
Daily message

hello to all my readers! from a book on card making basic techniques here are some simpletechniqued that willebsure you produce professional-looking cards in bect ti no time. pre-scored abd folded card blanks, which are manufactured by machinery, are really the very best quality, but can work out expensive if you are making a lot of xards.many card crafters prefer to buy tgeir own card and cut it ti size. follow tgese simple instructions for cutting, scorimg and foldimg professional-looking cards; positioninh and applying emvellishments with doubke-sided tape; and making card inserts for adding a special message.

Daily message

hello ti all my readers! Dear Annie, Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, but you can make a difference right now. Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity when people donate to causes that are close to their hearts. For this special day, we’re asking that 1,000 people become new monthly donors to proclaim the Eternal Word, Jesus Christ, to the nations. Joy Pinto, co-host of EWTN’s At Home with Jim and Joy, is a longtime monthly donor. She says she gives monthly because “EWTN catechized me, and I want to help others.” Join Joy – and many others – in telling the world, “Jesus loves you!” by becoming a monthly donor today. To sign up now, please visit our secure site: When you sign up to give monthly, we will send you a special gift as a sign of our gratitude: Mother Angelica’s Reflections on Humility. Through this eBook, you will enjoy profound insights into the vital virtue of humility from EWTN’s beloved Foundress. We are excited to cel...

Daily message

hello to all my readers! pointing fingers fr9m Our daily bread read: Psalm 14 tgere is none who does good, no, not one. Psalm 14:3 an empliyee in the bill-collevtion department of a large store gave me an insight into human nature. he told me that he repeatedly gets the following respinse from customers who are delinquent in paying their bills: " I know you must have otgers who owe you a lot more than I do. Get off my back, will you!" the empliyee then told me," they miss the point entirely. sure, there are a lot of others who owe more. but somehow i have to tell them in a nice way, ' Look, what somebody else owes isn't the issue. Our records say that your account is overdue!" the tendency of sinful man has always been to shift attention from himself by pointing the finger at others. Religious people excuse their inconsistencies by referring to the " pagans " by talking about the hypicrisies of the religious. Bit God is not fooled by finger...

Daily message

hello t9 all my readers! when i lived in US, for a few montgs, i used to go for sri ram chandra mission meetings. sometimes i used to spend the day with Mrs. Shilpi Atul, who alimg with her husband used to conduct meetings in their home.i used to watch over their s3cond baby biy, who was new birn at that time, so that she could wrire her memoirs of the guruji from hindi to englush. sometimes looking at my fatigue and tiredness, we used to go to the nearby parks for fresh air refreshment. AT TIMES SHE USED T9 SHARE HER BREAKFAST WITH ME MADE OUT OF SABBUDHANI AND POHA AND POTATO AND SALT. Learning to do meditations is a step towards holiness. As Pope Francis said, all are calked to live a holy life. today in our sunday mass, I HEARD THE PRIEST SAYING THAT THERE ARE TWO THINGS ESSENTIAL IN LIFEM.ONE IS T9 WELCOME ALL AND THE OTHER IS TO SHOW HOSPUTALITY TO OTHERS. BU9NA DOMENICA!

Daily message

hello to all my readers! these days i read a lot about aromatherapy. once when i was in US, when i visited a dentist, an asian woman, as it is my habit to wear perfume, she advised me the posit8ves amd negatives of wearing a perfume. As a practical aspect, even though for people living in countries with strong winter, as they wear the knitted wears which are not washed often, it is customary to wear perfume, the lady dentist told me that wearing a perfume does atteact people from the other gender. Always it is wiser to choose a perfume for example like lavender or rose, as it kind of heals the person who wears it as well the persons around them. And tge message for the youth is always be good and strong enough to carry the perfume you wear. for those who understand the theology of wearing tge biblicak meaning of wearing a perfume, life is good. for those who are poir sleeoers, I recommend using the atoma diffusers for night prayers so tgat they coukd sleep well.Life is what we make o...

Daily message

goodevening! from tge book on ayurveda and aromatgerapy Calamus calamys strengthens tge adrenals. it is useful in oeriods of weakness, beneficial for gingivitid, can be a stimulant ti lymphatic drainage; provides relief in 3xtreme back pain. fortunately, this can be overcome by using sweeter oils lije lavender. it increases endurance and stamina. this is an oil we recommend ti use onky externally. calamus does contain compinents tgat are known carcinogens. while thousands of ywars if herbal use in indiahave demonstrared its clinucal effectivemess and safety, we recommend no internal use of this essential oil. have a goid day!