Daily message

Father Francis Salasiar
The disciples in the gospel of today were not able to feel the presence of God
in them or around them. When you look at the gospel of today, the opening indicates
immediately after feeding the crowd with the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat to go on ahead.
The disciples are present and witnessed with their own eyes, the feeding of the crowd.5,000 people with the five loaves and the two fish. The same disciples
are behaving now as if God is far away from them. And God does not exist.
In the darkest hour of the night, Jesus appeared to His disciples walking on the water, at first, they mistook for a ghost. Giving into fear and anxiety. And that is possible for each of us. When we go through difficulties, we forget the presence of God in us and around us. Many of us can relate to the disciples' predicament
just like them, we may find ourselves in overwhelming situations. Whether it be health issues, financial struggles, relationship change, challenges. All the uncertainties of the world around us. In these moments, it is natural to feel overwhelmed and question
whether God is with us. But the story doesn't end there. It offers us a glimmer of hope. Jesus shows up at the just right time. He comes to us with a calming presence reminding us not to be afraid, but to have faith in Him. God is present to us more than we can imagine.


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