Daily message

from the book on archangels 101...
in the kabbalah, the last Sephirah of tge tree of life is called Malkutg, which refers to tge entrance to metaphysixal knowlwdge of humankind. archangel sandalphon presides over the Malkuth, the culminayion of spiritual experience and knowledfe tunneling inti thd physical world.
in otger words, sandalphon takes the esiteric and puts itinti practical application as he delivers and answers prayers.
as an example, when Jenn Protgero sold her house, she didnt know where she'd move. All she knew was that she wanted to escaoe city life and that angels woukd guide her ti a perfect place.she meditated everyday and asked the angela for assistance in findimg her new home.
jenn looked at a few places, but nothing fektrighr. sge also had a fast approaching deadline ti move out of her house so that tge new owners coukd move 8n.
so jenn calked upon Archangel Sandalphon, the angel who delivers prayers ti, and answers from God. She said to Sanalphom," Please go to God and ask Him for the answers I'm seeking.' tge next mornijg durimg meditation, she heard a soft voice say," Mc Naughton Street".Jenn knew she'd received tge guidance she'd been seeking, so she calked her real-estate agent.
Sure enough, there was a peefect home for sale on Mc Naughton Street, and Jenn signed the sales paoers the following evening.
have a blrssed day!
Photocourtesy: Annie Vanitha
titked: @ the place of Dr.Joena Xavier, Anna Nagar, madurai


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