Daily message
From the book on Archangels 101....
" Dear Archangel RAGUEL, THANK YOU FOR HARMONIZING ALL OF MY relationships and helping me to be a good friend to myself and all otgers."
Raguel is also knownas: Raguil,Rasuil, Reuel,Ruhoel, Ruagel, or Ruahel
Raguel's name means : " Friend of GOD"
Archangel Raguel is primarily discussed in the apocryphal Book of Enoch and is listed as one of the seven principal archangels.Raguel is considered to be the archangel of orderliness, fairness, harmony, and justice. He also manages the relationships between angeks and humans. In Enoch, Ragueldispensed justice to those who violatef God's will.
from the email subscription from St.Mary's Cathedral, Scotland....
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Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Opens 1st September As our children return to school, we’re getting ready for a new year of catechism classes for children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Registration will open on Friday, 1st September. Watch this space for more details!
No 10:00am Mass Monday-Friday until mid-September Some of our priests are on annual leave at this time, so we will have to cancel the Monday-Friday 10am Mass until Monday, 18 September when it will resume. The 10am Mass on Saturday morning followed by Adoration and Confessions will continue as usual each week. Thank you for your understanding.
Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament offers us with a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Adoration is celebrated every Saturday after 10am Mass, from 10:30am-12:00pm. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. “Let Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament speak to your hearts. It is He who is the true answer of life that you seek. He stays here with us: He is God with us. Seek Him without tiring, welcome Him without reserve, love Him without interruption: today, tomorrow, forever!” (St Pope John Paul II). Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.
‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ With Professor James Edwards, 23-27th October Get to know Jesus better in our mini-course on the Gospel of Mark! The event will be 7pm-9pm in the Cathedral from 23rd October to 27th October. If you haven’t signed up yet – why not think about it? Register on Eventbrite at https://bit.ly/Jesus-in-GospelofMark. Learn more about it in a 30-minute preview with Fr. Patrick and Sr. Anna Marie on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/PreviewGospelofMark.
2023 Marriage Preparation Courses Our next Marriage Preparation courses are Saturday 2nd September and Saturday 18th November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.
Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Book a Spot for “Freedom Walk” Event Join the “Over Sixties Group” for our Coffee Afternoon in Coffee Saints on Tuesday 22nd August, 2:30pm-4pm. Also, join us for our Afternoon Tea and Freedom Walk fringe event on Thursday 24th August: Tea at 1.00pm (£7 per person) or join us for the walk only at 2.15pm. Meet at Salvation Army Edinburgh office, 1 East Adam Street, EH8 9TF. You must text or call to reserve a spot at the Tea, walk or both. Call Trish on 07716963215 or catch up with her at the Coffee Afternoon. Comfortable shoes a must!
Want to Become Catholic?
If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2024. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
Cathedral Flower Arranging Team Seeking New Volunteers
To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our flower arranging teams. There are currently four teams, who meet mid-morning on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested in providing this ministry. If you would like to join team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com
Learn About Altar Serving at Altar Servers Day on Saturday 16th September
The annual Altar Servers Day will be on Saturday 16th September at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh between 10.30 and 2pm. The day will include games, activities and faith formation as well as the awarding of the certificates and medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. It is a fun way to learn more about serving on the altar during Mass and so, if you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to find out more about what a server does, please speak to Fr Robert for more information or to get a registration form. You can e-mail frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
Sign Up for Cathedral Big Clean on Saturday 30 September
Our volunteer cleaners and Marcin, our Sacristan, do a great job of keeping the Cathedral looking spic and span, but every so often it is helpful to have a deeper cleaner than they are able to manage with their limited time and manpower. To that end, we are holding our next Big Clean day on Saturday 30th September from 2 – 4 pm. It is a great way to work off a few calories, meet others and do something for our community. To get around the jobs on the list, we need 25 volunteers. If you felt able to volunteer your time and muscle, it would be great if you could sign up with me by emailing complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. Thank you in advance. Alice
Find The Great Adventure Series at St Pauls Bookshop
Delve into the Great Adventure! Using the unique colour-coded Bible Timeline Learning System, The Bible Timeline takes you through the entire Bible, helping you to discover God’s Word by uncovering the story of salvation. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible incorporates this same colour-code to help you read it more fully. Are you interested in learning more about the Gospel of Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, or the Letter to the Romans? The Great Adventure Bible Study Series brings these books to life and helps you gain a deeper understanding of Scripture. Stop by St Paul’s Bookshop to begin the Great Adventure today! Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm (closed Mondays), 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk.
