
Showing posts from September, 2022

Daily message

Goodevening! Today we celebrate the day of archangels in our catholic church. Yesterday I was inspired tobuy a silver lamp so that I could do my meditative prayers. Few years back, I used to conduct prayerful meditations at home. Today in the church where I went, I met a Hindu lady who gave me elderly advice and at the same time shared her troubles also with me. At one point, I asked her to pray for me and at another point I asked her to pray to God for her troubles. The question in my mind now is what's God asking of me. Wherever we are, let us reap blessings for ourselves and for others. This church which I visited for the last few days, was donated and built by a Muslim man. I remembered my daughter who studied to be an architect in a Muslim college. I know many other religious friends in India who prefer their children to study in Christian schools. It is one of my regrets that there are no good Christian colleges for architecture in India. My other prayer today is I was med...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Today the w9rd of God is: How to pray: In the Name of Christ " Whatever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do... If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it." 5John 14: 13 - 14 The message from God and the angels is as follows: 8Te testimony is as follows: I quote, in many paintings and visions of Archangel Michael, he appears blond and tan, with Nordic features. I believe the reason why most people see Michael as blond is because of his glowing golden aura, not because he's aligned with any particular race( especially since he doesn't have a body)..... " My sister Kathy was driving down the street abd accident8lly turned into the ditch next to the road. When she tried to go in reverse, the car wouldn't move. She wasn't there long when a huge man with blond hair came to her rescue. He lifted her vehicle right out of the ditch, much to Kathy's amazement! 9When she turned to give him thanks...well, he was gone. Kathy nev...

Daily message

Goodmorning! The word of God today is: " I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God; incline your ear to me, hear my words. Wonderously show your steadfast love, O savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand. Guard me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings,.... from the wicked who despoil me, my deadly enemies who surround me. 11Today the prayer is for all the wicked women out there. Let us pray to God and the angels to transform all these negative energies. 12Today I just went through the trials andctribulations of my life, in the sense, gave it some thought. Once when I lived in US, I had to go for a driving class to get the license. I was arranged to have an instructor. Due to some reasons, he couldn't come for one class and sent his trainer daughter to train me. I also, being a new immigrant, having problems in understanding the accent, being of timid nature, went for the class without asking for her instru...

Daily message

Goodmorning! From the book, I am reading on the everyday gu8de to prayer:I quote: 2. "I AM HIS" My beloved is mine, and I am his. Song of Solomon 2:16 I am reluctant to say that any other person is mine or that I belong to someone else, Father. My independence is important in a world still afflicted with many types of slavery, and no matter how much I love another, I tend to hold some things back just for myself. But I do not come to the marriage altar inchains. I come willingly, even eagerly, bringing with me the most holy wedding gift of all_ my total commitment to another person. Marriage makes us stronger; together we are more than we could ever be alone. Where once there were two, now there is one." have a blessed day! bu9na giornata! #Prayer#WordofGod#Marriage#Blessings

Daily message

Goodevening! Today I feel guided to do this home cleansing prayer. Some of us have a tendency to self sabotage unecessarily in the name of God and cause suffering to the lives of our loved ones who carry the cross because of their love for us. Are we doing justice to our family and loved ones is a bigger question to ask? Charity begins at home! My heartfelt homage and tribute to QueenElizabeth II and condolences to the royal family of United Kingdom! 10The Buckingham Palace and Hyde Park always hold a special memory for me! The message from God and the angels is 13Dear Archangel Metatron, please help me deepen my connection to God and guide me to feel and understand the profound love of the Divine." have a blessed day! buona giornata! #HomeCleansingPrayer#Homage#Archangels#Justice

