Daily message

From the book ,"" The carton of peace""by Settimio Di Segni....
From Rome to Milan
Fascism came to power in Italy in 1922, when Benito Mussolini became head of government and dictator"" Duce"'. As the English historian Donald Sassoon asserts in "" How a dictator was born""(Rizzoli), it was the result of a combination between the use of force, exhibited and threatened with the theatrical mobilization of fascist squads, and the formal respect for law. And even if in the subsequent rhetoric of regime that seizure of power had always been celebrated as a violent rupture,""an indisputably revolutionary act"". Mussolini swore to the sovereign and to the constitution and appeared at the Parliament, from which he asked and obtained full powers. Infact, for the first time in Western Europe democracies, power was given to the leader of a militia-party foundedby he himself, who declared that liberal state was passed and parliamentarianism, with democratically elected deputies, was virtually dead. Despite its anti-democratic proclamations, the exercise of power with violence and without compliance with the rules, the start date of the dictatorial regime must be postponed by approximately two years, on January the 3rd of 1925.
Have a blessed day!
My consciousness design: annievanitga
titled integraloptimism and happiness


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