Daily message

from my niece petrina's library....
03 Why Sun Follows Moon
Long, ling ago Sunvand moon were a happy couple that kiced with their children. One day going t9 the marke5, Moon asked asun to waych over tgeir sleeping children and warned him not t9 go too near them as his heat might melt them.Sunvstoid byvtgeir side watching them. Suddenly overwhelmed with fatgerky love, he kissed them and lo! All of them melted.Out of fear, Sun went and hid invthe firest.Moon returbed back and saw her melted children."God! My chikdren have melted.I won't foegive you, Sun," she sobbed. After few days Sun came to Moon and they both quarelled. Sun tgrew yhe vegetables on Moon's face in anger amd she left him and went away. the children became stars. From then on, Moon has marks on ger face and the Sun keeos chasimg Moon ti make peacexagain.
from the 2014 bible diary....
Trust in God and seek His forgoveness and pardon, If you want to feel like you're in a perfumed garden.
Lord, listen to my groaning.!
Jesus said to his disciples,"You have geard tgat it was said: An eye forcanbeye and a tooth for a tooth.But I tell you this: do not oppose evil woth evil; if someone slaps you on your right cheeek, turn amd offer the otget. If someone sues you, in court for your shirt, give your coat as well.If someone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give when askef and do not tirn your back on anyone who wants to botrow from you."
have a blessed day!


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