
Showing posts from August, 2023

Daily message

goodevening! from my email subscription.... Not many people are honest enough or brave enough to ask the question in today’s Gospel. Just think about you asking some friend, or perhaps, more courageously some enemy, “Who do you say that I am? What do people think of me?” Or take a step forward and ask yourself, “Who am I?” Who are you beyond your job title or your degree or trade? So often, we try to be like the people we see in the commercials: neat, well dressed and smiling. Smelling great, hair gleaming, and underarms sterilized; homes comfortable and lives stress-free. There is no blemish; laughter, joy and the good life abound. But that is not real. That is not who we are. Who are you beyond all the externals? Who do you say that I am, is the question that Jesus asks in today’s Gospel. How you answer that question says a lot about you. Does Jesus have any effect on your day-to-day living? On the way you treat yourself? There is a danger that people fall into, and that is we try ...

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ayurveda.... for pitra-type pms take the following herbal mixture shatavaru 2 par5s brahmi 1 part musta 1 part take 1/2 teaspoon of this mixture twice a day with warm water. akoevera gel( 1 table spoon) taken with a pinch of cumin powfer is alao effective. for kapha-type pms make this herbal mixture: punarnava 2 parts kutki 1 part musta 2 parts take 1/2 teaspoon of this mixturr twice a day with a littke warm water. eat about 10 cherries daily on an empty stomach for a week bwfore the expected onset of your period. you can also take 1 tablespoon aloevera gel with a pinch of trikatu( a traditional Ayurvedic formula consisting of equal amounts of black pepper, pippalu, amd ginger) have a blessed day!


goodevening! Overweight See" Obesity" PMS see also" menstrual difficulties" Types of PMS premenstrual syndrome or PMS is classifued in ayurveda in three types: vata, putta and kapha. vata type is characterisef by low back-ache, lower abdominal pain, distenti9n, anxiety, fear, insomnia, and moid swings. pitta-type PMS symptoms include tenderness in the breasts, urethritis, hives, hit flashes, irritability, and sometimes a burning sensation when passing urine. kapha-type PMS involved water retention( breasts become enlarged and tender) and driwsiness, so that the woman loves to drink coffee! PMS can be cared fir sucessfullt using the following ayurvedic remedies and preventive measures. important: in all cases, start the preventive program one week before the anticipatef start of your oeriod. For vata-type pms drink dashamoola tea( 1/2 teaspoon dashamoola steeped in a cup of hot water for ten minutes), you can add a little honey for taste. taje twice a da...

Daily message

goodevening! From a book by doreen.... Do endirsements help in gettimg your work noticed? they certainly can!if you know any celebrities or accredited professionals, it's a good idea toask them for written recommendations. you can also ask for testimonials from your cluents and customers( eitger printing them anonymously, with first name or initials only, or including a full name with permission). if you're cold-calling a celebrity whom you don't know, it's important to realize that their e-mails and regular mail are probably handled by agents and assistants. so, don't take it petsonally if you don't gey an endorsement_ or even a reply. chances are that the celebrity never saw your request. celebrities can be very busy people, too, who may not have a soare moment in their schedule to read your entire book so they can decide whether to endorse it have a goodevening! photo credit: direct media

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on ayurveda Canker sores canker sores are generally traumatic, that is, they are due to a cut or bruise in the mouth.When people eat some sharp, dried, or hard foods, such as popcorn, cornchips, cracjers, or dried bread, or chew fennel seeds after a meal, the hard sharp food can hurt the oral mucous membrabe, and within a couple of days it will manifest as a canker sore. people who use a rough, hard-bristled toothbrush, or who press unduly hard while brushong their teeth, may irritate the mucous membrabes and create a canker sore.Someindividuals inadvertentky bite tge delicate tossues in their cheeks or lips during sleep, or eveb while chewimg or taljing.this is more lijely if they have TMJ and their bite is uneveb, which can easily lead to lacerations and canker sores. If they have high pitra in saluva, their teeth maybe sharp because the crown of the tootj becomes eroded, a combination that may result in repeated sores. have a goodevening

Daily message

goodevening! from a book by Doreen virtue chakra scanning anitger person you can scan anotger person's chakras in several ways: partner exercise-sit face-to-face with a partner. your eyes can be closed or open, depending on which feels most comfortable and natural. hold the intention of looking inside their body, scanning for chakras. if you try too hard to see, or 8f you hold a fearful intention such as, " I hope I don't make a mistake or a fool of myself," your fear will block your abikity to see.let the images come to you: don't feel that you have to chase them or " make" anything happen. Remember, clairvoyance is an inborn ability that we all have. then, look for disks of primary colours of the chakras: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. have a blessed day!