Second Collection This Weekend for African Missions
There will be a second collection this weekend for the African Missions and Holy Places. Thank you for your support of these missions.
Thank you!
There is a lot to be thankful for in these days, but in a particular way a word of gratitude to all those who helped with the organisation and smooth running of the Festival Mass last weekend. We extend our gratitude to so many, from our incredible Schola to the flower arranging and cleaning teams who ensured the Cathedral was in good shape to welcome the Papal Nuncio as well as the many visitors who are in town during the festival. A word of thanks also to the passkeepers, Wojtek and the servers, Deacon Peter and the volunteers who were on hand to see to the professional running of this major event during the Festival that serves to showcase the beauty of the Catholic faith, the great tradition of Christian music and the importance and sanctity of God’s great creation, the human person.
And another thank you!
Hot on the heels of the Festival Mass was the wonderful concert on Monday evening where the Schola Cantorum sang from the vast catalogue of Paul Mealor’s music, whilst he shared fascinating insights into the inspiration for his works. Thank you to all who turned out and supported this special event and for your continued support of the Schola, Michael and Tom and their work to add beauty to our liturgy through the music.
Parish BBQ Sunday 3rd September – Tickets on Sale Today!
The Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s will be on Sunday 3rd September, starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be available from today in the Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself: £5 per person or £10 for a family! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, please contact any member of the Parish Council or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
BBQ Stall Donations Needed: Book, plant, bric a brac & bottle tombola
For our Parish Barbecue, we are looking for donations for our book stall, plant stall, bric-a-brac stall and bottle tombola. On the day itself, donations of cakes of all kinds for those who want a slice with a cuppa would be most welcome. Donations can be left in the parish room before or after Mass. Alternately speak to Phil, or email philg0dfrey@hotmail.com to arrange collection of your donations.
Next Monday, 28 August: Talk on Parish Rome Pilgrimage
The popular St Andrew’s Talks will return next week! The talks will be moving to the last Monday of every month and the first one, on 28th August will be entitled, ‘Roamin’ Catholics’. The talk will be by Fr Robert and Matthew McCafferty, a seminarian for the archdiocese, and will look back on the Rome pilgrimage from June of this year, with a recap of the places we visited and an insight into some of the other treasures of the Eternal City. Come to Mass at 6pm and then join the talk from 6.45 in the Parish Rooms. Soup and sandwiches will follow afterwards when you can discuss and share your own memories.
Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession Make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm. Confession is available too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament can take many forms, you might want to pray the rosary or read and meditate on Scripture, it can even just be a brief visit as you pass by. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meetHim!
Debate and Vote for Rights for Church Representatives Set for 31 August Councillors are reporting that they have received a lot of our campaign postcards and letters regarding this issue. As you know, Edinburgh City Council is considering a proposal to remove voting rights of Church Representatives on its Education, Children and Families Committee. If passed, it means school reps won’t have a say in decisions affecting faith schools. The debate and vote are now set for 31 August, so there is still time to contact your councillor to help ensure the Church has a voice in Catholic schools. Please send one of the postcards available at the back of the church. Find your councillor: https://www.writetothem.com/.
Webinar on Assisted Suicide: The Dangers –Thursday 31st August, 7pm Later this year, Liam McArthur MSP is expected to publish proposals to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. Join the Catholic Parliamentary Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland for a Zoom webinar Thursday 31st August, 7pm to consider what those proposals will look like and, breaking them down, to explain why assisted suicide is a very bad idea. The webinar will aim to equip you with key arguments against assisted suicide and provide you with advice on how to share your concerns most effectively with MSPs. Speakers include Dr Gillian Wright, a former palliative care doctor in Glasgow, who works for Care Not Killing as the Director of their Our Duty of Care campaign, which brings together health care professionals opposed to the introduction of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Register for the webinar at https://rcpolitics.org/latest-news/.