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Today the message is for all women who go through abusive marriages. I read a testimony about a woman goes through life with an abusive husband deriving strength everydaythrough her prayers to God and Archangel Michael hoping and trying to keep the marriage intact since she thought it is good for her children. Until one day she heard the male voice who identified himself as Archangel Michael. I quote," He clearly told me that my children were in danger, and that I needed to be strong enough to leave. He explained that it's not the Creator's will for wives to be abused and that my husband's heart was hard and he wouldn't hear God and stop harming me and the children. I didn't believe Michael, though because up until that time, my husband had only hurt me and hadn't abused our kids." The testimony goes on to say that two days later the situation got aggravated and the angels guided her and her children through miraculous intervention unti...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! Today the message is to pray to Archangel Michael, the messenger of God and protector of humanity during any crime related activities. The message from God and the angels is: From all of the archangel stories I've read and heard, I'd say that people hear Michael's loud voice most often while driving. His loving commands help drivers avoid accidents, and his presence calms everyone in the car. And very often hisguidance seems counterintuitive, such as when he tells people to take their hands off of the steering wheel.But always, Michael's guidance is 100 percent accurate and trustworthy.... From the book on the everyday guide to prayer, I quote, Prayer, in its simplest definition, is talking with God. And whether our prayers are happy, sad, angry , or loving, whether they're done while kneeling, standing, or sitting, God is always listening, wanting to answer our requests in His perfect time. 6From the book, " Into Great Depth of your being...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Sometimes after doing pooja, or namaz or meditative prayers, or attending mass in the church, we are all filled with excess divine energy, if we are praying with faith. At such times, we all need to send that excess blessings God has given us to the people in need. Like to the hospitals where we had visited or were admitted earlier whether it be for childbirth, or any other mental, physical or emotional ailments especially to the sick of the world. Thats why, in christainity, we are encouraged to pray for others more. It is a good habit to get blessings from the priest for our families and intentions after the celebration of eucharist in the mass.It will also remove any negativity associated in our lives. The word of God today is: 2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version 14 if my people, who are called by my name,(A) will humble(B) themselves and pray and seek my face(C) and turn(D) from their wicked ways, then I will hear(E) from heaven, and I will forgive(F) ...

Daily message

Goodmorning! Sometimes God has a sense of humor? He sends a rhetorical question for spiritual discernment today? 4Can ever the devil support God? 5A questi9n for all theologians, maybe? Yesterday from another of my prescription emails from scotland, this news about a church activity impressed me. The parish members were asked to give the extra or broken rosaries to the parish office so that they can be collected and repaired and given to the local hospital there. Growing up in a catholic family, I know how many rosaries we collect over the years of our lives. Its a good ecolog8cal initiative. We do have a catholic mythology about broken rosaries too Today I was thinking of my duties and responsibilities I have towards my daughter. When our children are born, as parents? we are entrusted by God certain responsibilities towards their upbring8ng. Looking at my parents, I understand it is a continuous responsibility all through our lives on earthand Sometimes in heaven too. 8My gran...

Daily message

Goodmorning! From one ofvthe subscription emails, from Toronto, Canada, a priest talked about the love of power and the power of love. A question for all of us to ponder upon? When we pray , do we follow the spiritual practices or the new age practices? A question for spiritual discernment? 4Image Courtesy: Kelly Ishmael The message from GOD AND THE ANGELS today is about fatigue," Do you feel weary, dear one? Beaten down by life's heavy packages, upon which you shoulder many burdens? Allow yourself a moment of respite, then, for as you breathe sweet and gentle air into your lungs , we sprinkle the oxygen with our tenderness. You ache and you long for time away from your pressures, yet you refuse to give this joy to yourselves." From the book called," Conquering the mind", Classical Indian mysticism compares the mind to a lake, which for most of us is continually lashed into waves by the winds of emotional stimulus and response. The real storm winds are four...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! The message from God and the angelsis from third heirarchy seventh choir prinicpality angels. I quote," Prinicpalities are also the angels who are guardians of towns and cities. There are posit8ve and negative aspects of a city; and we can work with the angels to concentrate on the positive ene4gies that are inherent in urban areas. There are many different angels working in a city, including various creative angels and the nature angels who watch over parks and wildlife". The message from Mary Queen of angels is as follows: Today, I take action related to the priorities that I have previously put off. Creation of art: Annie Vanitha #Principalityangels#Queen ofangels#Creativeangels#natureangels

Daily message

Goodmorning! Today I was worried about how people gossip, why they gossip and what characteristic is really behind their gossip from the elders to the young. Is there good, bad and ugly gossip? Can we find out anything from this passage from the bible? The Beatitudes(A) He said: 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(B) 4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.(C) 5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.(D) 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.(E) 7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.(F) 8 Blessed are the pure in heart,(G) for they will see God.(H) 9 Blessed are the peacemakers,(I) for they will be called children of God.(J) 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,(K) for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(L) 26There is also a message today to pay attention to the feedback of...