Daily message

goodevening from the book on ikigai how does stress work? these days, people luve at a frantic pace and in a nearly constant state of this fever pitch, stress is a natural response to the information being received by tge body as potentialky dangerous or problematic. theoreticalky, this is a useful reaction, as it helps us survive in hostile surroundings. over the course of our evolution, we have used this response tp deal with difficult situations and to flee from predators. .....stress has a degeneratibe effect overtime. a suatainef state of emergency affects the neurons associated with memory, as well as inhibiting the release of certain hormones, the absence of which can cause depression. its secondary effects include irritability, insomnia, anxiety, and high blood pressure. as such, though challenges are good for keeping mind abd body active, we should adjust our high-stress lifestyles in order to avoid the premature aging of our bodies. have a goodevening. ...

Daily message

goodevening! fr9m the book on friends & HorsD'oeuvres.... t.a.s.k. a winning combination a fund-raiser to benefitchild abuse prevention in Monterey County the following recipe was graciousky donated by Oprah Winfrey. We would like to extend our thanks and aporeciation forhet cobtribution and het continuing fight in the prevention of child abuse. oprah's classic potatoes 21/2 Lbs. red pitatoes 21/2 Lbs. Idaho Potatoes 11/4 cup creamy pureed horseradish 10oz. Butter 3/4 Qt. Heavy whipping cream 21/2 Tbs.Kosher salt 12/2 Tbs. Ground black pepper 1. wash pitatoes well, leaving thexskin on. cut pitatoes in half. 2.Place in kettle and fill with water to civer. Bring to a boul, turn down to simmer until pitatoes are very tender. 3. Drain all water, add butter while pitatoes are hot,begin to hand mash.add cream, salt pepoer and mash well until creamy but slightly lympy. served 6vti 9. have a good day! art and peace by annie vanitga.

Daily message

goodevening! from the book on" the courage to be creative".... Treating your creative project impersonally helps to silence the fearful voice of the ego that quakes at the thought of criticism. this means, as I mentioned rarlier, nit defining yourself petsonally by any criticism. we only become controlled by the ego once we personalize the creative project, claiming complete ownership over it, and believing that 9f people like it, they like us- and if they dislike the projecy they dislikevus yes, you put your heart and soul into any creative project that's worth its while.but the creative projevt is not you, it's an extension of you. One of the reasons t9 depersonalizethe creative project is to avoid the loneliness that can hapoen if we listen to the ego's seductive message that fame and public acceptance will give us recognition and a feeling of belonging and worthinesd. have a blessed day! photo credit:

Daily message

Goodevening! from the book by Doreen virtue.... Angelic help for your career and life purpose one of the mainquestions I'm asked by audience members is: "Canthe angels tell me about my life purpose?" the underlying question in this query is usually: what career would be most meaningful for me?" since we usually spend eight or more hours of each dayworking, it makes sense to want meaningful employment. this is somethimg more than a job that pays the's acareer that you feel passionate about, and that you believe is makimg a positive difference in the world.And if it pays a good salary, well,that's even better. from the book onFriends & Hors d'oeuvres.... Grewn Chille Salsa-Cold 8 grewn chiles, roasted, seeded and peeled, fresh or canned 3 peeled tomatoes, fresh or canbed 6 green onions, tops and all 1 clove garlic, mashed or 1/3 tsp. garlic powder 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp.cumin, powdered If fresh tomatoes are used thet maybe peeled qui...