Day for Christians in Health and Social Care – Saturday 2nd September
Join us for a day of reflection and professional development organised by St Mary’s University and the Christian Medical Fellowship. Titled ‘Christians in Health and Social Care: Ethics and Practice’ the event will be held on Saturday, 2 September beginning at 10:00am at Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow, 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow G1 4JY. A number of speakers will cover topics such as freedom of conscience; caring for ourselves and our relationship with God; and our vocation to care. There is a small charge of £20, with lunch and refreshments included. For further details and to register, please visit: https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/events/2023/09/christians-health-and-social-care-glasgow
Annual Justice & Peace Mass at St. Columba’s, Monday, 4 September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 4 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after.
Read the newsletter for 20th August (pdf)
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From the book on Archangels 101....
" Dear Archangel RAGUEL, THANK YOU FOR HARMONIZING ALL OF MY relationships and helping me to be a good friend to myself and all otgers."
Raguel is also knownas: Raguil,Rasuil, Reuel,Ruhoel, Ruagel, or Ruahel
Raguel's name means : " Friend of GOD"
Archangel Raguel is primarily discussed in the apocryphal Book of Enoch and is listed as one of the seven principal archangels.Raguel is considered to be the archangel of orderliness, fairness, harmony, and justice. He also manages the relationships between angeks and humans. In Enoch, Ragueldispensed justice to those who violatef God's will.
from the email subscription from St.Mary's Cathedral, Scotland....
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Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Opens 1st September As our children return to school, we’re getting ready for a new year of catechism classes for children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7). Catechetical preparation will be provided both at St Mary’s Primary School and on Sundays at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston. Registration will open on Friday, 1st September. Watch this space for more details!
No 10:00am Mass Monday-Friday until mid-September Some of our priests are on annual leave at this time, so we will have to cancel the Monday-Friday 10am Mass until Monday, 18 September when it will resume. The 10am Mass on Saturday morning followed by Adoration and Confessions will continue as usual each week. Thank you for your understanding.
Saturday Morning Eucharistic Adoration Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament offers us with a time for peaceful prayer and quiet before Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Adoration is celebrated every Saturday after 10am Mass, from 10:30am-12:00pm. Come for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour…. or more. “Let Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament speak to your hearts. It is He who is the true answer of life that you seek. He stays here with us: He is God with us. Seek Him without tiring, welcome Him without reserve, love Him without interruption: today, tomorrow, forever!” (St Pope John Paul II). Saturday Confessions are from 10:30am-12:00pm.
‘Searching for Jesus in the Gospel of Mark’ With Professor James Edwards, 23-27th October Get to know Jesus better in our mini-course on the Gospel of Mark! The event will be 7pm-9pm in the Cathedral from 23rd October to 27th October. If you haven’t signed up yet – why not think about it? Register on Eventbrite at https://bit.ly/Jesus-in-GospelofMark. Learn more about it in a 30-minute preview with Fr. Patrick and Sr. Anna Marie on the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/PreviewGospelofMark.
2023 Marriage Preparation Courses Our next Marriage Preparation courses are Saturday 2nd September and Saturday 18th November at St. Andrew’s, Ravelston, 10am-5pm, with presentations by married couples from the parish. Please email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk to register.
Over Sixties Coffee Afternoon, Book a Spot for “Freedom Walk” Event Join the “Over Sixties Group” for our Coffee Afternoon in Coffee Saints on Tuesday 22nd August, 2:30pm-4pm. Also, join us for our Afternoon Tea and Freedom Walk fringe event on Thursday 24th August: Tea at 1.00pm (£7 per person) or join us for the walk only at 2.15pm. Meet at Salvation Army Edinburgh office, 1 East Adam Street, EH8 9TF. You must text or call to reserve a spot at the Tea, walk or both. Call Trish on 07716963215 or catch up with her at the Coffee Afternoon. Comfortable shoes a must!
