
Showing posts from July, 2023

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book ,"" The carton of peace""by Settimio Di Segni.... From Rome to Milan Fascism came to power in Italy in 1922, when Benito Mussolini became head of government and dictator"" Duce"'. As the English historian Donald Sassoon asserts in "" How a dictator was born""(Rizzoli), it was the result of a combination between the use of force, exhibited and threatened with the theatrical mobilization of fascist squads, and the formal respect for law. And even if in the subsequent rhetoric of regime that seizure of power had always been celebrated as a violent rupture,""an indisputably revolutionary act"". Mussolini swore to the sovereign and to the constitution and appeared at the Parliament, from which he asked and obtained full powers. Infact, for the first time in Western Europe democracies, power was given to the leader of a militia-party foundedby he himself, who declared that liberal sta...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the newsletter from St.Mary's cathedral, Scotland.... View this email in your browser Nice Clean Octagon!! I hope that you will have noticed how wonderfully clean the outside of the Octagon is now – this is because we finally had the stonework cleaned this week and it has made a huge difference. We have also re-sprayed the façade of the Cathedral with fungicide this week. This is about all we are allowed to do to clean the façade – but it has made quite a difference – if you look carefully! The next thing to be tidied up will be the steps in front of the Cathedral. Thank you to all of you whose generous contributions have made this important work possible. Festival Mass at Noon Sunday 13th August The new Apostolic Nuncio, HE Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía, will be the main celebrant at the annual Festival Mass at Noon on Sunday 13 August 2023 at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh. Archbishop Cushley will concelebrate and preach the homily. Festival Music...

Daily message

Goodevening! FRom a book on a comprehensive guide to the ancient healing of India....! Double-Arrowed Attention (Witnessing) In Vedic science, witnessing is called samyag darshan. This is a process of looking outward and inward simultaneously. When we look at a tree, a star, a mountain, or a flower, something goes out from our eyes, touches the object, and comes back to us. That which goes out of our eyes in order to touch the object of perception, we call attention. Ayurveds says that attention happens when prana goes out and carries the vibration of awareness to ward the object.Thus, attention is awareness plus prana, movement. Have a blesses day!

Daily message

Goodevening! FRom the book on ,"" How to harness the Power of Angels in Your Everyday Life"" "" In order to understand that unlimited abundance is a natural part of life on the third-dimensional plane, we must accept the fact that God is fully manifest as each individual being. We are the Allness of God in unique expression, and in the individualizing process, nothing was left out. The manifestation was, and is, complete. Right at this moment, regardless of seeming circumstances, the lavish wealth of the universe is within us, ready to flow out into visibility through our conscious awareness of its instant availability. Have a blessed day!

Daily message

goodafternoon! from another book gifted by my late uncle Vincent.... tough times never ladt, but tough people do! 6 Never rejact an idea because you don't have the money, manpower, muscle, or months to achieve it! all it takes to accomplish the impossible is mind power. If you don't have them, you can get them. spend enough time, use enough energy, develop enough human resources, acquire enough financial capital, and you can do almost anything. don'r reject an ideajust because you don't have the necessary power. make the commitment to do what's great, then solce the problems.A super successful person has very few resources, except the capacity to take an idea and marshal stronger and smarter people around him to pull it off. manyyearsago, when the beautiful Union Railroad Station was built in Concinnati , Ohio, spectacular mosaics were created on tge plastered walls. they artfullt depicted the crafts and industry of tge city of Cincinnati. As tears went by, th...

Daily message

Goodevening! From the book gifted to me by my late uncle Vincent.... Enid in Missouri shared this story: Shortly after my mother made her transition, I was meditating with my prayer group. I felt a sense of completion with the meditation and was waiting for the others to stir. Suddenly before me was a shimmering, vibrating, cloud like like essence of lavender, pink, and silvery light. It floated in a wavelike manner before my eyesand was sort of upright in form, tapering near the bottom. I instantly thought,"" Oh , an angel!"" I had never seen an angel before and I was excited. My second thought was,"" No, it's the Divine Mother!""Tears began to flow down my cheeks because of the intense love and joy I felt.I was overwhelmed. AS the others in my prayer group began to stir, a friend sitting next to me said,"" Enid,you must have had a wonderful experience."" I said,"" Oh, I did! I was visited by an angel that...