Daily message

Goodevening! from the bookby doreen virtue.... What Do Angels Look Like? I'm often asked this'question. As a child, I saw angels primarily as twinkling white and colored lights. As I grew older and my sight adjusted, I saw their shape and form.Now I see angels aroubd everyone, ecerywhere I go.Their beauty us breathtaking and awe-inspuring. Angels andtranslucent and semi-opaque. They have no skin, so they don't have racial colorings t9 their body, eyes and hair. they glow in different colors, according to their energies. their clothing looks like opalescent chiffon coverings. Angela have swanlike wings, although I've never seen one flap its wings to fly. the angels taught me that tge artists whi originalky painted them mustook their glowomg aura for halos and wongs, and si portrayed them in this'way. Now we expwct angels often appear to us as winged beings. have a good day! image courtesy: Bob richards.

Daily message

Goodevening! From a book on""Everyday with Jesus"" Righteous indignation ""The wrath of God is being revealed...against all the godlessness and wickedness of men..."(v.18) For reading and meditation-Romans 1:8-25 For many of us"" wrath"" conjures up the idea of being out of control, an outburst of "" seeing red"", a sense of wounded pride or jusst downright petulance.It is quite wrong to take those ideas or feelings or impose them on God. God's wrath is never out of control, never capricious, never self-indulgent, never irritable, and never ignoble. These maybe predicated of human anger but never of the divine.God is angry only when anger is called for. Even men and women there is such a thing as righteous indignation, though(in my opinion) it is more rare than we think. I used to believe the difference between righteous indignation and carnal hostility was this: when someone was angry with me that was ...

Daily message

goodevening! From the book on Archangels 101.... " Dear Archangel RAGUEL, THANK YOU FOR HARMONIZING ALL OF MY relationships and helping me to be a good friend to myself and all otgers." Raguel is also knownas: Raguil,Rasuil, Reuel,Ruhoel, Ruagel, or Ruahel Raguel's name means : " Friend of GOD" Archangel Raguel is primarily discussed in the apocryphal Book of Enoch and is listed as one of the seven principal archangels.Raguel is considered to be the archangel of orderliness, fairness, harmony, and justice. He also manages the relationships between angeks and humans. In Enoch, Ragueldispensed justice to those who violatef God's will. from the email subscription from St.Mary's Cathedral, Scotland.... View this email in your browser Children’s Sacramental Preparation: Registration Opens 1st September As our children return to school, we’re getting ready for a new year of catechism classes for children to receive the Sacraments of First Reconcili...

Daily message

Goodevening! Green tea has been credited for centuries with significant medicinal properties. Recent studies have confirmed its many benefits, and have attested to the importance of this ancient plant in the longevity of those who drink it often. Originally from China, where it has been consumed for millenia, green tea didn't make its way to the rest of the world until just a few centuries ago. Unlike other teas, and as a result of being air-dried without fermentation, it retains its active elements even after being dried and crumbled. It offers meaningful health benefits such as : * Controlling cholestrol * Lowering blood sugar levels * Improving circulation * Protection against the flu(vitamin C) * Promoting bone health ( fluoride ) * Protection against certain bacterial infections * Protection against UV damage * Cleansing and diuretic effects Green tea has always been my favorite tea and I had seen my daughter enjoying the chamomile green tea when she had to do long ...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book on ikigai.... Celebrate each day,together Celebrations seem to be an essential part of life in Ogimi. We've invited to watch a game of gateball, one of the most popular sports among Okinawa's older residents. It involves hitting a ball wuth a mallet-like stick. It is a low impact sport that can be played anywhere, and is a goodexcuse to move around and have fun as a group. The residents hold local competitions, and there is no age limit for participants. We participate in the weekly game and lose to a woman who recently turned 104. Everyone cheers, and the defeated look on our faces elicits laughter. In addition to playing and celebrating as a community,spirituality is also essential to the happiness of the village''s residents. From the book on,"" The Bhagavad Gita"".... SamJaya said: Observing how the Pandu host was set in ranks Dur-yodhan'went along to where the Teacher stood and tho' a prince made this ...

Daily message

Goodevening! View as a web page or listen online. FRANCISCAN FRIARS of the ATONEMENT™ THIS WEEK’S REFLECTION FROM FR. BOB WARREN, SA Divider NINETEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME – AUGUST 16, 2023 VOLUME 9 ISSUE 33 On a dark winter night in a small Midwest community, the two-story home of a young family caught fire. The parents and children made their way through the smoke-filled home to the outside. As soon as they reached safety, the mother screamed, “Where is little John?” Just then, they heard a wail and looked up to see their 5-year old son at the bedroom window, crying and rubbing his eyes. The father stood under the window and called out, “Jump, son. Jump and I will catch you.” In between sobs, the boy responded to the voice he knew so well. “But I can’t see you, daddy. I can’t see you.” The father answered, “But I can see you. Jump.” The boy, with faith in his father, jumped into the smoky darkness and found himself safely cradled in his father’s arms. Why do I tell this st...

