Daily Message

Buongiorno! It is good to praise God as soon as we wake up in the morning for a new day. I was thinking about the heart mind connection and what is good for the world. The message today is, " He now showed them the full extent of his love. He poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet."_ John 13:1,4 NIV. " Sometimes touch can release hurt that words can't". Today God sends us all a message from Archangel Raphael. The only way to heal the world is through love.May the blessings of God and that of Archangel Raphael be with all of us. Since yesterday Our lady of Guadelupe is on my mind too.Let us send special prayers to Her for the good of all our children all over the world. We are little ahead of the feast day of Our Lady of Guadelupe, looks like Mother Mary is calling to us with Her love. If you have time, please take a look at this link. Grazie! Buonagiornata!
Photo Courtesy: stocksnap.io


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