Daily message

Goodevening! From a book by Govinda,on Chakra healing....! The rhythmic cycle of waxing and waning moon is the greatest importance for prenatal development. By being aware of this, the mother-to-be can have a positive influence on her unborn child's growth and prepare it for its first steps into the world. Ideally at birth the child's development is subject to a seven month rhythm.....! Three important points: THe seven - month cycle that the unborn child undergoes in the mother's womb The seven-times-seven-month cycle that encompasses the first stage of the child's development( which can last upto seven years) The great cycle od development that will last between twenty-nineand forty-nine years and defines our lives.... image courtesy: The world's a stage

Daily message, of a

Goodevening! From the book, "" THe carton of peace"" by Settimio Di Segni Today The Manifesto of Fronteversismo®-which includes some hundreds of accesssions and signatures-continues its steady rise: it is a beautiful current page, written and dynamic of art history and philosophy, destined to leave carved in space and time, most likely, important lessons for this and next generations. From the book,"" Integral Optimism and Happiness"" A butterfly to Moon approach to Inner journey, Healing therapies, Integral-Poornarita and Fulfilment by Charles Alphonse....! My mother used to tell me a story that a year after her grandmother died, her grandfather was very lonely and oneday when he laid his cot under the sky, he told his granddaughter that he saw the face of her grandmother there.The next day he passed away in peace. Have a blessed day! Art and peace by Annie Vanitha.

Daily message

Goodevening! From a book ,"" John Peter""-The servant of God By Fr. A. Thainis, OFM Cap. A spiritual Journey to Spain John Peter mystic himself chose the mystical life of St. Teresa of Avila and St.John of the cross for his thesis in licentiate. Whenever he had long holidays, he travelled to Spain to the Sanctuariesof these Carmelite saints to quench his spiritual thirst in doing the research on their writings. Usually the foreign students in Europe, when they get holidays, they rush for parish ministries so as to earn a little amount to buy their study materials.But Fr. John Peter was never trained to buy new things or posess them. He used to save his money and with that he used to go to Avila, Spain and remain there for his research work. He learnt Spanish quickly which was helpful for him to learn the spirituality of hearts. He learnt from St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross, the spiritual spheres of a deep search for God, ascetism, self-control,...

Daily message

Goodevening! I just returned from participating in a fronteversismo workshop in tirunelveli. Inhaled the breath of my ancestors for a few days. There were many Word Arts....and symbols. The spirit of the youth who attended the workshop was contagious. There were many crisscross blessings. The artist Giuseppe Siniscalchi is a good teacher of arts. I also attended the fronteversismo meeting held at Sampurna Montfort college in Bangalore with Professor Anandhi. These days it is my devotion to give prayer cards of Blessed Carlo Acutis to everyone. In the document that concluded the Synod on Young People in 2018, Pope Francis used the phrase and praised Acutis thusly: Carlo did not fall into a trap. He saw that many young people, if they seem to be different, end up, in reality, looking like each other, by running behind what powerful people impose on them via mechanisms of consumption and stupor. In this way, they do not let the gifts that the Lord has made for them flow into them. ...

Daily message

bu9ngiorno! from the book bt Charles Alphonse.... " It iszan integral way to try something good in everything we see, hear, enjoy and suffer also. 1. Relax and bwgin tobth8nk of a time when you have enjoyed the best of heakth. that is, figure out a time of goid heakth in your life eitger ib the past or present abd get the feel ofvthat state. Begin to enjoy the comfort abd hapoiness it brings to you. stay with that feel fir sometime and petsonalize it creatively, spread ir allb9ver your body and mind. 2. sharinggood health conditiobs to different body parys. our mind and body have lots of conbections. it is a goid attitude to listen to our body and dialogue with it. have a bleszed day! . credit ti matt bango on