Daily message

Goodevening From the book by Doreen Virtue on"" The Courage to be creative"" Striving for Clarity of Expression Clarity also means having the courage not to tiptoe around what you want to say. That way, the message won't get lost or confused. Be direct, with no extra words and no apologies-just your unvarnished expression of your truth. This gives others the courage to express their truths,too. An adage I've lived and worked by is"" Write to express, not to impress."" That means being very clear about what you're trying to say, and then saying it clearly. Sometimes insecure writers hide behind big words and jargon that no one can understand. Or if the writer doesn't really understand what they're writing about, their writing won''t be understandable. In New Age circles, some spiritual teachers and authors use terminology like ascension, seventh ray, and other esoteric phrases. These terms sound lovely,but if your ...

Daily message

goodevening! due to rain at our place for the last few days, my throat gor affected. the following healing remedy is good for dry cough and affected throats. 4Boilung water with milagu, thippili, white கல்கண்டு and little pinches of kadukkai powder and fresh omavallu leaves makes good kashayam. Drinking hot water during such times is good for detox also. Also applucation of axe oul outside onbthe throat is good. Praying fpr the people of the hawaiian islands of Maui durimg these natural dusasters of wildfires in their forests. Let us pray TO MOTHER MARY FOR RAINFALL DUROMF THESE TIMES OF HEAT WAVES ON EARTH. HAVE A PLEASANT DAY!

Daily message

goodevening! Father Francis Salasiar The disciples in the gospel of today were not able to feel the presence of God in them or around them. When you look at the gospel of today, the opening indicates immediately after feeding the crowd with the five loaves and the two fish, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat to go on ahead. The disciples are present and witnessed with their own eyes, the feeding of the crowd.5,000 people with the five loaves and the two fish. The same disciples are behaving now as if God is far away from them. And God does not exist. In the darkest hour of the night, Jesus appeared to His disciples walking on the water, at first, they mistook for a ghost. Giving into fear and anxiety. And that is possible for each of us. When we go through difficulties, we forget the presence of God in us and around us. Many of us can relate to the disciples' predicament just like them, we may find ourselves in overwhelming situations. Whether it be health...

Daily message

Goodevening! From a book by Doreen Virtue Your insights may come through other connections with nature, too. For example, going for a nature walk, too. For example, going for a nature walk is a time-honored way to get clarity. Thoreau famously noted:"" An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day."" His nature walks served as inspiration for his many contributions to classic American literature, including Walden. Modern research corroborates the link between natural surroundings and creativity. One study found that"" interacting with nature has real, measurable benefits to creative problem-solving,"" increasing performance by a full 50 percent.( Strayer 2012). The exercise and fresh air help you release built-up stress, and your rhythmic steps let you process your feelings. You may find a particular place or object in nature that inspires you.It might be an old oak tree that seems to carry ancient wisdom, or a boulder that affords you...

Daily message

goodevening! some insight from the fronteversismo workshop, I recentky participatef. the brush waste cloth and the related art! have a goodevening!

Daily message

goodevening! due to wrist pain, unable to write a long message today. just would like to share this link with my readers. have a good day!

Daily message

Goodevening! The making of Us From the daily bread When my husband was a child, his mother sometimes scolded and disciplined him for disobeying her. During one such scolding he said to her imploringly,"" You must be nice to your little boy!"" His words touched her tender heart. But because she loved him, she continued his discipline and training. Years later as a missionary, Bill was grateful for her tough love, for it was the making of him. God also disciplines and trains His erring sons and daughters. He may do so directly( 1 Corinthians 11: 29 - 32 ), or He may allow life's hardships to melt us, mold us, and make us more like Jesus. In Hebrews 12:6, we're assured that"" whom the Lord loves He chastens."" Yet God's chastening doesn't feel very loving. Sometimes we even think it's ruining us. But God's discipline is the very thing that will save us from the ruin of our selfish, stubborn ways. Although we're unlik...

