Daily message

Goodmorning! Today in India, we celebrate children's day which is commemorated on the birthday of the first prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who loved children and roses. Happy children's day to all the children of the world! The world of children is something enchanted and wonderful.Once when my daughter was in primary school, one of the school moms called and told me her son likes my daughter very much and invited her for a birthday party. She said she has even arranged for a little pony ride. Even though I used to go and pick my daughter in the mornings and evenings, this was news to me. My daughter does like ponies till date. Always her choice of books was about children growing in horse ranches and so on. Once her examination centre was next to a horse race course stadium, I was worried if she would focus on her exams or look through the exam hall window at the way horses are trained. Today it makes me wonder what every child would like to have as a pet!
Need to ask my Nature Angels. God does have a loving touch on all of us.Today in our local church, they celebrate Mission Sunday. I was amazed at the enthusiasm of my nephew in his plans for the foodstalls in the church along with his other friends. The energy of children is contagious. Hearing all the celebrations there even from our home, Even my mother has taken our housekeeper maid who is of Hindu religion to the Mission Sunday festival while I look after my father. Buonagiornata!
Photocourtesy: Stocksnap.io
Please send your questions or comments to annievanitha444@gmail.com


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