Daily message

buongiorno! from myvemail subscription.... At that time Jesus exclaimed: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” Matthew 11:25 My rejoicing Lord, You are attentive to the workings of grace in every human heart. As You see the Voice of the Father speaking to Your children, You rejoice at such a sight. Dear Lord, I pray that my own heart will be the cause of Your joy and Your praise of the Father in Heaven. Please speak to me and help me to believe with all my heart. Jesus, I trust in You. mycatholiclife from the book by Doreen virtue.... Visualizatiobs to clear your chakras...! In addition to meditation, your inner vision canclear and balance ypur chakras. Bisualizations work as a great adjunct to meditation, or as a replacement. I ofyen use visualizations when I need to clean my chakras in a hurry, such as right befoe an unscheduked healing sess...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! from my niece petrina's library.... 03 Why Sun Follows Moon Long, ling ago Sunvand moon were a happy couple that kiced with their children. One day going t9 the marke5, Moon asked asun to waych over tgeir sleeping children and warned him not t9 go too near them as his heat might melt them.Sunvstoid byvtgeir side watching them. Suddenly overwhelmed with fatgerky love, he kissed them and lo! All of them melted.Out of fear, Sun went and hid invthe firest.Moon returbed back and saw her melted children."God! My chikdren have melted.I won't foegive you, Sun," she sobbed. After few days Sun came to Moon and they both quarelled. Sun tgrew yhe vegetables on Moon's face in anger amd she left him and went away. the children became stars. From then on, Moon has marks on ger face and the Sun keeos chasimg Moon ti make peacexagain. from the 2014 bible diary.... Trust in God and seek His forgoveness and pardon, If you want to feel like you're in a perfume...

Daily message

Goodafternoon! From the book on archangels 101.... environmental lufe purpises.. "Thankyou, Archangel Ariel, for guiding me toward tge best way fir me ti help tge earth's environment." Archangel Ariel ia bekievef to be a'keader of the Virtues choir of angels-thosr who govern the order of the physical universe, watching over the sun, moon, stars, and all of the planets, including Earth. for this reason, Ariel is intimateky involved in environmentalism.If you are called to work in fields protective of the earth's ecology, oceans, air quality, or animals, then Ariel can help you. have a blessed day! @Fronteversismo workshop, nelkai. Art by annievanitha....

Daily message

Goodevening! From the,"" Wings Of Fire""... Slowly, a great amalgamation of information took place in my mind. The structural features of aeroplanes began to gain new meanings-biplanes, monoplanes, tailless planes, canard configured planes, delta-wing planes, all these began to assume increasing significance for me. The three teachers, all of them authorities in their different fields, helped me to mould a composite knowledge. My third and last year at MIT was a year of transition and was to have a great impact on my later life. In those days, a new climate of political enlightenement and industrial effort was sweeping across the country. I had to test my belief in God and see if it could fit into the matrix of scientific thinking. The accepted view was that a beliefin scientific methods was the valid approach to knowledge. If so, I wondered, was matter alone the ultimate reality and were spiritual phenomena but a manifestation of matter? Were all ethical values ...

Daily message

"Bon après-midi"! From the book on"'Chakra Clearing"" ... The Role of Food and Diet Everythijg we eat and drink contains life force energy, some foods and beverages more than others. If you eat a diet that is high in life-force energy, your chakras will be larger and clearer. Conversely, a diet that is low in life-force energy doesn't help your chakras, and sometimes makes them shrink and darken even further. This particularly happens whenever we eat foods derived from mistreated animals. Our chakras absorb the energy of the animals'pain. Have a good day! Photo Contribution: World WildLife

Daily message

goodevening! today i visited my grandparents and brotgerinlsw and had my sunday lunch with them. from a book by Doreen... "Be a prospector mining for diamonds among the fiekd of your feelings. each negative emotion is a jewel that will shone the lught for otgers to heal. Photo courtesy; st.joseph's church, gnanaolivupuram, madurai. Have a happy sunday!

Daily message

Goodafternoon! from the book on archangels 101... in the kabbalah, the last Sephirah of tge tree of life is called Malkutg, which refers to tge entrance to metaphysixal knowlwdge of humankind. archangel sandalphon presides over the Malkuth, the culminayion of spiritual experience and knowledfe tunneling inti thd physical world. in otger words, sandalphon takes the esiteric and puts itinti practical application as he delivers and answers prayers. as an example, when Jenn Protgero sold her house, she didnt know where she'd move. All she knew was that she wanted to escaoe city life and that angels woukd guide her ti a perfect place.she meditated everyday and asked the angela for assistance in findimg her new home. jenn looked at a few places, but nothing fektrighr. sge also had a fast approaching deadline ti move out of her house so that tge new owners coukd move 8n. so jenn calked upon Archangel Sandalphon, the angel who delivers prayers ti, and answers from God. She said to Sa...