Daily message

Goodevening! For a reading on a rainy day evening, I suggest an article. Buonasera! photo credit: kelly ishmael

Daily message

Goodevening! Monday: 18th Week in Ordinary Time Father Dan Donovan Over the centuries as well as today, believers have turned again and again to the Scriptures and to what they might be saying to us in the actual situations in which we find ourselves. They have little to offer if we only think of them as reporting on things which took place in the past and which, as such, have little to say to us and to the unique concerns of our time and place. Although some people approach the Bible in that way, it is in fact never just about the past, as rich and fascinating as its history can be. For believers, it is God’s word which continues to be addressed to us today. A thoughtful and prayerful reading of it has the power to bring it into the present where it speaks to us if we but give it a chance. Art and peace by Annie Vanitha

Daily message

Goodmorning! From the book,"" Integral Optimism and Happiness"" by the Capuchins.... Spirituality and Integral Optimism Who is God? Retracing our spiritual depths is a wonderful experience. In the search of meaning and happiness, humanity discovered that there is an order in the universe and to maintain the order there has to be a cause which has to be understood. Different religions name the source of creation with various names and attributions. One of the long used and very often used name is""God"". Reflections on Integral Optimism can enlighten us about the inner journey that could come from the inner artist to trace back to the Creator God as master brain behind creativity. All of us carry the image of this Creator within us. The image of this Creator within us has lots of influence on our persons and relationships. OUr religious beliefs can come from fear or realism. There are people who seek God out of fear or only in times of need. S...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book by Doreen Virtue.... ""How is it possible for a holy child of God, who is ripe with fullness, to feel empty? Did you lose sight of your riches and thus believe you were devoid of the fruits to which you aspire? We judge you not for this oversight, yet we seek to upright your thinking in the truth that is happily yours to own and share. There is nothing outside of your holiness for which you must seek. This truth may surprise those who surmise an emptiness, and believe they must fill it. What would you seek to collect that you have not already in your possession? Surely, the riches of the kingdom are installed deeply within your soul. For there is nothing that you could receive that would make you fuller than you are at present. And there is nothing you could give away that could disperse you who are eternally holy. The thought of lack gives away to the experience of such, and so we bid you to release this perception to we who can cleanse you of ...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book on quick & clever handmade cards Concertina Christening Card A baby's christening is a very special occasion and here's a delightful card, which the proud parents are sure to want to keep and treasure. I'm a big fan of stickers and often use them as part of my card creations. For this project I've used a daisy sticker in an unusual way, to create a stenciled background for the main card. Have a blessed day!

Daily message

Goodevening! C.S. Lewis in his book The Problem of Pain, wrote, "" God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our consciences, but shouts in our pains."" On his death-bed, racked with pain, Schopenhauer cried out,"" Oh, God! God!"" The doctor asked him,""What! Is there a God in your philosophy?"" ""Ah,"" replied the philosopher, "" in suffering, philosophy without God is insufficient."" From a book by J.Maurus. Have ablessed day!

Daily message

Goodevening! From the big book of angel tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.... The High Priestess The High priestess is a card of meditation and inner reflection. It invites us to be quiet by going within in order to get a clear understanding of ourselves and our desires. The clarity we gain assures us that once we do move into motion, we're headed in the right direction.Consider The High Priestess card as a permission slip to take some time to reflect upon what the angels have to say.It's not necessary to take action with this card. In fact, it's best we take our time. We're asked to follow our intuition and be patient with ourselves and others. The answers we seek will come at the perfect moment. Meanwhile, sometimes our answers come faster through keeping our ponderings to ourselves. This card may be telling our clients that some secrets are best left unshared. Photo Credit: Matt Bango have a blessed day brothers and sisters!

Daily Message

Goodevening! From the book ,"" More anectodes of the great"".... The favourite answer of E.I.Bosworth to the question,"" How do you know there is a God? was an anecdote about a small boy whom he once met flying a kite so high that it was out of sight. To the query,"" How do you know there is any kite there at all?"" the boy replied,"" I feel the pull of it"". When astronaut Yuri Gagarin came back from space and said that he never saw God in heaven, someone in Moscow remarked,"" If you have not seen him on earth, you will never see him in heaven."" Buonasera!