Want to Become Catholic?
If you or someone you know would like to become Catholic, you can sign up to learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church in preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist at Easter 2024. Invite a friend to join you! The Cathedral’s Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) group meets between September and April each year. For more information, call the parish office at 0131 556 1798 or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
Cathedral Flower Arranging Team Seeking New Volunteers
To ease the burden of the current volunteers and to cover holidays/other absences, we are looking to recruit more volunteers to join our flower arranging teams. There are currently four teams, who meet mid-morning on a Friday and each team is led by an experienced volunteer, so lack of experience is not a barrier if you are interested in providing this ministry. If you would like to join team of flower arrangers, or find out more, please contact Elizabeth Andrews at Elizabeth@rhandrews.plus.com
Learn About Altar Serving at Altar Servers Day on Saturday 16th September
The annual Altar Servers Day will be on Saturday 16th September at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh between 10.30 and 2pm. The day will include games, activities and faith formation as well as the awarding of the certificates and medals to new members of the Guild of St Cuthbert. It is a fun way to learn more about serving on the altar during Mass and so, if you have made your First Holy Communion and would like to find out more about what a server does, please speak to Fr Robert for more information or to get a registration form. You can e-mail frrobert@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
Sign Up for Cathedral Big Clean on Saturday 30 September
Our volunteer cleaners and Marcin, our Sacristan, do a great job of keeping the Cathedral looking spic and span, but every so often it is helpful to have a deeper cleaner than they are able to manage with their limited time and manpower. To that end, we are holding our next Big Clean day on Saturday 30th September from 2 – 4 pm. It is a great way to work off a few calories, meet others and do something for our community. To get around the jobs on the list, we need 25 volunteers. If you felt able to volunteer your time and muscle, it would be great if you could sign up with me by emailing complexmanager@stmaryscathedral.co.uk. Thank you in advance. Alice
Find The Great Adventure Series at St Pauls Bookshop
Delve into the Great Adventure! Using the unique colour-coded Bible Timeline Learning System, The Bible Timeline takes you through the entire Bible, helping you to discover God’s Word by uncovering the story of salvation. The Great Adventure Catholic Bible incorporates this same colour-code to help you read it more fully. Are you interested in learning more about the Gospel of Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, or the Letter to the Romans? The Great Adventure Bible Study Series brings these books to life and helps you gain a deeper understanding of Scripture. Stop by St Paul’s Bookshop to begin the Great Adventure today! Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm (closed Mondays), 0131 510 4260, edinburgh@stpauls.org.uk.
Second Collection This Weekend for African Missions
There will be a second collection this weekend for the African Missions and Holy Places. Thank you for your support of these missions.
Thank you!
There is a lot to be thankful for in these days, but in a particular way a word of gratitude to all those who helped with the organisation and smooth running of the Festival Mass last weekend. We extend our gratitude to so many, from our incredible Schola to the flower arranging and cleaning teams who ensured the Cathedral was in good shape to welcome the Papal Nuncio as well as the many visitors who are in town during the festival. A word of thanks also to the passkeepers, Wojtek and the servers, Deacon Peter and the volunteers who were on hand to see to the professional running of this major event during the Festival that serves to showcase the beauty of the Catholic faith, the great tradition of Christian music and the importance and sanctity of God’s great creation, the human person.
And another thank you!
Hot on the heels of the Festival Mass was the wonderful concert on Monday evening where the Schola Cantorum sang from the vast catalogue of Paul Mealor’s music, whilst he shared fascinating insights into the inspiration for his works. Thank you to all who turned out and supported this special event and for your continued support of the Schola, Michael and Tom and their work to add beauty to our liturgy through the music.
Parish BBQ Sunday 3rd September – Tickets on Sale Today!
