Daily message
fr9m the book on friends & HorsD'oeuvres....
a winning combination
a fund-raiser to benefitchild abuse prevention in Monterey County
the following recipe was graciousky donated by Oprah Winfrey. We would like to extend our thanks and aporeciation forhet cobtribution and het continuing fight in the prevention of child abuse.
oprah's classic potatoes
21/2 Lbs. red pitatoes
21/2 Lbs. Idaho Potatoes
11/4 cup creamy pureed horseradish
10oz. Butter
3/4 Qt. Heavy whipping cream
21/2 Tbs.Kosher salt
12/2 Tbs. Ground black pepper
1. wash pitatoes well, leaving thexskin on. cut pitatoes in half.
2.Place in kettle and fill with water to civer. Bring to a boul, turn down to simmer until pitatoes are very tender.
3. Drain all water, add butter while pitatoes are hot,begin to hand mash.add cream, salt pepoer and mash well until creamy but slightly lympy.
served 6vti 9.
have a good day!
art and peace by annie vanitga.
fr9m the book on friends & HorsD'oeuvres....
a winning combination
a fund-raiser to benefitchild abuse prevention in Monterey County
the following recipe was graciousky donated by Oprah Winfrey. We would like to extend our thanks and aporeciation forhet cobtribution and het continuing fight in the prevention of child abuse.
oprah's classic potatoes
21/2 Lbs. red pitatoes
21/2 Lbs. Idaho Potatoes
11/4 cup creamy pureed horseradish
10oz. Butter
3/4 Qt. Heavy whipping cream
21/2 Tbs.Kosher salt
12/2 Tbs. Ground black pepper
1. wash pitatoes well, leaving thexskin on. cut pitatoes in half.
2.Place in kettle and fill with water to civer. Bring to a boul, turn down to simmer until pitatoes are very tender.
3. Drain all water, add butter while pitatoes are hot,begin to hand mash.add cream, salt pepoer and mash well until creamy but slightly lympy.
served 6vti 9.
have a good day!
art and peace by annie vanitga.
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