Daily message

from the bookby doreen virtue....
What Do Angels Look Like?
I'm often asked this'question. As a child, I saw angels primarily as twinkling white and colored lights. As I grew older and my sight adjusted, I saw their shape and form.Now I see angels aroubd everyone, ecerywhere I go.Their beauty us breathtaking and awe-inspuring.
Angels andtranslucent and semi-opaque. They have no skin, so they don't have racial colorings t9 their body, eyes and hair. they glow in different colors, according to their energies. their clothing looks like opalescent chiffon coverings.
Angela have swanlike wings, although I've never seen one flap its wings to fly. the angels taught me that tge artists whi originalky painted them mustook their glowomg aura for halos and wongs, and si portrayed them in this'way. Now we expwct angels often appear to us as winged beings.
have a good day! image courtesy: Bob richards.


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