket every morning to give away- a pen, a trinket, even a ten dollar bill. As the day unfolds, he looks for someone who would be blessed by receiveing a gift."By constantly looking for an opportunity to give,"he says,"I have a wonderful day....

Daily Message

Goodafternoon! From the book ," the miracles of motivation".... Use your time more wisely.... Time is your most precious commodity. It's worth everything to you, and it must be used wisely. None of us know how much time he has left, and time that is wasted in nonproductive activities is time that can never be regained. There is a saying that"yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promisory note. Only today is cash in hand." Whatever your goals are, they must be accomplished in the remaining time you have, so the way you occupy your time should be of paramount interest to you. With forethought and action, you can make your time pay high dividends, whether it is time spent in work or time spent in leisure. You can lose thousand dollars and get it back, but lost time is gone forever. The bible verse for today is:"Look at the birds of the air...;your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value! Mathew 6:26 The nature hack from an archie...

Daily message

Goodmorning! yesterday when I visited the book stall in gandhi museum, i got a book on " Islamiya tamil kavitangal" talks about pudhukusham or tge சிவபுராணம்...yet to complete reading the book. when I was in US, shopping oneday, just before a visit to India, I wanted to buy a gift to Mt maternal grandmother who was living at that time. This டைமர் watch was there and I bought it fir her. I d9nt know what prompted me to do that, but in my childhood days, I had சீன her school autograph book, sometimes her friends had drawn the Indian flags அழகிகள் along with the farewell words. A reputation of wood caring by an ஆப்பிரிக்கா dutch artist at the Gandhi museum, Madurai. இனிய காலை வணக்கம்!

Daily Message

Goodevening! From the book called"Nature Cure" A way of life by Dr.S.R. Jindal, bought in the book stall in Gandhi Museum, Madurai.... Garlic-A Powerful Panacea During the first world war, garlic was used with great success for treating the wounded in the battlefield. The amazing antiseptic power of this hearb not only saved thousands of lives, but also prevented such complications and serious infections as gangrene. It also checked the spread of ghastly epidemics....Garlic prevents and treats a number of diseases without any harm or side-effects, provided taken rightly and continuously. A world wide research into the miracles of garlic has been taking place for a number of years. Leading experiments are going on in various countries like Japan, America, France, Germany, and Russia. They have conclusively shown that it not only reduces blood pressure,blood cholestrol and triglycerides, but also actsas a wonderful antiseptic killing all kinds of harmful bacteria/worms/germs...

Daily Message

Goodafternoon! The message from the book ,"Life of Christ".... THE TEMPTATION AFTER His baptism, Christ was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil.In goimg into the wilderness, Christ was led by the Spirit of God. He did not invite temptation. He wanted to be alone, that He might contemplate His misssion and work. By prayer and fasting He was to brace Himself for the blood stained path He must travel. But Satan knew where the Saviour had gone; so he went there to tempt Him. As Christ left the Jordan, His face was lighted with the glory of God. But He entered the wilderness, this glory disappeared. The sins of the world were upon Him, And His face showed such sorrow and anguish as man had never felt. he was suffering for sinners. From the earth book,.... FLOOD A flood is an overflow of water on land that is usually dry. They are becoming much more common due to human activity such as covering ground in concrete, preventing water from draining ...

Daily message

goodafternoon! from the book , life of Christ... God's law can neverbe changed,for christ said,"till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all will be fulfilled." Mathew 5:18 when he asked the question," is ot law fulfilled on the சம்பத் days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or t9 destroy it?" christ showed that He coukd read the hearts of the wicked Parishes who accused Him.whil4 he was trying to save life by healing தற் sick, they were trying to destroy life by putting Him to death. was it better to stay upon the சம்பத், as they were planning to do, தன் to cure the suffering ones as He had done? was it better to have மர்டர் in the heart on God's holy day தான் to have Love toward all men-love which is shown in kindness and deeds of mercy? many times the jews charged christ with breaking the sabbath. often they tried to kill Him because He did not keep it according to their tradition. but thus made n...

Daily Message

Goodmorning! FRom the Earth Book.... Powerful Planet Nature can unleash some powerful events-spectacular to see from a distance, but dangerous and sometimes deadly to experience up close. From Volcanoes and earthquakes to hurricanes and tornadoes, it's wise to be clued up about our planet's raw power. Tornado In the right conditions, a thunderstorm can produce a swirling column of air called a tornado. Winds can reach 300Kph(190mph), and the forward motion can be upto 19kph(12mph). Tornadoes can lift cars and even houses clean off the ground-its best not to get too close, but some storm chasers make this their hobby! Lightning Five times as hot as the surface of the Sun,yet only 2.5cm (1 in) wide, lightning occurswhen a negatively charged thundercloud travels across positively charged ground-the lightning is the flow of electricity that completes this spectacular circuit. Tsunami Undersea earthquakes cause huge waves, which can reach 30m(100ft) in height when they hit ...