The Parish Barbecue at St. Andrew’s will be on Sunday 3rd September, starting at 1.30pm, rain, hail or shine! Tickets will be available from today in the Parish Rooms after Mass and on the day itself: £5 per person or £10 for a family! If you can volunteer some time to help in the organisation and running of the day, please contact any member of the Parish Council or email cathedralhouse@stmaryscathedral.co.uk.
BBQ Stall Donations Needed: Book, plant, bric a brac & bottle tombola
For our Parish Barbecue, we are looking for donations for our book stall, plant stall, bric-a-brac stall and bottle tombola. On the day itself, donations of cakes of all kinds for those who want a slice with a cuppa would be most welcome. Donations can be left in the parish room before or after Mass. Alternately speak to Phil, or email philg0dfrey@hotmail.com to arrange collection of your donations.
Next Monday, 28 August: Talk on Parish Rome Pilgrimage
The popular St Andrew’s Talks will return next week! The talks will be moving to the last Monday of every month and the first one, on 28th August will be entitled, ‘Roamin’ Catholics’. The talk will be by Fr Robert and Matthew McCafferty, a seminarian for the archdiocese, and will look back on the Rome pilgrimage from June of this year, with a recap of the places we visited and an insight into some of the other treasures of the Eternal City. Come to Mass at 6pm and then join the talk from 6.45 in the Parish Rooms. Soup and sandwiches will follow afterwards when you can discuss and share your own memories.
Each Wednesday 5.00pm Adoration & Confession Make some time to come before Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration at St Andrew’s, Ravelston, every Wednesday evening from 5pm. Confession is available too. This is an opportunity to allow yourself some quiet, peaceful time to pray. Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament can take many forms, you might want to pray the rosary or read and meditate on Scripture, it can even just be a brief visit as you pass by. Our Lord is waiting for you, so come and meetHim!
Debate and Vote for Rights for Church Representatives Set for 31 August Councillors are reporting that they have received a lot of our campaign postcards and letters regarding this issue. As you know, Edinburgh City Council is considering a proposal to remove voting rights of Church Representatives on its Education, Children and Families Committee. If passed, it means school reps won’t have a say in decisions affecting faith schools. The debate and vote are now set for 31 August, so there is still time to contact your councillor to help ensure the Church has a voice in Catholic schools. Please send one of the postcards available at the back of the church. Find your councillor: https://www.writetothem.com/.
Webinar on Assisted Suicide: The Dangers –Thursday 31st August, 7pm Later this year, Liam McArthur MSP is expected to publish proposals to legalise assisted suicide in Scotland. Join the Catholic Parliamentary Office of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland for a Zoom webinar Thursday 31st August, 7pm to consider what those proposals will look like and, breaking them down, to explain why assisted suicide is a very bad idea. The webinar will aim to equip you with key arguments against assisted suicide and provide you with advice on how to share your concerns most effectively with MSPs. Speakers include Dr Gillian Wright, a former palliative care doctor in Glasgow, who works for Care Not Killing as the Director of their Our Duty of Care campaign, which brings together health care professionals opposed to the introduction of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Register for the webinar at https://rcpolitics.org/latest-news/.
Day for Christians in Health and Social Care – Saturday 2nd September
Join us for a day of reflection and professional development organised by St Mary’s University and the Christian Medical Fellowship. Titled ‘Christians in Health and Social Care: Ethics and Practice’ the event will be held on Saturday, 2 September beginning at 10:00am at Eyre Hall, Archdiocese of Glasgow, 196 Clyde Street, Glasgow G1 4JY. A number of speakers will cover topics such as freedom of conscience; caring for ourselves and our relationship with God; and our vocation to care. There is a small charge of £20, with lunch and refreshments included. For further details and to register, please visit: https://www.stmarys.ac.uk/events/2023/09/christians-health-and-social-care-glasgow
Annual Justice & Peace Mass at St. Columba’s, Monday, 4 September
This takes place at 7pm on Monday 4 September at St Columba’s, Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh. Buffet and refreshment served in hall after.
Read the newsletter for 20th August (pdf)
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